One of our local 12 year old girls here has made a really cool poster tracing every single president's family tree (Except Van Buren) back to King John "Lackland" Plantagenet (signer of the Magna Carta).
They are all related, and all can be traced back to the same English King. Isn't that cool? (This king sure wasn't shooting blanks, he was shooting presidential tadpoles!)
Anyways, she wants to travel to Washington to present a framed version of it to Obama as a gift from the American peopl to show how we are all related and should therefore work together like brothers and sisters.
If you want to help her bring this to Obama, and fulfill a child's dream of meeting the president, you can help her by buying a poster for yourself at the below address. I have seen the full sized poster downtown here in Santa Cruz and it is way cool, would look nice in your study (because you all have study's).
They are all related, and all can be traced back to the same English King. Isn't that cool? (This king sure wasn't shooting blanks, he was shooting presidential tadpoles!)
Anyways, she wants to travel to Washington to present a framed version of it to Obama as a gift from the American peopl to show how we are all related and should therefore work together like brothers and sisters.
If you want to help her bring this to Obama, and fulfill a child's dream of meeting the president, you can help her by buying a poster for yourself at the below address. I have seen the full sized poster downtown here in Santa Cruz and it is way cool, would look nice in your study (because you all have study's).
