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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    !!! Frosted. holy shit, they have that in your country as well??? They tried that here recently, where you have "stress cards" that you can pull out if you feel too stressed because your drill sgt is yelling at you too much or something. Luckily it failed miserably here but they continue to try and push it.

    How the fark could you ever teach someone to follow orders when they can pull out the F@ck you card any time you yell at them?

    I was the last cycle of basic before they adopted their new, nicer version of basic and AIT (technical school) where you would have teachers and not drill sgts. It's sickening really, we will never win a war again in the united states. Ever. Ever. Ever again. Ever.


    • truthwolf1
      • Oct 2008
      • 2696

      The number one reason for all the drama is Feminism. Just watch anything on televesion and you will see real men being laughed at and belittled. Feminism also destroys the basic family unit which has been proven for thousands of years. So if you are not respected and live in a country with a 50 percent divorce rate things are going to be tough.
      You then lean towards a good job which is rare to find these days because the politicians you put into office are all against you by siding with the corporations and banks. You then try to start your own business or purchase some real estate only to be blasted with restrictions/taxes and paying extreme amounts for simple health care. You end up taking a slave job at Walmart and finally save up enough money for a 3D TV only to watch garbage and lies. Now material objects dont even make you happy and there is nothing left but the damn sun that comes up everyday and that wonderful SNUS that accompanys it.


      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9759

        How bout them hemroids?
        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


        • Liandri
          • Jul 2009
          • 604

          This crybaby thread even made MY Butt hurt!


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