Ever since I got on with this forum I've wanted to start this poll. I've never started a poll. Keep it anonymous if you want, that is my assumption, no need for comments, just click for me that's all I want. I'm curious as to what ya'll are pulling in, especially in this economy. I'm a fairly young dude, 31, with no clear direction as to where to go. I earned a liberal arts degree but so far I haven't used it. After college in Portland, OR the unemployment level was high (for 2003) and I fell into the travel industry, I guess because I love to travel more than anything else. I'm still at it, and I've gone from seller of Eurail passes, to travel agent, to my current position as director of air operations (lol) for an interesting high-end tour company. They pay me 50K as of next Friday, which I realize is lucky in my line of work simply because no one else in the company knows how to do my job. I started there and told them I would completely revamp the air ticketing arm of their business, and I did, and they don't know what to do without me now that my plans have been implemented. But I plan on moving to Portland when I find a job there. And I know I will make much less there unless I do something drastic. So, what do ya'll make? I'm curious. Be perfectly anonymous if you like. This will be interesting, people. ANSWER IT. ~ Thanks, Roo
So how much do you make?
One thing is for sure. The only way to make a bunch of money is to work your ass off. Some people rely on lady luck but that bi*ch doesn't come around my porch too often. I prefer to make my own luck.
Keep in mind it's all relative guys.
When I tell my mom how I'm doing income-wise she thinks I'm on easy street and living like Donald Trump. That's 'cos she lives in a little podunk town where the dollar goes MUCH farther.
If I told you what my mortgage payment was on my 1700sf cape on my little pissant quarter acre that just so happens to be 30 minutes from Beantown you'd want to puke.
I'm doing well for myself but my wife still has to work or we wouldn't be able to do anything like save for later, invest in the kids, vacation, buy gifts, etc, etc. One and a half years to go until my youngest is in school full time and my wife will get back into career mode and I might change my job. Sometimes I think the dollars aren't worth the stress...unless there's a whole lot of them and some months there are.
Well if people believe the grass is greener on the other side then I recommend they go get themselves some fertilizer.
Originally posted by WickedKitchenOne thing is for sure. The only way to make a bunch of money is to work your ass off. Some people rely on lady luck but that bi*ch doesn't come around my porch too often. I prefer to make my own luck.
Keep in mind it's all relative guys.
When I tell my mom how I'm doing income-wise she thinks I'm on easy street and living like Donald Trump. That's 'cos she lives in a little podunk town where the dollar goes MUCH farther.
If I told you what my mortgage payment was on my 1700sf cape on my little pissant quarter acre that just so happens to be 30 minutes from Beantown you'd want to puke.
I'm doing well for myself but my wife still has to work or we wouldn't be able to do anything like save for later, invest in the kids, vacation, buy gifts, etc, etc. One and a half years to go until my youngest is in school full time and my wife will get back into career mode and I might change my job. Sometimes I think the dollars aren't worth the stress...unless there's a whole lot of them and some months there are.
Well if people believe the grass is greener on the other side then I recommend they go get themselves some fertilizer.
I don't even have a quarter acre here, only .17 acre and even that teeny plot of land is assessed at over 60k because of the area. It's insane! I also understand people thinking you live on "easy street" though. All my immediate family members seem to think for some reason that we're rolling in the dough too, which we're not. I've just always been good at making money go further than most people do...call it weird but it's always been sort of a fun challenge to me. :wink:
Work for a smaller company as a interactive designer/photographer.
Would not recommend anybody to go in this field unless your parents can afford a real 4 year art school. If you get strapped with loans and this market stays tight which I am predicting for another 15 years it is not worth it.
A day in my life.
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/VfprIxNfCjk&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
0-whatever i can get my hands on.
i wish more employers were like Red
all these douchebags care about is a piece of paper that costs $25,000-$200,000 and 4-8 years of your life.
I'm stuck doing odd jobs and whatever comes along plus whatever the temp service can find for me which is usually three days of work every month. most people here complain about their work. i would gladly bust my ass to make even 8 an hour.
Originally posted by sheilalynnthe rent on the apartment was $1200 a month, no utilities included, and it was only a 1 bedroom place in Norwood! Even the grocery stores were expensive there.
Pfft. Cali would take a shit on MA. My wifes mom own an ethnic restaurant in the bad part of San Fran, and above her restaurant, in tennement style apartments, you will pay 1600 for a 1 bedroom that is really a studio with a partition.
I hope the housing market keeps crashing, I hope it burns to the ground. They say theres some big crash but a 2 bedroom house in a bad part of town is still 500k here, I want to see at least 40% reduction in housing prices before I even consider the market as "adjusted", but with Obama's new rules for foreclosure etc and pumping gov money into the housing market, I think instead of letting the market correct down to affordable prices again, they want to just keep maintaining the bubble.
As it is housing should be cheap, they built more houses than people want, and half the people can't pay their bills. I think the mortgage crisis has a ways to go.
I had a 2 year Associates degree in Electronics. Unfortunately, I started tech school 3 weeks after i graduated high school, so I ****ed around too much not realizing the worth of what i was paying for, and barely graduated.
Shortly after that, I ****ed my driving privileges up and didn't have a driver's license for 5 years and had to work at somewhere that was close to home.
By the time I got my license back, getting back into electronics wasn't much of an option. I just didn't remember enough of how to do things.
So now I work in a CNC machining shop. I had no worries about my job during the downturn and job security is bigger right now than how much I make there.
Approx. 26k a year before overtime. But I can work every Saturday and Sunday if I wanted to and can stay late most days. Sundays are double time if it's your 7th day in a row.