If his plan is to kill me off young, I would have rather he given me a stimulis package of booze, tobacco and fatty foods. I would off myself in no time, no need for complicated beurocracies.
I hate it when I accidentally stumble into a Palin 'n' Teabagger rally.
FDA control over tobacco + PACT + Gov't Health care = Ill informed half truths + false analogies on the internet
FDA control over tobacco + PACT + Gov't Health care = Why don't you quit tobacco use altogether, if you really want to stick it to them ding dang doodle Socialist Elitists?
FDA control over tobacco + PACT + Gov't Health care = Why don't you quit tobacco use altogether, if you really want to stick it to them ding dang doodle Socialist Elitists?
Not disputing the teabagger vibes in this topic but I highly doubt quitting tobacco would be sticking it to anyone. Why should we have to quit using tobacco in protest to the ever increasing tax burden and the state sponsored anti-tobacco propaganda that has become so prevalent?
Are we to give up everything we don't like being over-regulated or taxed? There would be nothing left to enjoy.
Also, who said anything about socialist elitists? I think you are on the wrong thread.
I'm not sure who will control our SPAM LINK REMOVED anymore. Or how much of the bill will actually come to pass. I just know that I like to smoke. So I'm going to. There will always be a way to get my cigarettes.
SERIOUSLY?!?! You're just gonna keep spamming us with your crap? I guess you think your worthless posts are disappearing through magic, eh? In case it isn't 100% clear, You're not wanted here. GET OUT!
I hate it when I accidentally stumble into a Palin 'n' Teabagger rally.
FDA control over tobacco + PACT + Gov't Health care = Ill informed half truths + false analogies on the internet
FDA control over tobacco + PACT + Gov't Health care = Why don't you quit tobacco use altogether, if you really want to stick it to them ding dang doodle Socialist Elitists?
I am hearing a lot of frustration on the internet over Obama caving in to the republicans and allowign the rich to get their tax cuts. Many people are...