Although hate sex with the timberwolf girl seems like a funny idea at first, my advice to all of you is to keep your Johnson(s) away from people that looks like they are auditioning for a spot on judge judy.
Although hate sex with the timberwolf girl seems like a funny idea at first, my advice to all of you is to keep your Johnson(s) away from people that looks like they are auditioning for a spot on judge judy.
Number 7 for the win!! looks like the hands down coolest one to just hang out with. I like easy girls...I mean easy to hang out with...
2 is pretty but dull.
8 are cute girls, but i would most likely blow my brains out after spending two minutes talking to them.
4 has hot friends, so always a bonus.
and 10 is hand-baking a pris, which kinda turns me on.
6 takes like five minutes to pack her can, which would also make me blow my brains out if i had to witness it.
i just looked at the pictures...thats what they do at most pageants...i wouldnt do much talking to 8...i remember watching that video before and all that came to mind was .....
Yeah. I didn't watch any of these vids before voting. Probably a good thing, cause if I had, I wouldn't have voted for any of them. Especially not timber wolf girl. She is 16? WTF?
OMG I totally forgot I posted a pic with a p3nis in it the very thing I was bitching about the double-standard but thank you for accepting that picture with the p3nis in it and not attacking me like when I used to post boobie shots. I'm glad you all can enjoy a good p3nis when you see one.
Anyhow I know I'm being a smart ass but really this is my point. We just glorified UNDER AGE GIRLS mostly via this poll and ILLEGALLY USING TOBACCO PRODUCTS.... Yet boobies on adult's pretending to be "jailbaters" is vial, disgusting, and the poster is called out for.
/Just saying.
Oh, and sorry, I personally take offense to all the marijuana pictures. Sorry I know some of you that I do consider "friends" on here use BUT consider this. It is ILLEGAL and DO WE REALLY WANT OUR BOSSES AND CHILDREN PEEKING OVER OUR SHOULDERS VIEWING HEMP PLANTS?
Of course this is entirely based on the recent attitudes and comments reflected against my titty posts which I still feel I have used good discretion with in the chosen content INCLUDING MY MINI-MOVIE give #8080 which I was pounded for.
But truthfully, I don't give a rats ass what gets posted regarding content absent actual under age porn or full beaver shots, bare penisis, hardcare contact porn, ect... "Get the point yet" and does anyone get my frustration about the "Double Standard" this board represents regarding so called -Adult talk/content/babe pics/hemp/tobacco/
Where is the line -->>> _________________________________ :?:
Thanks for your time. I've just offended myself with this post and I'm going to go puke and jack off now.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
The United Nations voted overwhelmingly Thursday to recognize a Palestinian state, a long-sought victory for the Palestinians and an embarrassing diplomatic...
I am hearing a lot of frustration on the internet over Obama caving in to the republicans and allowign the rich to get their tax cuts. Many people are...