love how you ignored the original post.
An Open Letter to Sage
Originally posted by sagedilI have enough posts. Please check yourself.
Originally posted by spirit72Originally posted by AtreyuKunlove how you ignored the original post.
Did he?
"And oh, one last thing. To those of you who think I should resign my moderator position. That is not up to you. I will be a moderator as long as ice wishes me to be one..."
Guys there is still much about this whole situation that I don’t know. And I imagine I know more about it than most non-mods on the forum.
I know what I would like to see happen
But I am still not sure what SHOULD happen
And those two are sometimes very different things. We want something to work one way, we wish certain things had not happened the way that they did…..but they did happen and because of that what we want and what is possible, fair, and right under the given circumstances remain apart.
However, from what I do know (and remember it is not a complete picture) but from what I do know I believe there is room for mercy on all sides.
People will say things in haste. I have seen during this time of tension things that never were an issue (or at least not big enough to address) become deal breakers.
Somewhere, someone mentioned that Jonathan (clubsnus) though he was going to lose his business because he was banned or at war or something like that. To fear for your job is a big deal. That does not excuse what he did in the least, but it does provide grounds for mercy.
Sage has come under fire. But remember on top of the stress we have all felt here due to PACT and this little drama, sage is also getting married which is one of the most stressful times in life (especially if you have been hurt deeply before). Now granted not all of the stress is bad stress but even good stress is tiring and causes emotions to ride high. That does not excuse what many see as a serious violation of his post as moderator but it does provide grounds for mercy.
I think that if there is a chance that mercy might prevail and healing might occur because of it for all involved, then mercy is well worth the risk involved in offering it.
Like I said, I do not know all the details
I do not know if certain lines have been crossed in past conversations or secret PMs or what not. I do not know if because of all these things reconciliation would in essence be tantamount to letting the crook back into the shop thereby bringing only further harm to the site.
I do not know……..and quite frankly neither do you.
So in the meantime, as those who do know and who actually do have the whole story in front of them work to straighten it all out,
My suggestion is to root for mercy
and each in our own small way to offer it.
dog 8)
.When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by LiandriI'm confused by this. Sure I log on, make a few stupid comments and put my foot in my mouth and log off. But where did THIS come from? This about the whole chad thing still?
How can Sage be a bigger man and move on when you're not allowing him to move on by making stupid posts like this?
This whole thing is like a fight with my wife. At the end of the day I am fairly certain that it is all connected but for the life of me I can't say exactly how.
I think moving on is step two. If step one is repressed it will only surface again.
gotta work through it....just in the right way.When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
My post had nothing to do with Chad or any conspiracies. I and others have simply addressed the fact that sage is better as a member where he can be sage. Nothing more or less. To call these posts stupid isn't right either. There has been minimal name calling in this thread and I for one would like to keep it that way......
Originally posted by RooYet again, perfection in a post dog. I retract any previous statements and join in with the ever-positive spirit of snusdog. THIS GUY is a true moderator at heart, a well-written son of a bitch, funnier than you, and a true gentleman. For that, I respect his wishes. Seriously.
Originally posted by SnusdogOriginally posted by LiandriI'm confused by this. Sure I log on, make a few stupid comments and put my foot in my mouth and log off. But where did THIS come from? This about the whole chad thing still?
How can Sage be a bigger man and move on when you're not allowing him to move on by making stupid posts like this?
This whole thing is like a fight with my wife. At the end of the day I am fairly certain that it is all connected but for the life of me I can't say exactly how.
I think moving on is step two. If step one is repressed it will only surface again.
gotta work through it....just in the right way.
I'm sorry whatever happened. I support the one that is right. ANd thats the way the cookie crumbles.
EDIT: Roo make sure to wipe that snuff off your nose.
Originally posted by LiandriI stopped fighting with my wife when I started figuring out she was always right. I mean SURE it sucks something happened, I can put a square peg in a round hole just as well as anyone else can. But is an "Open letter" really necessary? You want everyone to "move on" so fast and making these threads is a perfect way to suck everyone back in.
I'm sorry whatever happened. I support the one that is right. ANd thats the way the cookie crumbles.When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by LiandriEDIT: Roo make sure to wipe that snuff off your nose.
Edited to fix the quote. And get more beer.
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