Journalist gets water boarded over bet, fails miserably

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Journalist gets water boarded over bet, fails miserably

    Sorry about the link being from Infowars but it's the only place I know to get the video. Journalist says he is going to beat the 15 second record, lasts maybe 4 seconds.

    /Wish it could have been Sean Hannity who also said he could take it
  • RedMacGregor
    • Dec 2009
    • 554

    that was rigged... old news...


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Really? Hadn't seen it before.

      I say we have a snuson waterboarding contest with a twist. You have to have a fatty pris of los in your mouth while being waterboarded. Whoever lasts the longest gets a roll of something.

      I'd get waterboarded for some Thunder Frosted.


      • Liandri
        • Jul 2009
        • 604

        I'm going to go try this with some toilet paper in the shower tonight.


        • justinp
          • Dec 2009
          • 33

          Christopher Hitchens publicly apologized for having argued that waterboarding was not a form of torture after undergoing it. He, like this guy, lasted around 8 seconds. Granted, he wasn't particularly invested in not squealing or whatever, but I think it speaks volumes that people who have actually undergone it are unanimous in arguing that it is indeed torture...

          Similar to the original video,


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            I'd like to try it. If you added a roll of Landströms as incentive, I'd do it in a heartbeat :^)


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by justinp
              but I think it speaks volumes that people who have actually undergone it are unanimous in arguing that it is indeed torture...

              Lol, wrong. I think 2 reporters don't make anything unanimous. In fact I think every Special Forces soldier, US Army Ranger, and Navy Seal that has been water boarded as part of their standard training would disagree.

              Plus, it's not like it's beating the shit out of them or stretching their bones, beheading them etc. It is an effective way to get people to talk and have them still be alive for the trial where we sentence them to death in a court of law.

              I would like to try it actually, though I doubt i'd last long. Still would be an interesting experience. What a weak country we've become, pouring water over a cloth on some guys mouth is the worst violation of civil rights to us, meanwhile all of our enemies do that shit to our soldiers for breakfast. It's why we don't win wars anymore, we've gone soft and don't have the strength or will to win like we did during the world wars.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by lxskllr
                I'd like to try it. If you added a roll of Landströms as incentive, I'd do it in a heartbeat :^)
                I'm so down. We could make a videos section that consists of just people doing stupid shit while snusing. Water boarding with a pris being only the starter.


                • justinp
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 33

                  Originally posted by sgreger1
                  Originally posted by justinp
                  but I think it speaks volumes that people who have actually undergone it are unanimous in arguing that it is indeed torture...

                  Lol, wrong. I think 2 reporters don't make anything unanimous. In fact I think every Special Forces soldier, US Army Ranger, and Navy Seal that has been water boarded as part of their standard training would disagree.

                  Plus, it's not like it's beating the shit out of them or stretching their bones, beheading them etc. It is an effective way to get people to talk and have them still be alive for the trial where we sentence them to death in a court of law.

                  I would like to try it actually, though I doubt i'd last long. Still would be an interesting experience. What a weak country we've become, pouring water over a cloth on some guys mouth is the worst violation of civil rights to us, meanwhile all of our enemies do that shit to our soldiers for breakfast. It's why we don't win wars anymore, we've gone soft and don't have the strength or will to win like we did during the world wars.
                  Yeah, like back in World War Two, when we prosecuted and executed Japanese interrogators for... waterboarding Americans...

                  Look, there's no damn point in us winning wars if we have to stoop to the level of our enemies to do it. That's what I never understood about you 'torture the ragheads' types. Why bother defending liberal democracy if the price is to become a repressive and brutal state?


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by justinp

                    Yeah, like back in World War Two, when we prosecuted and executed Japanese interrogators for... waterboarding Americans...

                    Look, there's no damn point in us winning wars if we have to stoop to the level of our enemies to do it. That's what I never understood about you 'torture the ragheads' types. Why bother defending liberal democracy if the price is to become a repressive and brutal state?
                    Yah we never should have done that to the japs but America likes to pretend we have a higher standard, when we got to where we were by being the hardest fighters.

                    We have to do what it takes to win. By tying our hands we end up having these never ending wars. WWII got wrapped up in a nice few years, but now we fight guys in sandals and after 9 years weve made almost no progress because of our strict rules of engagement etc.

                    What do you mean what good is winning a war if we have to do X,y,z. Winning a war means winning, and sometimes in a war people have to die and you have to twist the enemies arm, not read them their rights. This is why so many of my friends are dead right now is because of this liberal attitude that it's better for a US soldier to die than for him to break the rules and accidentally violate "human rights" (which only we have, the enemy does not think of our human rights when they torture us)
                    Victory means winning. It's why this country is still here and it's why you don't speak German.

                    If our enemies cared about human rights than we would be happy to oblige them by playing by the book. But all we do is cripple our military, allowing us to be defeat by guys with AK's and no technology other than rag-tag home made bombs.


                    • justinp
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 33

                      Originally posted by sgreger1
                      Originally posted by justinp

                      Yeah, like back in World War Two, when we prosecuted and executed Japanese interrogators for... waterboarding Americans...

                      Look, there's no damn point in us winning wars if we have to stoop to the level of our enemies to do it. That's what I never understood about you 'torture the ragheads' types. Why bother defending liberal democracy if the price is to become a repressive and brutal state?
                      Yah we never should have done that to the japs but America likes to pretend we have a higher standard, when we got to where we were by being the hardest fighters.

