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  • redheadedmax
    • Feb 2010
    • 84

    Originally posted by snupy
    Seriously, I dont' get it. What is the deal with all of this paranoia about the future? Where does all of this 'America is going to hell' attitudes coming from? Why are people so SCARED?
    Becasue both parties are run by ideologues.. there's no middle ground anymore. The morons get in power and think they have a right to do whatever they want because they have power.

    It's been like that for decades, but the last has been the worst.


    • snupy
      • Apr 2009
      • 575

      Originally posted by redheadedmax
      Aimlessly posting on message boards accusing everyone of being a Republican.. and ass cancer. Lots of ass cancer but you deserve it. :lol:

      But seriously, what are you so afraid of?


      • snupy
        • Apr 2009
        • 575

        Originally posted by redheadedmax
        Becasue both parties are run by ideologues..
        I won't argue that.

        Originally posted by redheadedmax
        there's no middle ground anymore.
        It's either left of center or right of center.

        Originally posted by redheadedmax
        The morons get in power and think they have a right to do whatever they want because they have power.

        It's been like that for decades, but the last has been the worst.
        What makes this worse for you?


        • redheadedmax
          • Feb 2010
          • 84

          Originally posted by snupy
          What makes this worse for you?
          This last decade? Do you even have to ask? :lol:


          • snupy
            • Apr 2009
            • 575

            Originally posted by redheadedmax
            Originally posted by snupy
            What makes this worse for you?
            This last decade? Do you even have to ask? :lol:
            I wasn't sure what you were talking about, whether it was the present administration or what.

            Yeah the last decade has sucked, but hell, it's only temporary. America has been through MUCH worse before. We will make it through.

            And I am not stupid either. Obama is no messiah nor was his election a 'mandate' from the people. His election was more a response to the newly announced (pre-election) economic turmoil than anything else. There are reasons some have referred to him as Bush III.


            • snupy
              • Apr 2009
              • 575

              Oh lovely! Look who's trying to exempt themselves from Obamacare:

              The health care reform bill signed into law by President Barack Obama Tuesday requires members of Congress and their office staffs to buy insurance through the state-run exchanges it creates – but it may exempt staffers who work for congressional committees or for party leaders in the House and Senate.

              What will they come up with next to cause even MORE cynicism towards the government and government officials?


              • snupy
                • Apr 2009
                • 575

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                I don't trust any of my Dr's anymore because they are all like this.
                I only have one doctor I go to (outside of dentristry), but I pay cash. He is not like that. I only ran across a few that believed I was to do whatever they told. I won't see a doctor who doesn't understand I MUST be involved in decisions which effect my health.

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                They want to put me on medication even if I say I don’t want to.
                I wouldn't go back to such a doctor, and most particularly in the case of one who over prescribes antibiotics.

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                If I have trouble sleeping they demands I take a sleep med that is also an anti-depressant.
                HAHA! Can you say melatonin or valerian root boys and girls? We could really strangle Big Pharma's power if we looked to supplements or herbs BEFORE we turned to doctors. (Try melatonin first. Valerian root can make you sweat.)

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                When I was younger I had a cough and thy diagnosed me with asthma, and said I would have to use the inhaler for life. I threw it away and went through a stint in the military JUST FINE and have never used that inhaler.
                I am also a big fan of listening to your body to know what it is you need, or don't need, as the case may be.

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                For another military related thing they tried giving me anti-depressants which absolutely wrecked something in my body which now has (seemingly) permanently affected my eating patterns and other chemical processes in my body.
                Will the doctors EVER inform their patients that Aerobic exercise is more effective than drugs in fighting depression? Even if you aren't depressed, exercise works as a mood regulator, apparently better than antidepressants do. I doubt Big Pharma would like for that word to get out though.

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                When you go to the Dr, 90% of the time the problem can be fixed by adjusting your daily lifestyle or exercising more, eating right.

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                If they want to reduce healthcare costs, make Dr's stop doing this and use more conservative treatment.
                How? If we 'make doctors stop doing this' then we are open to more claims of 'the government is trying to control everything!' For milder issues, I turn to Google before I EVER call a doctor. I got rid of a urinary tract infection using cranberry juice, although I did later have a doctor verify it. You end up with a list of what to do for what, eventually. For colds and flu, a minimum of 500 mg of vitamin C at every meal has my energy normal within 24 hours. Urinary tract infections require drinking mostly sugar free cranberry juice for several days. Depression or mild mood disorders call for exercise, although several studies show vitamin B is exceedingly important in regulating mood/brain chemistry as well.

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                No oxycontin for a small injury. This is a repeated thing I see in my line of work where the Dr's will have a patient on all kind of unnecessary crap and heavy narcotics for every little thing.
                Are you serious? Why in the world would doctors be prescribing oxycontin or heavy narcotics for minor aches and pains, unless they want a clientele of Corey Haims?


                • texasmade
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 4159

                  All I take is herbs the only time I go to the doctor is when I have to have surgery or something serious. I can't afford health insurance and telling me that I have to buy it is bullshit.


