College education, the future, and your suggestions

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Originally posted by sgreger1
    Ill probably just do night classes at a community college until I am sure what I want to major in, that way I can transfer whenever.
    Make sure you take general classes. When you go to transfer your credits, the transferring school will look at the Community College's catalog course descriptions to see if they match their courses. If your classes don't match what they offer, they won't give you credit for them!
    If you have any problems with my posts or signature


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      The school system, at least here in CA is super corrupt anyways. I really didn't want to be a part of it but for money reasons I am going to have to. I cannot believe some of the shit they pull on my wife here, it is just all chaos and beurocracy all the time. But gotta earn that American dream I hear so much about, if I can manage to make 100k per year I might be able to afford a 2 bedroom apartment in a good area!


        • Aug 2009
        • 528

        Yeah as a fellow G.E.Der I would say take some classes and see where it leads you. I finally figured out how to make a reasonable living without the degree (sales) but it is a grind. Good luck


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          You might try working this in reverse. Find a company and a job you would like to do. Then see if you can't sit down with one of the brass at that company. Ask him/her what their advice is. You might even find that one of these brass takes a mentoring interest in you (having owned my own business with as many as 67 employees, I can tell you dependability and effort are worth their weight in gold- just like Red said. If I found someone with ability, scruples, and a strong work ethic, I would not let them get away).

          Also, there should be an organization of businessmen in your area who mentor, advise, and help folks better themselves in the business community. You might try a google search or better yet, contact your local chamber of commerce let them know what you are trying to do and ask them if they know of any such group (be sure to tell them early on in the conversation that you have a GI bill so it’s paid for- that way they know you are serious, not just looking for a handout, and truly want advice)- Also does your branch of the armed services have any sort of program for training and reintroducing GIs into the work force? They might be able to help quite a bit or put you in front of someone who can.

          I think what you are trying to do is extremely commendable bro. Stay at it.

          just my 2 cents

          Hoe it helps

          dog 8)

          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • daruckis
            • Jul 2009
            • 2277

            dude i made 12k last year. i would feel like im on easy street making 40k a year.


            • Owens187
              • Sep 2009
              • 1547

              Originally posted by daruckis
              dude i made 12k last year. i would feel like im on easy street making 40k a year.
              :shock: How do you live on that? Im not knocking you, but how can anyone survive on $1000 a month?


              • Owens187
                • Sep 2009
                • 1547

                Just a suggestion, look at the medical field. Great job security, (there's always gonna be sick people), full benefits for you and your family with no copay/deductable at the Medical Center you work at, rediculous pay, and you have a job no matter where you move/live.

                Hell, a registered Nurse can make $95-$100+ dollars an hour where you live. And you can do that with only 2 years of community college and two years in the RN program.

                I constantly thank the good lord that my wife and myself had the good sense to enter the medical field.

                And yes, degrees from Devry, University of Phoenix Online, etc etc aint worth sh*t.


                • WickedKitchen
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 2528

                  Well the degree may get you in the door but it's not a ticket to a high paying job in the long run.

                  RedMacGreggor hit the nail on the head. Your work ethic, personality, and drive is what will make you successful. For me, it's nice to hire someone w/ experience but that's not as important as hiring a good person. Education is important but it's secondary.

                  That being said I'm in sales. You need zero "traditional" education for this job and my previous experience was restaurant management. Again, w/ that you need not a formal education.

                  My brother is in bio-tech. He manufactures Humera and he's got a good job. At the end of the day he was a recommendation from an employee at that company and he wouldn't have gotten the job if he wasn't a good solid person. Yeah, he's educated but that wasn't what made the decision.

                  Go for the education though w/ the GI bill though. It's a great opportunity and well deserved IMO. I also agree that finding a company that will at least subsidize the education would be beneficial but in this kind of job market that might be hard to come by.

                  As for "what to do when I grow up?" Do something you truly enjoy. if it's a grind, a bore, a chore, or otherwise (like working with dingbats) you will most likely not be happy and that will hamper your potential.


                  • daruckis
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 2277

                    Originally posted by Owens187
                    Originally posted by daruckis
                    dude i made 12k last year. i would feel like im on easy street making 40k a year.
                    :shock: How do you live on that? Im not knocking you, but how can anyone survive on $1000 a month?
                    actually most months are about 800. i get a little bonus here and there but its not much. i live in michigan bro, my states ****ing poor right now.

                    basically i pay 600 a month for my house, my buddy lives in the basement, pays me 200 a month. so about half of what i make a month is rent. i get food stamps and live a block from work so i usually longboard or walk to work, drive as little as possible.

                    im broke nigga.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Daruckis.. :shock:

                      Bro 400$ a check? My food budget is 400$ a check bro holy shit. Then again housing is cheap there but god damn, I better not see you in the video game thread anymore talking about some new 60$ game you bought! How do you afford snus?? I spend $100 a month on snus just about. Damn bro, we need to get you a new job man that is insane!!

                      @ Dog: This is my dream. I am hoping I can find someone in a good position and make them see themselves as a young man when they look at me so that they will feel like it would be a personal investment to help me out. I could fly a helicopter with a GED if I had someone sit down and teach it to me you know? Still waiting for this opportunity but going over to the chamber of commerce is an excellent idea I hadn't thought of.

