College education, the future, and your suggestions

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    College education, the future, and your suggestions

    Hey guys. I am taking the plunge and looking into obtaining a higher education, was wondering if any of you had any advice on what jobs would be good to get into.

    My main question is this: I work full time right now and make about 40k per year with a GED, I cannot afford to quit my job. For this reason I have been considering getting a degree from a trade school or a place like Devry that caters to already working individuals. The problem is, I have heard that good companies laugh at degrees from places like Devry, while I have also heard that it doesn't matter. If anyone knows whether or not it is a waste to get a degree from a non-traditional 4 year college, please let me know.

    I am leaning towards getting a degree in business because it's what I feel I am naturally good at and where I would like to work, in a management position, but truthfully I don't know what I "want to be when I grow up". Does anyone have any advice on a good career?

    At the end of the day, it all boils down to money. I want to make more than the 40k I make right now. In San Francisco, 40k barely gets you an apartment and 1 car, and I have a family to feed. What is a good job to persue to accomplish this and how could I go about getting an education in a relitavely quick manner without quitting my job. Not sure if it's worth it to do trade schools or if the degree will be worthless.

    Thanks guys.
  • RedMacGregor
    • Dec 2009
    • 554

    college education... i ditched college.. a few patents later, and nobody even asks anymore.


    • texasmade
      • Jan 2009
      • 4159

      international affairs.


      • RedMacGregor
        • Dec 2009
        • 554

        totally.. you wanna do college? go to europe... all the degree in half the time.


        • texasmade
          • Jan 2009
          • 4159

          Originally posted by RedMacGregor
          totally.. you wanna do college? go to europe... all the degree in half the time.
          the education system over there makes ours look like sh*t


          • wa3zrm
            • May 2009
            • 4436

            Rather than looking for a school, you should be looking for a company that will pay for your education while you work for them. If you want to go the virtual route, make sure it is at a school that has real bricks and mortar... HR people will laugh if you put some school on your resume that exists only in cyberspace.

            Community colleges are the cheapest route for the first two years; however, make sure your degree will transfer to the school where you plan to get your four year degree from.

            Specialized IT positions are still hot; however, they require very specialized training.

            Check out this link for more info on jobs and their potential for future growth.
            If you have any problems with my posts or signature


            • RedMacGregor
              • Dec 2009
              • 554

              honestly... i don't even ask if people have degrees anymore.... and the more someone rubs their degree in my face, the less likely i am to hire them.

              do a great job, love your job, love what you do and be proud of it, live it, sleep it, eat it.. then i'll hire you with or without a degree..

              otherwise, don't waste my time.. too many people got into this profession with a degree because they thought it would be a fat paycheck, and they're worthless because that's why they're here.


              • wa3zrm
                • May 2009
                • 4436

                Originally posted by texasmade
                Originally posted by RedMacGregor
                totally.. you wanna do college? go to europe... all the degree in half the time.
                the education system over there makes ours look like sh*t
                Not to be a smart ass... but I worked in US Higher Education for over 25 years. If higher ed is so good over there... why do so many of them come over here for there education?

                I've taught many foreign students during my tenure... and they all told me the same thing... a US Degree is worth 10 times the value of most foreign degrees.
                If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                • RedMacGregor
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 554

                  Originally posted by wa3zrm
                  Originally posted by texasmade
                  Originally posted by RedMacGregor
                  totally.. you wanna do college? go to europe... all the degree in half the time.
                  the education system over there makes ours look like sh*t
                  Not to be a smart ass... but I worked in US Higher Education for over 25 years. If higher ed is so good over there... why do so many of them come over here for there education?

                  I've taught many foreign students during my tenure... and they all told me the same thing... a US Degree is worth 10 times the value of most foreign degrees.
                  india doesn't count... ever heard of a little place called Oxford? 2 year degree there is worth a 4 year degree here.


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    thanks wazrm. i have my gi bill and my co pays 50 percent of schooling cost. just wanted to know what route towards an education would be best.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      I had a negative experience with a trade school, it was like their sole intention was to rip me off. It was a nightmare, and when I tried to switch to another school, with was a part of the same school, they didn't let me, and I ended up with debt collectors calling, and a bunch of debt. I personally cannot recommend "higher" education, unless you live in China or something. They seem like scams to me. Also, be 100% sure you can juggle school, a job, and home life.


                      • RobsanX
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2030

                        You could go to night school. That's what I did. You would have to weigh your course load vs. how long you want to take. Start off at an accredited community college that you can transfer credits to a 4 year school. Find one that specializes in day and night courses. Talk to an adviser there. They are usually very helpful. You don't have to figure out everything right away if you are part time.

                        That's the path I took, and it's worked well for me.


                        • truthwolf1
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 2696

                          Re: College education, the future, and your suggestions

                          Originally posted by sgreger1

                          I am leaning towards getting a degree in business because it's what I feel I am naturally good at and where I would like to work, in a management position, but truthfully I don't know what I "want to be when I grow up". Does anyone have any advice on a good career?

                          Thanks guys.
                          With your debating skills on this forum I would seriously suggest you look into a political position. Start with something small like City Council which actually pays surprisingly good in some areas. With your military background you already have a nice in.


                          • f. bandersnatch
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 725

                            You have your GI bill, and your company wants to help pay for school? Yeah, you should go. Even if its only one class, you should go. See if it works for you, and then add on once you have an idea how things with work/school/home mesh. If you don't take advantage of an opportunity like that, you will just end up kicking yourself down the line.

                            I don't really know about where you should go though, I went the four year route, and that probably isn't the best way to go about it for some...I know that a liberal arts education can be invaluable, or valueless, depending on how you go about getting it. Trade school never appealed to me in the least, as I already have a trade.

                            And as for all the "I didn't go to school, and I'm fine" comments: come on, guys, is that really necessary? I am happy that you are doing fine, thriving, even, but I am sure you are well aware of the benefits of a college education for the majority of people, especially for a man like sgreger, who is obviously intelligent and capable, but who is working for less than he thinks he is worth with little opportunity for advancement in his current position.


                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Thanks for all the help guys! And Bsnatch, your right about the fact that it's basically free to go, so why not give it a try. Ill probably just do night classes at a community college until I am sure what I want to major in, that way I can transfer whenever. My wife will be working in another few months so if necessary i've contemplated quitting and going to school full time, I just would hate to give up a good job in the middle of a recession.

                              I know there are a lot of successful people who never got an education, and frankly for my GED I make way better money than I should, but that's because i've worked really hard and gone way over and above what my job title entails. Im just suffering from the "I don't know what I want to be when I grow up" syndrome, and even if I went to school full time, for 4 years, i'm still not guaranteed to be making a whole lot more than I do now.

                              I thought about joining the police force, they pay about 65k starting here and i'm eligible. Hey, I could even get a concealed carry license in CA if I went that route! lol.

                              Im starting to think trade school is not the way to go, too many people have told me exactly the same story as Tom, that it's just them trying to get your money.

                              And politics? Lol no one would vote for me, especially in CA lolol, plus if someone wanted to dig up dirt on my past it would be too easy.


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