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  • snupy
    • Apr 2009
    • 575

    Originally posted by tom502
    so people won't just vote based on charisma, nice hair, pretty smile, and have no idea of anything else.
    Literacy tests don't solve the problem of of lookism., unless you have some evidence to show otherwise.

    Originally posted by tom502
    And on some of the basic theme of the general thread, the Communist Party USA, ISO, ect., seek to target blacks and hispanics, strategically playing the race card to get them to vote Democrat.
    Nice try on equating communists with democrats. If you reread some posts on this page and the previous page of this thread, you will see why that won't get very far.

    Originally posted by tom502
    They are also hand in hand with the unions. I know this from simple reading of their extremist left publications, websites, and having known actual members of the CPUSA, who specifically told me they seek to infiltrate and guide the Deomcratic party, because I asked him straight out as a CPUSA member, he was a black guy too, honestly, why he/they supported the Dems.
    I have met militia members who vote Republican, therefore all militia members are Republican. I read stories of Catholic priests who molest boys, therefore all Catholic priests are child molesters.


    • wadetheblade
      • Jul 2009
      • 572

      Why would you hope that all this is reversed huh? I guess you have never had a pre existing condition, a mother die of cancer, a friend lose his home to pay for his childs med out of pocket because he was not covered anymore due to a p.e.c.

      Do you work in the medical industry, because then I could see why you would want it reversed. $$$$$

      are you a politician? WHY would anyone want to reverse this unless for political or monetary reasons.

      Also they put a really good, way overdo piece of legislation in it for college students pertaining to student loans. Thank God. to late for me, but not for the future of America. Most people like what the bill does when they understand the bill.


      • snupy
        • Apr 2009
        • 575

        Originally posted by wadetheblade
        Why would you hope that all this is reversed huh?
        It's ok if tax dollars raise business profits, but woe unto the nation if they go to the actual needs of the citizens, which can only be communist.


        • wadetheblade
          • Jul 2009
          • 572



          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            I sorta think Obama won with some aspect because of his race. I think he was the 1st black man to run that wasn't a clown that ran on racial grounds, like the ones before him. And this is the age of hype and crunk, and the young charismic black dude appealed more to the younger crowd than old white grandpa. If Obama was not "black", but some white dude, I don't think he would have won. MTV, young lefty hipsters, age of hype and crunk, that, and Obama being smart, young, charismatic, well spoken, appealed to the people that, hey, this could be the 1st black president. I don't hate Obama, but I'd rather had Colin Powel do this years ago, when he on the top of his game. I also think the socialist tag, while not always accurate, does stick for many reasons, 1 that he was active with that Weather Underground guy, that he was a member of that radical racial "social theocracy" "church" that gives awards to Farrakhan, a racial sepratist and bigot, and usually speaking, left, socialist, and even Democrat, these days, means more government control, more taxes, and less personal liberty.


            • wadetheblade
              • Jul 2009
              • 572

              you guys have fun with it, I am getting back to work. Snupy you Rock!


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Lol, if your right Tom and Obama got elected for not being an old white grandpa than he couldn't have had a more perfect guy to campaign against.

                Mccain may as well have said nothing during the entire compaign but "Get off my lawn!" and I would have viewed him about the same.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Hey getting back on track, you may want to contact your HR representatives as many companies are sending out emails regarding coverage changes or layoff based on this bill. Not anything against the bill but a lot of fortune 500 companies and others have changing their employee plans and retirement benefits a lot due to this new legislation and you may want to find out if your company is doing this.



                  • wadetheblade
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 572

                    speculation, and the ability to say "see, I told you so." Verizon makes billions of profits and could afford to not drop anyone. I call bullshit. not to you sgreger1, the wall street journal and verizon.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by wadetheblade
                      speculation, and the ability to say "see, I told you so." Verizon makes billions of profits and could afford to not drop anyone. I call bullshit. not to you sgreger1, the wall street journal and verizon.

                      I know everyone is skeptical about this but seriousely, ask your HR rep if you work for a big company. We insure mainly small & medium companies where I work (workers comp) and some of them are already notifying their employees that they will be dropping the employee insurance in exchange for paying the 8% tax or whatever, and at my company the boss says they are going to have to re-arrange our policies because I think we fit into the threshold of cadillac plans which means higher taxes. I don't know all the details but the company is preparing an announcement and HR won't answer me individually right now.

                      I too think this legislation is more good than bad but at the same time there could be changes to your employer provided insurance depending on how your company handles it. Whether they can afford it or not or whether they are just making a political statement is irrelevant if they decide to change your insurance coverage or drop you.


