An Open Letter to Sage

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  • Bigblue1
    Banned Users
    • Dec 2008
    • 3923

    An Open Letter to Sage

    Sage, Buddy, like it or not you have become a major point of contention on this forum. If you love it as much as you say you do, if you are as kind, forgiving, helpful, and nurturing as you say you are. How about giving up your mod position for the sake of tranquility on the board. Take the high road, be the bigger man that you fashion yourself to be. The position just doesn’t fit your personality man. Like deb said you are passionate. Being so passionate prohibits you from having the level head that is necessary as a moderator. And that’s fine. You just need to have the humility to bow down, say your sorry and move on. I am sure this would immediately alleviate some of the problems on the board. This letter is not meant to be an attack just a simple request from a very concerned member of this board.


  • spirit72
    • Apr 2008
    • 1013

    Re: An Open Letter to Sage

    Originally posted by Bigblue1
    Sage, Buddy, like it or not you have become a major point of contention on this forum. If you love it as much as you say you do, if you are as kind, forgiving, helpful, and nurturing as you say you are. How about giving up your mod position for the sake of tranquility on the board. Take the high road, be the bigger man that you fashion yourself to be. The position just doesn’t fit your personality man. Like deb said you are passionate. Being so passionate prohibits you from having the level head that is necessary as a moderator. And that’s fine. You just need to have the humility to bow down, say your sorry and move on. I am sure this would immediately alleviate some of the problems on the board. This letter is not meant to be an attack just a simple request from a very concerned member of this board.


    Unless I really missed something between last night and this evening, I disagree.

    Cool 'real life' name, by the way. :wink:


    • AtreyuKun
      • Aug 2009
      • 1223

      I agree wholeheartedly. Sage is one of the many links in the chain this place has recently forged. How can anyone trust what's been going on here? We've been lied to by mods, people have been verbally assaulted by this guy, and there's just an air of conspiracy regarding this whole Northerner thing. For god sakes Sage if you're any kind of mod say something. Or else we're all shipping off for whatever site Chad makes.
      I swear it'll happen.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by AtreyuKun
        Or else we're all shipping off for whatever site Chad makes.
        I swear it'll happen.
        This site is whatever YOU make it. You want conspiracy? You got a conspiracy site. You want flames? You got 'em. You want to talk about snus? You got that too. You have any kind site *YOU make ;^)

        *YOU meaning everyone that participates here.


        • ice
          • Oct 2005
          • 142

          That's true. Last 5 years this has been fun site. I choose that.

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          Originally posted by AtreyuKun
          Or else we're all shipping off for whatever site Chad makes.
          I swear it'll happen.
          This site is whatever YOU make it. You want conspiracy? You got a conspiracy site. You want flames? You got 'em. You want to talk about snus? You got that too. You have any kind site *YOU make ;^)

          *YOU meaning everyone that participates here.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Re: An Open Letter to Sage

            Originally posted by spirit72
            Originally posted by Bigblue1
            Sage, Buddy, like it or not you have become a major point of contention on this forum. If you love it as much as you say you do, if you are as kind, forgiving, helpful, and nurturing as you say you are. How about giving up your mod position for the sake of tranquility on the board. Take the high road, be the bigger man that you fashion yourself to be. The position just doesn’t fit your personality man. Like deb said you are passionate. Being so passionate prohibits you from having the level head that is necessary as a moderator. And that’s fine. You just need to have the humility to bow down, say your sorry and move on. I am sure this would immediately alleviate some of the problems on the board. This letter is not meant to be an attack just a simple request from a very concerned member of this board.


            Unless I really missed something between last night and this evening, I disagree.

            Cool 'real life' name, by the way. :wink:

            Pretty sure you did miss something if you haven't been on since last night. A lot has happened but it all got deleted, which I understand because we can't break privacy rules here so the content in question is not something that can be posted, but we've all seen it.

            I agree with the open letter. Let's get this past us.


            • Subtilo
              • Dec 2006
              • 524

              Originally posted by lxskllr

              This site is whatever YOU make it.
              Thats true. But it is also true a few people can make a hell of a mess. My words may not weigh much here by now, but I'll have to say that I'm with OP.


