does your significant other have a preference?

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  • Coffey
    • Feb 2007
    • 150

    does your significant other have a preference?

    So, my girlfriend (who doesn't use snus) told me that she really enjoys the taste of Offroad Coffee-Vanilla, and General Onyx when she kisses me. So my question is this: does anyone else have a significant other who prefers a particular brand when you kiss? Kind of a silly question, I know. But, it would be interesting to see if anyone else has had this experience.
  • Soft Morning, City!
    • Sep 2007
    • 772

    If only I had a significant other to bestow snus-tinged kisses upon. But alas, I don't and I'm left incredibly jealous of Coffey.

    Lucky ****er. :lol:


    • RealmofOpeth
      • May 2007
      • 407

      I'm with you on that Soft Morning.

      I sort of have a significant other...I dunno. Kind of hard to say I do when I'm feeling so lonely and depressed lately...wishing to find someone here worth a damn and not really putting any stock in her. She's my second ex out of the 4 gf's i've had...she used to live in NJ near me but moved to florida and we've only seen each other a few times in the last couple years. We act like we're 'together' when she comes up though. was after I had first started snusing she came to see me when I was living in NJ. I tried to keep it subtle and hide it. We kissed one time I had GR#2 in and she seemed pleasantly surprised..she never asked about it but she may have had an idea I was using something but I know she didn't know exactly what it was.
      If she asked I would tell her though.


      • rocketbear79
        New Member
        • Dec 2007
        • 10

        Camel Frost (cause my wife likes to use it as well) and General White Portion are the only two she has noticed as of yet.


        • atxJIM
          New Member
          • Nov 2007
          • 4

          My wife prefers Roda Lacket, Nick and Johnny, Skruf Stark, Kronan, General, and Onyx (all portion); but not when she's kissing me--- when she's snusing! She's trying to quit smoking and asked me to get her some snus. I was quite proud when she found she really had a preference for less of the candy flavored snus, and like large portions over mini. Thankfully, she keeps away from my cans of loose.


          • Lakemonster
            • Dec 2007
            • 20


            My wife prefers me NOT to have a pris in if she's in a cuddly mood.

            She will give me a kwik peck goodbye if she smells Camel Spice.

            ....but if I got a big old hand-baked wad of Knox or something in.....forget it!


            • The Cook
              • Aug 2007
              • 166

              My wife thinks the loose snus is "gross". I'm not exactly sure why, but when I kiss her with a pris in, she doesn't seem to notice. Go figure!


              • matwho
                • Oct 2007
                • 18

                My wife does'nt care what kind of snus I have in my mouth as long as I am kissing her ass.


                • PseudoSwede
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 71

                  In response to Soft's final comment about Coffey, I think the only truly "Lucky ****er" in this thread is atxJIM !!

                  You gotta bow to a guy who's woman not only approves and accepts snusing, but also uses the GD'd stuff !!

                  You gotta keeper there, JIMBO!!



                  • Soft Morning, City!
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 772

                    Ah, I'm jealous of both now. But yeah, atxJIM is one lucky dude as well. When, and if, I find a woman who likes Nick and Johnny, be it loose or be it portion, I will have found my soulmate. :lol:

                    Seriously though, that kicks ass. Some of my absolute favorites were on that list.


                    • Lauritzen
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 30

                      My girlfriend doesn't like tobacco and won't be turned. So I enjoy my snus and she never knows! When we kiss, she can't really tell because I'm not about to go tongue diving with a portion in. I do use Catch Eucalyptus around her though so she thinks I have fresh breath. Heheh. But the portion comes out quickly and stealthily when its time to get down.


                      • Sacrilicious
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 118

                        True story: Had some fish and chips for dinner and then put in a portion (as I often do these days) before lying on the bed to snuggle with my wife. Her: "Do you have a snoo in?" (Snus is plural to her, a single snus is a snoo.) She pulls away from me. "Go brush your teeth! You smell like some old Swedish FISHERMAN or something!" Me : "Yes, dear." Normally she doesn't notice if I'm snussing all day.

                        The moral: Fried fish and snus mixed will not get you kissed.


                        • RealmofOpeth
                          • May 2007
                          • 407

                          what's even weirder is women who have accepted your smoking (or smokers themselves) don't mind kissing (despite smoke makes your breath smell like shit)...yet if they know you have smokeless in, the chances of them approving of that are quite low, even if your breath is decent.

                          i can understand the stigma towards tobacco, but to treat smokeless as if it's something worse than smoking is retarded.


                          • databat
                            • Dec 2007
                            • 66

                            Usually when I have one of the citrusy flavors in and kiss my wife, she goes, "mmmm" and smiles. Other flavors nothing. I asked her about it and she said, "Don't worry, if you have one in that I think is nasty I'll tell you, trust me." with that evil giggle. :P


                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              In the butt