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    What about all the masses of unemployed, and even homeless people? How will they be "forced" to buy health insurance?


                    • RedMacGregor
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 554

                      Originally posted by sgreger1
                      If I have trouble sleeping they demands I take a sleep med that is also an anti-depressant.
                      HAHA! Can you say melatonin or valerian root boys and girls? We could really strangle Big Pharma's power if we looked to supplements or herbs BEFORE we turned to doctors. (Try melatonin first. Valerian root can make you sweat.)

                      i prefer scotch whisky


                      • RedMacGregor
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 554

                        Originally posted by sgreger1
                        If I have trouble sleeping they demands I take a sleep med that is also an anti-depressant.
                        HAHA! Can you say melatonin or valerian root boys and girls? We could really strangle Big Pharma's power if we looked to supplements or herbs BEFORE we turned to doctors. (Try melatonin first. Valerian root can make you sweat.)
                        i prefer scotch whisky


                        • LaZeR
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 3994

                          Originally posted by RedMacGregor
                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          If I have trouble sleeping they demands I take a sleep med that is also an anti-depressant.
                          HAHA! Can you say melatonin or valerian root boys and girls? We could really strangle Big Pharma's power if we looked to supplements or herbs BEFORE we turned to doctors. (Try melatonin first. Valerian root can make you sweat.)

                          i prefer scotch whisky
                          I'm already hooked on Xanax. Only way I can get sleep @ night. Now you understand why I am so goofy and f...ed up? Wish I would have found snus and ES's long before the doc started me on that shit. I think it damn near might work...


                          • truthwolf1
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 2696

                            I only have sleeping problems on work nights. Usually once a week I will go to work on 2-4 hours of sleep. It is a life self evaluation that goes on for hours and then leads to a pent up anger at my masters that keep me on a damn schedule.

                            A couple of benadryls will always knock me out but I feel hazy, tired and sick the entire next day.

                            Drinking a couple of drinks before bed is probably the key. That's how Grandpa did it.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              What about all the masses of unemployed, and even homeless people? How will they be "forced" to buy health insurance?


                              • sgreger1
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 9451


                                I only have one doctor I go to (outside of dentristry), but I pay cash. He is not like that. I only ran across a few that believed I was to do whatever they told. I won't see a doctor who doesn't understand I MUST be involved in decisions which effect my health.

                                Cash paying customers have more leverage. I have an HMO and I live in Santa Cruz, the dr's all suck here. When I first took my daughter to the pediatrician I decided I would probably never take her there ever again. I asked which immunizations were the most important and she's like "Well,umm, probably the one for (I forgot what she said), because of it can lead to death, and uh, we odn't want that". I was like *FACEPALM*. Then she insisted I give my daughter a bunch of flouride supplements ontop of what they put in the water. I was like yah, not coming back.

                                HMO's always work out this way for me for some reason.

                                I wouldn't go back to such a doctor, and most particularly in the case of one who over prescribes antibiotics.
                                Litterally every Dr ive had for years was like this, I must jsut have bad luck.

                                Will the doctors EVER inform their patients that Aerobic exercise is more effective than drugs in fighting depression? Even if you aren't depressed, exercise works as a mood regulator, apparently better than antidepressants do. I doubt Big Pharma would like for that word to get out though.
                                Getting regular exercise is probably the most healthy thing you can do, it cures and prevents against a plethora of illness and regulates all of your juices, and it makes you feel better and sleep sounder.

                                How? If we 'make doctors stop doing this' then we are open to more claims of 'the government is trying to control everything!' For milder issues, I turn to Google before I EVER call a doctor. I got rid of a urinary tract infection using cranberry juice, although I did later have a doctor verify it. You end up with a list of what to do for what, eventually. For colds and flu, a minimum of 500 mg of vitamin C at every meal has my energy normal within 24 hours. Urinary tract infections require drinking mostly sugar free cranberry juice for several days. Depression or mild mood disorders call for exercise, although several studies show vitamin B is exceedingly important in regulating mood/brain chemistry as well.

                                Yah but those claims haven’t stopped them yet I am a believer in regulation and using medical guidelines. Here where I work they use the AECOM and ODG guidelines but even those can be loose sometimes. A lot of Dr's are not required to follow guidelines like this that require conservative treatment first.

                                Are you serious? Why in the world would doctors be prescribing oxycontin or heavy narcotics for minor aches and pains, unless they want a clientele of Corey Haims?

                                Lol, I work in workers compensation insurance and trust me, it happens more than you would think. Some guy gets hurt and the Dr knows that the insurance company basically has to pay for everything they give the guy, so for some little bump or bruise they will have then on oxycontin for 24 months, followed by some program designed to get them off of it (ironically) and then they have them going to a chiro, an acupuncturist, then they have them on sleep meds, then on anti-nausea meds for the oxycontin etc. It's insane and Dr's get shut down on the regular because of this but the problem never goes away.


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