Urgggg. It works for the lead page but going to the forum it reverts back to normal...
I would like to see one compatible with "Windows Mobile" PPCs. F... the I-Phone. :wink:
What browser are you using? I'm posting this from my Touch Pro 2 (Sprint) via Opera Mobile. Works great, haven't tried the mobile version yet.
What browser are you using? I'm posting this from my Touch Pro 2 (Sprint) via Opera Mobile. Works great, haven't tried the mobile version yet.
I've mainly been using Skyfire. Works ok but could be better with a wap version to fit the screen better so as not to have to keep screwing with the zoom buttons which I find a little bit of a pita with skyfire, otherwise I like this browser as it plays most flash movies, pron, ect...
Sometimes IE mobile but it suxors to with the zooming. I have Opera on my Omnia but don't use it much cause it takes forever to load. Hrmmm, will have to give it another shot.
I have been an iPhone user since day one (about 3 years now) but today decided to go to the dark side and get the new Sprint EVO 4G phone. I am so used...