Instead of chain e-mails, let's look at some of today's news:
Obama struck deal with for-profit hospital lobbyists to kill the public option, while still touting the public option
"There are only 115 Democratic members in seats where the putative support for the health care legislation is 50 percent or higher"
Idaho becomes the first state to sign an executive measure requiring the states attorney general to sue Congress if the HC reform bill passes and it forces residents to buy insurance. Similar legislation is pending in 37 other states nationwide.
Almost half of family practice doctors, who are already treated by government and insurers like they work for nothing, feel that health care reform will force them out of medicine
Mass. Democrat Treasurer says if Obamacare is enacted it will destroy the economy in less than four years
Dennis Kucinich (D-eep space), who just this past Sunday wrote an op-ed reaffirming his 'No' vote on the current health care bill, anticipated to flip-flop tomorrow, sell out patients to insurance companies
I think Kucinich made his point before when he stated:
"a giveaway to the insurance industry"
"lost the initiative the minute that our party jumped into bed with the insurance companies."
"bailout for the insurance industry"
"But instead of working toward the elimination of for-profit insurance, H.R. 3962 would put the government in the role of accelerating the privatization of health care."
"This health care bill continues the redistribution of wealth to Wall Street at the expense of America’s manufacturing and service economies"
But a ride on airforce one and now all that is behind him, he is ready to sell out.
I still think they can pass it, but with absolutley no republicans support and not enough democrat support (yet), this thing is going to go down in the history books either way.
Obama struck deal with for-profit hospital lobbyists to kill the public option, while still touting the public option
"There are only 115 Democratic members in seats where the putative support for the health care legislation is 50 percent or higher"
Idaho becomes the first state to sign an executive measure requiring the states attorney general to sue Congress if the HC reform bill passes and it forces residents to buy insurance. Similar legislation is pending in 37 other states nationwide.
Almost half of family practice doctors, who are already treated by government and insurers like they work for nothing, feel that health care reform will force them out of medicine
Mass. Democrat Treasurer says if Obamacare is enacted it will destroy the economy in less than four years
Dennis Kucinich (D-eep space), who just this past Sunday wrote an op-ed reaffirming his 'No' vote on the current health care bill, anticipated to flip-flop tomorrow, sell out patients to insurance companies
I think Kucinich made his point before when he stated:
"a giveaway to the insurance industry"
"lost the initiative the minute that our party jumped into bed with the insurance companies."
"bailout for the insurance industry"
"But instead of working toward the elimination of for-profit insurance, H.R. 3962 would put the government in the role of accelerating the privatization of health care."
"This health care bill continues the redistribution of wealth to Wall Street at the expense of America’s manufacturing and service economies"
But a ride on airforce one and now all that is behind him, he is ready to sell out.
I still think they can pass it, but with absolutley no republicans support and not enough democrat support (yet), this thing is going to go down in the history books either way.