                      • wadetheblade
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 572

                        I work for a small company 50 employees. My insurance is high already but thank you for the heads up. I don't see how anyone could be getting dropped already seeing how the bill just got signed yesterday and (most of it ) does not go into effect for a few years anyway. Im already getting raped by my employer and BCBS of AL. Once available I would try to get in on a different pool.


                        • snupy
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 575

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          How convenient it would be if the government had more say in how businesses operated
                          I fully support this in many instances. Take Moody's rating $hit mortgage bonds as AAA, instead of as $hit. There ought to be a law. I'll take my capitalism regulated, thank you.

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          See if you spend lots of money lobbying gov to help out your company, it would be much easier if we had a socialist president so then lobbyists could have more control, via the government regulators, on how to affect other businesses.
                          It's easy with or without a socialist president. Money is still green and the dollars still spend no matter one's political leanings.

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          No matter what you call it, corporations and lobbyists run things now, and our government is bought and payed for.
                          I can't say this is ALWAYS a bad thing. If insurance regulations are going to change for new health care legislation, isn't it IMPERATIVE the insurance companies be in on the process of writing the legislation? Yes, it leaves the process open to abuse and special interests. To me, it's a situation of damned if you do and damned if you don't.

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          The recent supreme court ruling allowing corps to directly donate endless money will only reinforce that.
                          Once corporations became 'persons' they end up with the rights of 'persons.'

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          I really reject this whole concept that people protesting against a certain president is all based on race.
                          Then you certainly AREN'T objecting to anything I said:

                          "There is a small percentage in our society, to whom this is an extreme insult."

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          We have protested presidents for years. What about people who protested against vietnam?
                          Did we have national leaders discussing the need for literacy tests in that situation? Why discuss it now, given the history of what these tests imply? What do you think people mean when they say Obama is about expanding welfare or wealth redistribution? You think people discussing that are afraid Obama will 'redistribute wealth' to old white men?

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          just because people oppose the current president (who happens to be black), I don't see how you could draw the conclusion that protesting must = racism.
                          *sigh* Provide a direct quote and post number where I have claimed "protesting must = racism" and I will be more than happy to address it.

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          The facts just don't add up with that line of thought.
                          Ok. We have people calling Obama either communist, Marxist or socialist, which he clearly is not, which means those are code words for something else. We know in this country, particularly during the civil rights era, black people were also labelled communists, Marxists or socialists. We have leaders addressing the Tea Party convention discussing the need for literacy tests, which are well represented in the racial history of our past. The Tea Party protestors are overwhelmingly white, carrying signs like the following:

                          And you, sgreger1, claim this couldn't possibly have anything to do with racism.

                          Do you also not see racism in the following photo sgreger1?

                          What about this one, sgreger1. Is this not racist too?

                          Of course not. It could not possibly be racist to illustrate a Harvard educated lawyer as a monkey eating a banana.[/b]


                          • Bigblue1
                            Banned Users
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 3923

                            Originally posted by wadetheblade
                            speculation, and the ability to say "see, I told you so." Verizon makes billions of profits and could afford to not drop anyone. I call bullshit. not to you sgreger1, the wall street journal and verizon.
                            If you honestly think that Verizon can "just afford it" you are completely off the reservation
                            They have no obligation to absorb any of the costs, intended or unintended, that this legislation will bring.
                            There will be a domino effect on the entire economy. The Brunt of the cost will eventually land on the Backs of the ever dwindling middle class (read slaves)
                            You can not just change 15% of the economy and expect things to just go on as they are.
                            I will say no more. EXCEPt THAT:

                            Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

                            Arguing on the internet is like masturbating with a cheese grater: Slightly Amusing, Mostly Painful.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              I didn't know Stalin was black.
                              Yeah there are nuts in the "right" side, but you see nuts on the left too. Many pictures displayed Bush as a chimp too. Many portrayed Bush as Hitler. I don't condone making protesting references against Obama to allude, or overtly make any racial reference. I'm personally against it. But I also don't believe any protest against his policies equal racism, which is what many in the left and left controlled media allude.


                              • snupy
                                • Apr 2009
                                • 575

                                Originally posted by Bigblue1
                                The Brunt of the cost will eventually land on the Backs of the ever dwindling middle class (read slaves)
                                Proof (other than Beck and Limbaugh agreeing with you)?

                                Originally posted by Bigblue1
                                You can not just change 15% of the economy and expect things to just go on as they are.
                                Isn't that the entire point of changing, so that it WON'T go on the way it has been?

                                Originally posted by Bigblue1
                                Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.
                                You haven't argued, but you are adept at making assertions.

