POLL: 60 Minutes Snus Story

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  • olderthandirt
    • Nov 2009
    • 248

    Originally posted by lxskllr
    Originally posted by olderthandirt
    The only way that farce can be considered "fair" is in comparison to the rest of the bought and paid North American whore pieces that are passed off as journalism....
    A kick in the ass is still better than a kick in the balls :^P
    Well, there is that consideration... :wink:


    • ladysnus
      • Mar 2009
      • 601

      Originally posted by pris
      Northerner have even put up a welcome message to those hearing about snus from that programme on their news section

      Time to expand their warehouse maybe
      I wish he would expand his customer service.
      I have sent emails about mistakes and pending orders not filled in over a week.....I have not had one single response and nothing pi*sses me off more than bad customer service.

      Getsnus= excellent customer service


      • olderthandirt
        • Nov 2009
        • 248

        Originally posted by ladysnus
        Originally posted by pris
        Northerner have even put up a welcome message to those hearing about snus from that programme on their news section

        Time to expand their warehouse maybe
        I wish he would expand his customer service.
        I have sent emails about mistakes and pending orders not filled in over a week.....I have not had one single response and nothing pi*sses me off more than bad customer service.

        Getsnus= excellent customer service
        If getsnus would just stock LD Black, Northerner would sooooo be history!


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          I didn't watch it but I suppose anything that gets snus more into people's minds can't be a bad thing.

          On the other hand, I still maintain we should keep the snus thing underground. If it gets big and popular and goes mainstream, it will change. The companies in America will start making crappy versions of it and it will be taxed heavily. I'd rather buy it from sweden and not have anyone know what it is when it comes through customs.


          • Matamou
            New Member
            • Nov 2008
            • 8

            Re: POLL: 60 Minutes Snus Story

            Originally posted by wa3zrm
            Did anyone see the Snus story on 60 minutes this evening (April 4, 2010)?
            I haven't seen it, but I'll check it out now! I always watch the new 60 Minutes episodes anyways

            edit: I can't find any torrent of the show yet :?


            • N0mad
              • Nov 2009
              • 550

              I voted fair, but the story was filled with misrepresentations about who tobacco users really are, I mean come on the guy with a portion and a cigarette in his mouth at the same time while brushing his teeth, it was hard to stomach and corny at best.


              • ice
                • Oct 2005
                • 142

                Re: POLL: 60 Minutes Snus Story

                Originally posted by Matamou
                Originally posted by wa3zrm
                Did anyone see the Snus story on 60 minutes this evening (April 4, 2010)?
                I haven't seen it, but I'll check it out now! I always watch the new 60 Minutes episodes anyways

                edit: I can't find any torrent of the show yet :?
                Here! http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?...in;cbsCarousel


                • Frosted
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 5798

                  Having had time to think a bit more about this:

                  We get some bad journalism creeping in here in Britain but that was one of the poxiest pieces of journalism I have seen for a long long time. Who the hell made the decision to interview these people? The only person who was rational was the Swedish guy - and not because I liked what he was saying.............but because he had the intelligence to even look and sound like a rational human being and not act like a retard.

                  I'd think you lot in America would be quite embarassed by that complete miss at even attempting an IQ by the programme directors and journalists. I'm genuinely sorry that you have to put up with that.


                  • Wannaquit
                    New Member
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 7

                    Re: POLL: 60 Minutes Snus Story

                    Originally posted by Matamou
                    Originally posted by wa3zrm
                    Did anyone see the Snus story on 60 minutes this evening (April 4, 2010)?
                    I haven't seen it, but I'll check it out now! I always watch the new 60 Minutes episodes anyways

                    edit: I can't find any torrent of the show yet :?
                    here is the link



                    • Slydel
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 421

                      I could not take the bull shit I was watching. Others might have posted there but I did not see anything on the main page showing all of yesterdays episode, so I decided to post the following:


                      "I needed to post since I see a lot of nonsense being posted. I started using snus three years ago. Many years before the U.S. tobacco companies started using their "propaganda" to promote snus. I have looked at the studies and believe that snus is a much safer product. It is safer for the following reasons 1) whenever you smoke anything, be it plastic, paper, or tobacco you are creating many compounds by burning whatever you are inhaling, some of them are carcinogenic 2) domestic tobacco is fermented, which will create some carcinogenic compounds as well but not nearly as many as smoking 3) snus is steam treated, not fermented, which does not create many of these harmful compounds 4) many of the harmful compounds that affect the circulatory and respiratory system are never introduced into the body using snus because they are never created. The guy that smokes and uses snus is in the minority. Many people use snus to quit smoking and are successful. To compare dissolvable nicotine products to candy is not fair because there is something called nicotine gum which, to no big surprise...looks like gum that kids would gobble up just as fast as dissolvable nicotine. So why not harm reduction that will increase the life enjoyment and life span of so many people? I think that people need to wake up and see that harm reduction is the best alternative than just quitting tobacco altogether. Can we embrace this great alternative or shall we continue to stick our heads in the sand? "


                      • f. bandersnatch
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 725

                        meh, it could have been much worse. I think that the fat lady is just representative of the "quit or die" culture that we have here in America, and my only complaint would be that that retarded journalist didn't care to point this fact out to her.

                        I did laugh when she said "they look like candy, and who likes candy? I do. I mean, we do...kids do."

                        Yeah, we can all tell you like candy. I am going to enjoy paying for your type 2 diabetes for the rest of my life. Now get your f*cking hands off of my tobacco and get your dumbass out of our schools. Jesus.


                        • snusjus
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 2674

                          Here are my thoughts:

                          *Health statistics were honest and based on real facts. (Pancreatic cancer, oral cancer, heart disease, etc.)
                          *Showed that snus is a viable alternative to cigarettes. (The Swedish game show host who quit cigarettes completely with snus.)
                          *Explained the health differences between American and Swedish smokeless tobacco. (Dip causes cancer, but snus does not.)

                          *The dual user "poster child" man exhibited tobacco consumption behavior that is very uncommon.
                          *Did not differentiate between Swedish and American snus. (American snus is intentionally meant to be used along with cigarette consumption.)
                          *The "trading one addiction for another" arguement. (There is no addiction being traded. Snus and cigarettes fall under the same category: nicotine addiction. The only difference is the method of delivery. Trading one addiction for another, for example, would be an ex-heroin addict becoming alcohol-dependent.)
                          *The overweight anti-tobacco lady. (Um... yeah.)


                          • f. bandersnatch
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 725

                            snusjus- I forgot about the whole swapping addictions thing. This is a very bad part of the exposure that snus is getting. While you are right, nicotine exists in both products, so the addiction is essentially the same, I think that this is simply a red herring, and should not be given the time of day. There are no gains to be made in arguing logically with what is a logical fallacy. The argument should be focused on the harm-reduction, and the antis come in and throw the word "addiction" around, banking on its negative baggage to do their work for them.


                            • spirit72
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 1013

                              Originally posted by Frosted
                              I'd think you lot in America would be quite embarassed by that complete miss at even attempting an IQ by the programme directors and journalists. I'm genuinely sorry that you have to put up with that.
                              In fact, we've gotten quite used to it. Par for the course for media here in the States anymore.


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