Thinking about this really sheds light on how nasty (in my opinion) and weird it is to consume milk in general. Drinking another human's bodily fluid as breast milk is really no different than drinking a glass of someone's spit or blood, except with regard to taste and nutritional value. I have to contradict myself, because I do love cheese and I put cream in my coffee, but drinking the fluid from a sac inside a big stinky beast is f*kng gross. I wouldn't drink cow piss either. But to answer the original question, I'll just say that when she's breast-feeding, I won't exactly be making a special trip to the store when I run out of cream for my coffee.
Edit: I'd try the cheese too, what the hell. Pass the toe jam, would ya?
I did see a pic of her and the baby. It was all three of them in the photo. It was on the original article I saw but when I went back to the same place I saw the link to copy it wasn't there. I had to search for it and the one I found didn't have the pic. She's not bad. Interesting how that shouldn't matter's nice.
I couldn't drink a glass of it. Y'know you get a few drops during intimate relations. enough to know you wouldn't want to put it in your coffee or drink any sort of volume of it. It certainly makes more sense that getting it from a freakin' cow though IMO. My wife and kids drink rice milk. That stuff's nasty too. Not bad on cereal but that's as far as it goes for me.
It certainly makes more sense that getting it from a freakin' cow though IMO.
Does it though? I eat cows meat, I would try blood sausage or blood pudding, but I would not eat human meat. I would not drink human blood. Now I do understand that it is made for babies and I don't think that is weird but if we have another child I wouldn't feed the breast milk to my 4 year old.
Yuck! I will also have to agree that drinking fluid from another animal just seems a bit gross. Take eggs for another example, you actually wonder why someone would see something fall out of a chickens Va-JJ and then decide to eat it.