                      @Owen: RN's here make like 100k a year starting and only work like 3 days a week worth of work. I have a friend in RN school and he says not to get into it if it's not your passion but i've given some IV's before in my day, for 100k a year I am willing to do anything short of prostitution (prostitution OK if it includes medical benefits)

                      Thanks for all your advice guys. So far my plan is to get my GE's out of the way at the local community college and then try to hang around successful business owners at the COC hoping to get a break lol.
                      And my company pays 50% of any education I get, so since my GI bill pays for about 2 years of free school for me, I could probably do the paperwork right and add my companies 50% as profit in my pocket at the end of the day lol.


                      • daruckis
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 2277

                        Originally posted by sgreger1
                        Daruckis.. :shock:

                        Bro 400$ a check? My food budget is 400$ a check bro holy shit. Then again housing is cheap there but god damn, I better not see you in the video game thread anymore talking about some new 60$ game you bought! How do you afford snus?? I spend $100 a month on snus just about. Damn bro, we need to get you a new job man that is insane!!
                        i dunno man, im not exactly bummin. i know a lot of people far worse off than me, my mom for example has had her gas shut off all winter. i lived with her until october just because she couldnt make it on her own, but there was a point where i just wasnt going to live with my mom anymore. i mean i get food stamps so that helps a ton, and i got like 5 grand back for taxes so ive been doing alright until that runs out. most of the time i rent games anyway, but video games are one of the few things keeping my life from being a miserable existence, so theyre not going anywhere. they did just raise my internet bill from 35 a month to 60 though so im gonna call and bitch till they lower it or shut it off. my girlfriend does some internet work though so i really kind of need it. the only thing that sucks is though i live in a broke ass state, its in a pretty wealthy whitebread city. i live on the shittiest road in this rich ass town by all the retards and white trash and sideshow freaks. it just sucks to come from a poor family in a town full of kids who can still live in huge houses with their parents and whose parents get them brand new cars and some whose parents even pay their bills for them to live on their own and put them through college. it gets irritating i just resent everyone i know.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          I know how you feel man. I slept in the same room ina 1 bedroom apartment with my mom till I was I think 15 or somewhere around that. And I was the same way, I had all these rich friends whos parents had boats and BMW's and huge houses and I spent every minute trying to emulate them, my mom was so pissed because she felt I had disowned my family in exchange for some other richer family lol. It's at that point i dropped out and got my GED to work full time so I could afford a car. Which is why I am stuck with a GED now lol.

                          I feel sorry for you man, lets hope this economy recovers so you can find a better job or move away from wherever your at that has jobs that pay like that! Are there minimum wage laws there or do you just work part time? 400$ every two weeks, assuming your working an 8 hour day, is like 5$ an hour dude, what's minimum wage there, down here I think it's like 9 or 10 or something.

                          Whatever you do, do not get someone pregnant lol, that is the bill that never stops.


                          • Roo
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 3446

                            Am I going to have to boycott Jimmy Johns to show solidarity with my man daruckis? There's one across the street from my office. I go there like once a week because it's so goddamn fast. They give you your change and your sandwich at the same time.


                            • daruckis
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 2277

                              Originally posted by sgreger1
                              I know how you feel man. I slept in the same room ina 1 bedroom apartment with my mom till I was I think 15 or somewhere around that. And I was the same way, I had all these rich friends whos parents had boats and BMW's and huge houses and I spent every minute trying to emulate them, my mom was so pissed because she felt I had disowned my family in exchange for some other richer family lol. It's at that point i dropped out and got my GED to work full time so I could afford a car. Which is why I am stuck with a GED now lol.

                              I feel sorry for you man, lets hope this economy recovers so you can find a better job or move away from wherever your at that has jobs that pay like that! Are there minimum wage laws there or do you just work part time? 400$ every two weeks, assuming your working an 8 hour day, is like 5$ an hour dude, what's minimum wage there, down here I think it's like 9 or 10 or something.

                              Whatever you do, do not get someone pregnant lol, that is the bill that never stops.

                              hahaha now youre really gonna freak. i have an 18 month old son.

                              min wage is 7.40 here. i make 8.05. its just that the hours are hard to get. i work about 30 hours a week, so its feasible that i could get a second job, but with the kid and all, id be gone all the time and wouldnt really be able to help out around here. i actually get more hours than most people at the store simply because im a manager and get to stay the whole night, sending people home left and right to cover labor cost. most nights its just me closing with a driver. i run 4 nights a week, and cant really get more without taking one of the other 3 nights from the other night manager. i work 1 day a week in the morning which is usually only about 3.5 hours before i am one of the saps getting sent home to cover labor.

                              edit: oh and i never really answered your question about how i afford snus. i only use about 4-6 snus a day, and i use mostly los so a can goes a long way for me. i have a decent stock going and a roll will last me a long time. the trick however, is also supporting my girlfriends snus stash, who was a pretty big smoker and thus goes through some serious cans. i think eventually i will quit if pact proves too costly for me to continue snusing. which would be a real bummer, because snus and weed are often crucial to me not killing anyone.



                              • sgreger1
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 9451

                                Originally posted by daruckis

                                hahaha now youre really gonna freak. i have an 18 month old son.

                                ... *blacks out*

                                $8.05 as a manager? Well at least I know where to never move to for a decent wage lol.

                                You have an 18 month old kid, and i'm assuming your supporting a female, all on 800$ a month? Bro you should make an online class to teach people your superpower-like budgeting skills, you'd make a million.


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