College education, the future, and your suggestions

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  • daruckis
    • Jul 2009
    • 2277

    Originally posted by sgreger1
    Originally posted by daruckis

    hahaha now youre really gonna freak. i have an 18 month old son.

    ... *blacks out*

    $8.05 as a manager? Well at least I know where to never move to for a decent wage lol.

    You have an 18 month old kid, and i'm assuming your supporting a female, all on 800$ a month? Bro you should make an online class to teach people your superpower-like budgeting skills, you'd make a million.
    im not very good at it. im pretty selfish, and borderline addicted to online shopping. my girlfriend though is sly as hell. she finds the craziest ways to make money online, and gets hella free samples sent to us. for example, for writing some a couple reviews, she got a 300 dollar credit to a website for baby things. we use cloth diapers as much as possible so that cuts down a TON. diapers are so god damn expensive. i just bought 3 huge packs a couple weeks ago that are almost gone, because hed grown out of his old cloth diapers so we were exclusively using disposable. so i went ahead and ponied up the cash to get 6 more really nice cloth ones at 17 bucks each, expensive but will definitely make the disposables go a longer way. with just 6 diapers you can get through a day or two without having to do laundry. also not long ago my girlfriend somehow got lowes to send her 10 $10 gift cards. 100 bucks to lowes for free. i dont even know how she finds this shit. of course lowes had to **** it up and send us the wrong things, twice.

    every day im hustlin.

    edit: also, sorry for hijacking your thread man, im drinking a lot of coffee. its got me more talkative than usual.


    • daruckis
      • Jul 2009
      • 2277

      Originally posted by Roo
      Am I going to have to boycott Jimmy Johns to show solidarity with my man daruckis? There's one across the street from my office. I go there like once a week because it's so goddamn fast. They give you your change and your sandwich at the same time.
      hahha, i think boycotting JJs would merely add insult to injury. if our store was busier id be a lot better off. though im sure your local store does CRAAAZY business.

      its interesting, i live in a tourist town, in the summer months our business is ungodly hellish, makes you want to kill yourself. in the winter its so slow we have to fight tooth and nail for hours, it makes you want to kill yourself. in the winter its not uncommon to bring in a 200 dollar night. in the summer, we have 4000 dollar days.


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        Wait wait wait... you ALSO smoke weed and ALSO have an "addiction to online shoping". FHNjdshfudnweADNBUWUIFHWNVCDSJKFHS!

        How do you do all this on that budget? I'm gonna just transfer all the money in my account over to you right now and you can budget it out for me lol.

        Also, on a comedy note: Girlfriend randomly comes up with "free" cash, eh? I didn't know they paid hookers in gift cards! Ziiiiiiiiing. lolloooloo

        EDIT: Diapers are the biggest expense. Luckily I have a costco card though. I refuse to use cloth diapers, but my mo did with me, way cheaper. I hate laundry as it is! Diapers have a more fire and forget approach, like an RPG.


        • daruckis
          • Jul 2009
          • 2277

          Originally posted by sgreger1
          Wait wait wait... you ALSO smoke weed and ALSO have an "addiction to online shoping". FHNjdshfudnweADNBUWUIFHWNVCDSJKFHS!

          How do you do all this on that budget? I'm gonna just transfer all the money in my account over to you right now and you can budget it out for me lol.

          Also, on a comedy note: Girlfriend randomly comes up with "free" cash, eh? I didn't know they paid hookers in gift cards! Ziiiiiiiiing. lolloooloo
          hahahahah. the trick is to just not sweat it. i get stressed out a lot, but it passes, and i usually end up doing alright in the end. i just dont really have a lot of bills. i own my car so theres no car payment, and i just pay for 6 months of insurance when i get my tax refund. otherwise i go without insurance and just dont drive if i dont have to, and drive illegally when i do. i pay my rent, gas, electric, internet (still pissed it just doubled) and my phone. that leaves me like, what 150 bucks left over a month. i dont know, ask me in a few months when ive burnt through my tax refund, my car dies, its too hot out, and i get brain cancer. probably wont be so optimistic then.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            150 left over a month? How do you fit getting high and shopping online on a $150? Plus food, plus baby clothes.

            Unless.... your really a russian spy, trying to subvert democracy to pave the way for an end to capitalism and the rise of a new stalinist state. You are paid by the communists to use snuson as a basis to launch for subversion efforts. I farking knew it.


            • texasmade
              • Jan 2009
              • 4159

              I was reading on a college level in 4th grade made straight A's in my classes while higher than high, most of the absences I had were from suspensions or expulsions in high school for fighting and weapons bullshit, i was expelled every year of high school except for my senior year and still managed to graduate on time. My senior year my grades dropped to 40's and 50's my last semester because i was out of school a lot due to family issues, i had 2 weeks before graduation and managed to pull my grades up to 80's and 90's. i worked my ass off all through high school, got accepted into some pretty good f*cking schools, but can't afford any of them. if they wanted me bad enough they would find a way to get me in, but that's not how it works. a dumbshit whose parents can pay his way can go to princeton or columbia because his family has the money, i can't because i'm broke as all hell and stuck in a busted ass city, even though i have the grades to get in. I don't need a piece of paper to tell me i can do something.

              i don't plan on finishing college. I only started to get everybody off my sac.

              if I do end up staying in after tuition raises next semester then I'm taking all writing/lit./and psych classes just for the hell of it.


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