any females here?

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  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    Lyricalcancer, that's pretty cool, to be transgendered and a snus user. Glad to meet ya.


    • desirexe
      • Feb 2008
      • 1170

      I'll admit it..I am a female. I used to smoke but switched to snus. I grew up believing any form of smokeless tobacco was for MEN, so I am ashamed of my snusing...none of my friends know I do it. I guess I can't quit the nicotine though and I love the fact that I can still get it without smelling like crap. As far as chewing tob. or 'dip,' I would definitely never use those. The only thing that appealed to me about snus was the 'spitless' feature. Plus the pouch (camel snus) is so small that it is not noticeable. So there you have it, I am a married, college educated, employed woman who is neither a dyke nor a redneck and I secretly use snus.


      • llewelynt
        • May 2007
        • 61

        desirexe, one in five Swedish snus users is a woman. You're in good company.


        • The Wolf
          • Oct 2007
          • 132

          Originally posted by desirexe
          I'll admit it..I am a female. I used to smoke but switched to snus.
          Good for you! I don't personally know any female-snuser and most of my female friends find snus repulsive. Of course I always start arguing with them very intencevely (is that a real word?) about the subject.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by The Wolf
            I always start arguing with them very intencevely (is that a real word?) about the subject.
            The word is intensively, although it would be more correct to say intensely.

            From the American Heritage Dictionary...

            in·tense (ĭn-těns') Pronunciation Key
            adj. in·tens·er, in·tens·est

            1. Possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to an extreme degree: the intense sun of the tropics.
            2. Extreme in degree, strength, or size: intense heat.
            3. Involving or showing strain or extreme effort: intense concentration.
            1. Deeply felt; profound: intense emotion.
            2. Tending to feel deeply: an intense writer.

            [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin intēnsus, stretched, intent, from past participle of intendere, to stretch, intend; see intend.]

            in·tense'ly adv., in·tense'ness n.

            Synonyms: These adjectives mean of an extreme kind: intense fear; fierce pride; vehement dislike; violent rage.

            Usage Note: The meanings of intense and intensive overlap considerably, but they are often subtly distinct. When used to describe human feeling or activity, intense often suggests a strength or concentration that arises from inner dispositions and is particularly appropriate for describing emotional states: intense pleasure, intense dislike, intense loyalty, and so forth. Intensive is more frequently applied when the strength or concentration of an activity is imposed from without: intensive bombing, intensive training, intensive marketing. Thus a reference to Mark's intense study of German suggests that Mark himself was responsible for the concentrated activity, whereas Mark's intensive study of German suggests that the program in which Mark was studying was designed to cover a great deal of material in a brief period.


            • The Wolf
              • Oct 2007
              • 132

              Thanks mate.


              • yummi4tunekookie
                • Feb 2008
                • 277

                Huzzah! I'm a female. I've yet to try any snus, though, so I'm not sure I really count... After I get my paycheck and order, though, it's only a matter of time!


                • Xobeloot
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2542

                  One day I will find the perfect woman. One that uses snus, plays MMO's, and drinks stout.


                  • Soft Morning, City!
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 772

                    A girl who drinks stout and uses snus? I don't think it could happen. It would be too perfect for this world.

                    But man, wouldn't it be amazing?


                    • yummi4tunekookie
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 277

                      Hmm, I *do* already drink stout. Maybe if this snus thing works out with me...


                      • Xobeloot
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2542

                        Not goin to SCAD or AASU by any chance are you?


                        • yummi4tunekookie
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 277

                          Originally posted by Xobeloot
                          Not goin to SCAD or AASU by any chance are you?
                          Who, meh? Nope. I have been to AASU once for a play competition, many moons ago. And I did just change my major to art. But I'm staying in Augusta and going to ASU. I've only ever really been to Savannah once for that competition, but I would love to go some time with friends--apparently it's awesome there.


                          • Xobeloot
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2542

                            It is a good time. I have some friends from Tampa up for the weekend. We've been out nightly enjoying the town. Havin a good time but paying the price. After tonights romp around the bars, I feel like im 28 goin on 80. I just cant keep up the way I used to ops:


                            • yummi4tunekookie
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 277

                              Oh, man. I wish I had more time for fun! And friends who are as enthusiastic about going to bars as me. I didn't start drinking at all until I turned 21, and now I'm 22. I need to get this drinking craze out of my system, and the only way to do that is to bar-hop like crazy, right? RIGHT.


                              • Xobeloot
                                • Jan 2008
                                • 2542

                                I guess it would be a bit different for you than it was for me. I grew up in the NYC area, so I was out at the major clubs/bars starting at about 13 (yep, i had a big beard back then too!). By the time I was 21 it had lost it's excitement. Dont get me wrong, I love goin and throwin em back... I just feel the hurt afterwards. At 21 I was able to drink for days on end with minimal sleep (noted time was my study abroad in Rome with maybe a total of 2 hours a night sleep and still earning an A). These days if I drink a lot (like tonight) I will feel the aftermath for days.


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