              • wa3zrm
                • May 2009
                • 4436

                Re: An Open Letter to Sage

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                I agree with the open letter. Let's get this past us.
                I agree with the open letter too.
                If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                • texasmade
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 4159

                  Originally posted by Subtilo
                  Originally posted by lxskllr

                  This site is whatever YOU make it.
                  Thats true. But it is also true a few people can make a hell of a mess. My words may not weigh much here by now, but I'll have to say that I'm with OP.
                  Dude you've been a member for how long? I may never have talked to you directly but i remember reading your posts when you were active here and when i first joined. I'd listen to any advice you give and definitely consider your input on any situation that came up if you offered it.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by Subtilo
                    Originally posted by lxskllr

                    This site is whatever YOU make it.
                    Thats true. But it is also true a few people can make a hell of a mess.
                    Maybe, but you know the old saying, "It takes 2 to tango". The nice thing about the web is it's fairly easy to ignore people . It takes a bit of self control, but in the end, there's nothing anyone can do to irritate you. They can't make noise, get in your face, anything. You just need the willpower to read past the annoyances. I've failed in that myself, but I do pretty well most of the time. It's kind of Zen-like really :^D


                    • Subtilo
                      • Dec 2006
                      • 524

                      Texas: thank you for the kind words! lx: you failed? You are talking to the guy who left this place in anger two or three times


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by Subtilo
                        Texas: thank you for the kind words! lx: you failed? You are talking to the guy who left this place in anger two or three times

                        Fair enough. Btw, it's good seeing you again, even if it isn't under the best circumstances :^)


                        • Subtilo
                          • Dec 2006
                          • 524

                          Likewise! I'm never that far away. This place in all its cursed glory still has its charm.


                          • GENERAL BILLY
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 528

                            I am glad to see that least one of the threads that disappeared back. The worst part of any "conspiracy"is the "cover up". I think it was the right thing to remove the personal email in one thread but leave the actual thread.

                            This site has been an important part of my life for a few years (longer than I have been posting). This place is about getting information about snus out to people, many of whom are killing themselves with more harmful products and the weirdest collection of awesome characters bouncing up against each other and having a good time.

                            Ice is clearly a good guy because the character of anything comes from the top down and him connecting with Northerner, if it benefits him, is a good thing.

                            Sagedil is a good guy who has helped a lot of people here and whose role before he became a moderator was certainly as important as any official moderator

                            It is up to Sage to look at the situation and decide if being a moderator actually detracts from what he has done so well for so long. I don't know if moving forward that will be the case or not.

                            in conclusion, snus on.


                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              Originally posted by AtreyuKun
                              I agree wholeheartedly. Sage is one of the many links in the chain this place has recently forged. How can anyone trust what's been going on here? We've been lied to by mods, people have been verbally assaulted by this guy, and there's just an air of conspiracy regarding this whole Northerner thing. For god sakes Sage if you're any kind of mod say something. Or else we're all shipping off for whatever site Chad makes.
                              I swear it'll happen.
                              And you think I care why??

                              Go wherever you feel will meet your needs best. Please. All I wish for anyone. Why would you think I would take that as a threat. What, I am supposed to beg you to say on Snuson?? LOL

                              I have just been amazed at some of what has been written about me lately. Just amazed. Clearly, I am a target.

                              But first, let's start with a review of what has happened lately. I screwed up. A post made me so angry I was harsher than I should of been.. Pointed out to me, I immediately realized folks were right, I was wrong, posted such, and apologized privately

                              Yesterday, I had a private conversation with Jonathon. It was nasty, it was harsh, I felt it was deserved. And that is my business. How I talk to anyone privately is NEVER anyone's business. That "nasty" e-mail exchange ended with Jonathon apologizing and admitting he knew he screwed up. So useful. I thought yesterday.

                              Until today, when I see that Texasmade had received a private business communication I sent to Jonathon, and posted it publicly here in an attempt to embarrass me. That changed everything. Jonathon is now trying to attack me, sharing my private e-mail I sent him with who knows how many people now. We have the proof in the thread Texasmade posted to, That thread is not "deleted", it still exists somewhere.

                              I am considering pursuing legal redress against Jonathon for violating my privacy rights. He does business in California which has VERY strict laws about that. I have already started some consultations on this and Jonathon today ensured that I now have no choice but to actually pursue it. But that is another story.

                              If anyone wants to see the whole e-mail exchange, ask me privately. I will not post it publicly, but have already shared it with at least one mod.

                              So. Where does that leave me now. Desperately hurt that folks can twist one of two things I have done into some nasty, I am mean to everyone argument. I have enough posts. Please check yourself. I am nice and helpful to SO many people. Have people really forgot why Ice made me the newbie moderator???

                              So these attacks on me are clearly not based on truth. So what are they then?? I don't know. I suspect some people are interested in creating enough toxicity here so more people leave and go to another forum. It pains me to think that but the evidence, to me at least, seems to make that clear that is going on. Other things have happened today that show that is really the case.

                              So what next??

                              I am taking a break. I am getting married in less than a month, that is my focus now, not here. I will be back in a month after I am happily married, I hope things have calmed down by then. I am done now. I will not be checking back in, so will make no further responses in this thread.

                              And oh, one last thing. To those of you who think I should resign my moderator position. That is not up to you. I will be a moderator as long as ice wishes me to be one...


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