                      We have to do what it takes to win. By tying our hands we end up having these never ending wars. WWII got wrapped up in a nice few years, but now we fight guys in sandals and after 9 years weve made almost no progress because of our strict rules of engagement etc.

                      What do you mean what good is winning a war if we have to do X,y,z. Winning a war means winning, and sometimes in a war people have to die and you have to twist the enemies arm, not read them their rights. This is why so many of my friends are dead right now is because of this liberal attitude that it's better for a US soldier to die than for him to break the rules and accidentally violate "human rights" (which only we have, the enemy does not think of our human rights when they torture us)
                      Victory means winning. It's why this country is still here and it's why you don't speak German.

                      If our enemies cared about human rights than we would be happy to oblige them by playing by the book. But all we do is cripple our military, allowing us to be defeat by guys with AK's and no technology other than rag-tag home made bombs.


                      • skruf_mcgruff
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 267

                        While being an extreme nationalist can feel good and all I think what he is trying to make you think is.. is it worth winning any wars in a world where we're willing to compromise morality for victory? I don't like living on a planet that has people willing to design nuclear arms let alone build and stock them, but I do because of people willing to do anything to be the most feared.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by skruf_mcgruff
                          While being an extreme nationalist can feel good and all I think what he is trying to make you think is.. is it worth winning any wars in a world where we're willing to compromise morality for victory? I don't like living on a planet that has people willing to design nuclear arms let alone build and stock them, but I do because of people willing to do anything to be the most feared.
                          Yah I hear what he's saying, and I feel the same way at heart. I think we should take the moral high ground because we can afford to do so, and I think that for the most part we do our best. But theres a difference between chinese torture and simulating drowning in a non-lethal exercise involving pouring water over a cloth on your face. We are fighting an enemy where intelligence is more valuable than just shooting them to cut down their numbers, so tactics have to be changed.

                          After nearly 9 years, we still havn't accomplished much, and our guys have stricter rules of engagement than your local police department. This leads to Americans dying. Sometimes it comes down to having to decide between policies that will get our boys killed or the enemy killed, and I tend to chose the later, call it naitonalist or not, you know?

                          We could fix this all by just pulling out like it was prom night, and using that money to stimulate the economy. Imagine if all that money went towards paying off mortgages or otherwise stabilising and stimulating the economy? Then Obama would have my vote. Till then, it's just more Bush.


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            Yeah, Obama is just another war president. Our guys are over there dying left and right, and for what? Corporate profits?

                            He should take them out now. This "war" is going to be going on forever.

                            About unemployment, we can't just "make" jobs. I noticed at home yesterday, everything is made in China. The TV, the chair, the couch, my Starbuck coffee mug, the coffee maker, even my pants and shoes, same here at work, the telephone, the computer, the microwave...... on and on.

                            To have jobs, it seems so simple to me. We need to halt jobs being shipped overseas, or south of the border, and limit imports. We need American made products, made by Americans. Yes, it might make stuff cost more, but we'd all be employed, and so we could afford it.

                            Also, health care, is a mess, and the Obamacare does not make it better. All it does is further empower the control and profts of the Insurance companies, which are a scam themselves. We should just do away with insurance companies, pay the doctors, and hospitals with government checks, and all citizens get "free" treatment.

                            I know I jumbled a few topics here.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by tom502
                              Yeah, Obama is just another war president. Our guys are over there dying left and right, and for what? Corporate profits?

                              He should take them out now. This "war" is going to be going on forever.

                              I hear you man. One thing that worries me is that when things get bad for an economy, war is usually how they get their selves out of financial trouble. Now we are engaged in 2 wars but not the kind of wars that make money. World wars are what brings back our manufacturing strength, these little wars just waste money and produce very little because there isn't as much ammo/rubber/bullets etc being used.

                              I'm worried that the Iran situation will be the next jump-off point for a world war. I hate Iran and I think they deserve to be put in check but I don't think we can afford any more military campaigns right now. Too many fronts.

                              About unemployment, we can't just "make" jobs. I noticed at home yesterday, everything is made in China. The TV, the chair, the couch, my Starbuck coffee mug, the coffee maker, even my pants and shoes, same here at work, the telephone, the computer, the microwave...... on and on.

                              To have jobs, it seems so simple to me. We need to halt jobs being shipped overseas, or south of the border, and limit imports. We need American made products, made by Americans. Yes, it might make stuff cost more, but we'd all be employed, and so we could afford it.
                              The reason this will never happen is that it would be bad for the politicians. Whoever made the decision and signed the bill making it hard to import stuff, Americans would be pissed that walmart prices have gone away and they have to pay an extra 20% for everything they buy. They will blame the president and therefore no politician would do it, as it would be suicide. I really do think they should raise the tax on anything coming in here, but we are entangled with china so much (our economies) that no one has the power to do it in a clean fashion.

                              Also, health care, is a mess, and the Obamacare does not make it better. All it does is further empower the control and profits of the Insurance companies, which are a scam themselves. We should just do away with insurance companies, pay the doctors, and hospitals with government checks, and all citizens get "free" treatment.
                              Yah to be honest if we were to change the system I think a single payer system would be the only real reform we could have that would make a difference. This nonesense with pushing a bill through that's worse than the current system just to look like you accomplished something is just wrong. Mandating everyone buy something, but not allowing them to buy minimum coverage, like liability for cars. Instead you have to meet a certain standard which means you have to buy the expensive package. This does nothing but help the insurance companies, and allows the administration to say we ensured everyone, when really all they did was force them to buy it. This is NOT what we elected them to do (not that I voted for them but most Americans did).


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