Has anyone ever had this?

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Has anyone ever had this?

    I worked out earlier and ran a few miles with the wife, then came home to find out the battery was dead on my motorcycle. Can't jump start it because the voltage is different on cars and itll fry my battery. So i figured i'd jump start it, after all I live at the top of a big hill that goes for several miles....

    So I tried this, fishtailing twice and nearly crashing at least 3 times all with no luck. It would start up but it wouldn't charge the battery fast enough so as soon as I slowed down it died. As soon as it caught the throttle would go up and town erratically to the point where the bike was uncontrollable. So i get to the bottom of the hill and I start pushing it to the babysitters place which is the only house I know of in the area, which is about 2 miles away. I get there and call my wife to pick me up.

    After driving home, I feel exhausted and my heart starts beating really fast, then I start getting light headed and tingly. Within 10 minutes I have the feeling you get when your hand falls asleep all over my body, oxygen is slowly cutting off and my muscles start to tense up. Soon my hands are curled and I can't move them, every organ in my body starts feeling like it has a charlie horse and I slowly lose my ability to speak or think. I mutter the words 9-11, 9-11 to my wife as I slowly pass out.

    So the ambulance comes and says I just over exerted myself maybe and after about an hour of me being sure I was having a stroke I was back to normal.

    Now i've done literally 20x more exerting things in my life than what I did today pushing my motorcycle, wtf could have caused this? My body shut down piece by piece until I couldn't talk coherently and I was seeing flashes of light every few minutes. Wtf is this? Has anyone else ever experienced this? In all my years of being a crazy bastard i've never had this happen and i'm perfectly healthy as far as I can tell, what would cause your body to shut down like this?
  • Roo
    • Jun 2008
    • 3446

    Were you breathing normally? That was a fkd up story dude. I thought you were going to ask for advice on motorcycle maintenance.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Lol no I was breathing extremely rapid short breaths which i guess is what caused this. I haven't been eating more than 1 (really half) a meal a day and I haven't been exercising like should be but this seemingly not intense amount of effort to move my bike sent me to a place i've never been before. I mean I prayed to god with the few brain cells i had left in use and just wished it to stop. You know when you get a charlie horse and your muscles hurt for like a week? My entire body is like that. Like I felt like my organs were shutting down and the pain in my stomach was so bad. The whole neighborhood was outside looking at me like I was dying and it all happened so fast.

      I just don't know what it was, if that little physical exertion causes that I don't know wtf is wrong with me. I couldn't even hold the phone or talk to 911, I had to have my wife do it because I was barely conscious. Its like standing up too fast but it kept spreading until I couldn't even talk and all my muscles seized up until I didn't even feel like I had control of my body. Freaking weird dude.


      • Roo
        • Jun 2008
        • 3446

        I had to medevac myself out of China once due to what was basically anaphylactic shock from mold exposure, and replace my lost passport while I was at it, but never anything quite like that. I mention it because I was on the verge on consciousness, always feeling like I was going to stop breathing, and otherwise making an ass of myself. And I've been hard on myself in many other ways but nothing quite like that. My first suggestion would be to eat some food and then think about seeing a doctor. You know, just think about it because you're a MAN, and you don't just go to the doctor without thinking about it for at least a couple years


        • Owens187
          • Sep 2009
          • 1547

          Originally posted by sgreger1
          Lol no I was breathing extremely rapid short breaths .

          Theres your problem. When doing anything strenuous, always be sure to try and breathe with deep, slow(as possible) breaths.

          Some people become naturally prone to this, and it might not show up early in life. You never had this happen when you were in the Service?


          Symptoms of Hyperventilation

          Rapid breathing
          Shortness of breath
          Chest pain
          Tingling mouth
          Tingling hands
          Tingling feet
          Numb hands
          Numb feet
          Blurred vision
          Racing heartbeat
          Tight hand muscles
          Tight foot muscles
          Loss of conciousness

          Hope this helps!


          • Condor
            • Sep 2008
            • 752

            I have a tip for you, sir.

            You can jump a bike from a car. Hook the cables up, but DO NOT START either vehicle. Let it sit for a minute and then disconnect the cables, and then try the bike. sometimes it has to sit for a few minutes, but I have jumped my bike off a ton of times like that, no harm. Or get a trickle charger....


            • texasmade
              • Jan 2009
              • 4159

              i'd get a stress test and an echo done atleast. no joke. happened to both of my parents more than once.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                ROLF. I am scheduled for my annual check up in about a week so i will surely mention it. I think I just havn't been eating or sleeping enough. And then combined with more physical activity than ive done for most of this last year... well you get the picture. It was crazy.

                And anaphylactic shock? Are you allergic to asian bees or something?? lol. That shit can be intense depending on how allergic you are to something.

                But more importantly than any of this... how was it like to live in China? I envy people who have traveled as it is my ultimate dream. What was it like living in a country like China? Did you enjoy it? Did you like it more than America, and most importantly, was your cell phone cooler on the JDM that what we get her on the USDM?


                • Frosted
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 5798

                  Mate - that's not right. I don't know what it is but having been a combat medic, you need to see the doctor right away.

                  It sounds to me like a heart problem but it could be dehydration or a blood sugar problem or even something else. But whatever it is it's not right. You need a full check-up.


                  • Owens187
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 1547

                    Originally posted by Condor
                    I have a tip for you, sir.

                    You can jump a bike from a car. Hook the cables up, but DO NOT START either vehicle. Let it sit for a minute and then disconnect the cables, and then try the bike. sometimes it has to sit for a few minutes, but I have jumped my bike off a ton of times like that, no harm. Or get a trickle charger....

                    He has a Yamaha crotch rocket. I believe rice rockets have a six volt system, as opposed to Harleys etc that have a 12 volt system.

                    I can jump my Harley from my truck all day long, running or not, but I believe he is correct that in his case doing this will fry his electrical system.


                    • texasmade
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 4159

                      Originally posted by Frosted

                      It sounds to me like a heart problem



                      • Owens187
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 1547

                        I still believe its all symptoms of hyperventilation. I see people all the time, ALL THE TIME, that come into the ER with the same symptoms after strenuous activity.

                        Especially since you have no prior history of cardiac episodes.


                        • texasmade
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 4159

                          Originally posted by Owens187
                          Especially since you have no prior history of cardiac episodes.

                          better to be safe than get bit in the ass later


                          • Roo
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 3446

                            Originally posted by sgreger1
                            how was it like to live in China?
                            I haven't properly lived there, just studied Chinese there for a semester then traveled there independently 6 times or so and once for work. It's amazing, I can't stop going. I used to be on the fast-track to living there for a short time but found a decent job here. Someday I hope, but nothing too long term, I love the Pacific Northwest


                            • Condor
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 752

                              Originally posted by Owens187
                              Originally posted by Condor
                              I have a tip for you, sir.

                              You can jump a bike from a car. Hook the cables up, but DO NOT START either vehicle. Let it sit for a minute and then disconnect the cables, and then try the bike. sometimes it has to sit for a few minutes, but I have jumped my bike off a ton of times like that, no harm. Or get a trickle charger....

                              He has a Yamaha crotch rocket. I believe rice rockets have a six volt system, as opposed to Harleys etc that have a 12 volt system.

                              I can jump my Harley from my truck all day long, running or not, but I believe he is correct that in his case doing this will fry his electrical system.
                              I jump my VTR 1000 this way. I have always been afraid to start either with the cables still attached.... :shock:
                              Id never ride a Hardley :wink:


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