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  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947


    Is it just me, or are more and more human beings unable to cope?

    Is there no such thing, or remnant of, the strong and silent or stern and determined.

    Does everyone feel obligated recently to piss and moan?

    In the world in general.........

    Are we as a species incapable of enduring hardship? Must every molehill be exaggerated into an insurmountable obstacle? Does our environment somehow sap testosterone from our being?

    I've come across more whiny little twits in the past few weeks then I've encountered in the past few years.

    I don't want to know what bothers you. I don't want to hear the reasons you've latched on to or manifested - to justify any shortcomings and problems you have. Whether real or perceived.

    BUCK UP.

    SHUT UP.

    Get a stiff upper lip. Remain calm and carry on. Endure some hardship, it makes the goal sweeter.

    Work through problems. Strive for a better life. Be happy about something. Accentuate the positive. For God's sake stop WHINING.

    If I hear one more bum or sad - sorry s.o.b. rant incessantly with jealousy, criticism, and negativity I may end up moving to the woods.

    Are there no men? No solid, unwavering, stoic vestiges of dignity remaining? Has our culture actually lowered to the dregs of self pity and disdain so that none remain accountable for their own condition?

    Has media and medication skewed the true measures of quality in this life? Does anyone remain, anyone rigid in their dignity, anyone steadfast in matters of principle?

    It seems so easy to complain, to blame away with excuses the inconveniences of life.

    I seldom encounter individuals genuinely content in their being. I rarely come across humble souls grateful for the tangible riches they possess.

    Are worldly riches and material things the measure of success? Is health, happiness, family, and friends of any value this day?

    I have little tolerance remaining for those who passionately wax poetically in regards to trivial things. My life is inundated with the shallow, the superficial, and the misguided sheep.


    Infants masquerading as adults. Complaining and cursing. Have they no connection to true misery and suffering? Has our system convinced the masses that their wants carry more importance than their needs?

    Too often people are mistaken about their rights. We should all pursue happiness, we are not entitled to it.

    Next time you see me. When I ask, "how's it going", do me a favor and just lie to me. Tell me everything's fine. Say that you're having a good day. I really don't want to hear about your problems. Negativity is contagious. I've come across so much lately that I might need a transfusion.

    There are other topics and arts to conversation than pissing and moaning about everything.

    From now until the day I die I will smile at every man who's been convinced that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. I'll cheerfully embrace every individual who could have, and would have, been doing better had it not been for whatever hand life has dealt them. In the end, if enough of these smiles and well wishes multiply, some progress can be made towards equilibrium.

    Lately the crybabies have me outnumbered.
  • texasmade
    • Jan 2009
    • 4159


    everybody is told talking about your problems will make you feel better...but talking about your problems and whining are two different things.

    talking is stating your problem and a solution.
    whining is sitting and sulking like you are the only person in the world with an issue.

    you should embrace your troubles and use them as a motivator to get shit together.


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9759

      Re: Crybabies

      Originally posted by bakerbarber
      Is it just me, or are more and more human beings unable to cope?

      Is there no such thing, or remnant of, the strong and silent or stern and determined.

      Does everyone feel obligated recently to piss and moan?

      In the world in general.........

      Are we as a species incapable of enduring hardship? Must every molehill be exaggerated into an insurmountable obstacle? Does our environment somehow sap testosterone from our being?

      I've come across more whiny little twits in the past few weeks then I've encountered in the past few years.

      I don't want to know what bothers you. I don't want to hear the reasons you've latched on to or manifested - to justify any shortcomings and problems you have. Whether real or perceived.

      BUCK UP.

      SHUT UP.

      Get a stiff upper lip. Remain calm and carry on. Endure some hardship, it makes the goal sweeter.

      Work through problems. Strive for a better life. Be happy about something. Accentuate the positive. For God's sake stop WHINING.

      If I hear one more bum or sad - sorry s.o.b. rant incessantly with jealousy, criticism, and negativity I may end up moving to the woods.

      Are there no men? No solid, unwavering, stoic vestiges of dignity remaining? Has our culture actually lowered to the dregs of self pity and disdain so that none remain accountable for their own condition?

      Has media and medication skewed the true measures of quality in this life? Does anyone remain, anyone rigid in their dignity, anyone steadfast in matters of principle?

      It seems so easy to complain, to blame away with excuses the inconveniences of life.

      I seldom encounter individuals genuinely content in their being. I rarely come across humble souls grateful for the tangible riches they possess.

      Are worldly riches and material things the measure of success? Is health, happiness, family, and friends of any value this day?

      I have little tolerance remaining for those who passionately wax poetically in regards to trivial things. My life is inundated with the shallow, the superficial, and the misguided sheep.


      Infants masquerading as adults. Complaining and cursing. Have they no connection to true misery and suffering? Has our system convinced the masses that their wants carry more importance than their needs?

      Too often people are mistaken about their rights. We should all pursue happiness, we are not entitled to it.

      Next time you see me. When I ask, "how's it going", do me a favor and just lie to me. Tell me everything's fine. Say that you're having a good day. I really don't want to hear about your problems. Negativity is contagious. I've come across so much lately that I might need a transfusion.

      There are other topics and arts to conversation than pissing and moaning about everything.

      From now until the day I die I will smile at every man who's been convinced that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. I'll cheerfully embrace every individual who could have, and would have, been doing better had it not been for whatever hand life has dealt them. In the end, if enough of these smiles and well wishes multiply, some progress can be made towards equilibrium.

      Lately the crybabies have me outnumbered.
      look whos talkin..............lmao
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • bakerbarber
        • Jun 2008
        • 1947


        Was waiting for that.


        • WickedKitchen
          • Nov 2009
          • 2528

          Thanks PP. That made me laugh.

          Yeah, people bitch and moan way too much IMO too. I mean, if the world spent the same amount of time trying to solve a problem as they do whining about it the would would be a very different place.

          I don't know how to get a vid on here to I just copied the link. It's about the no complaining rule.


          • AtreyuKun
            • Aug 2009
            • 1223

            It's self esteem dude.
            The little punks are taught in school. to believe they're special. Little Johnny is taught that his feelings need validation. Every goddamn law that comes off the books these days are setup to "protect the ****ing kids". These bastards are taught that respect is something that should given not earned.

            You know what? I went to a Baptist kindergarten, and Catholic middle school, and a Presbyterian high school and guess what? You think they taught us "self esteem"? My self esteem was raped on a daily basis. Think an Irish nun with a 2x4 for a ruler gave a damn about about my "feelings"?
            Now religion to me has nothing to do with it, but when I came out of those schools, I was proud of myself for surviving. Self esteem came from being presented with a very challenging situation and then overcoming it.

            Kids have an overinflated sense of self worth. When school is done, and you get in the real world, your boss isn't going to give a rats ass about your feelings. He won't care about your precious self esteem.

            People just need to get the **** over themselves.


            • CM
              • Apr 2009
              • 329


              I hate it.

              I cant stand it at all.


              • f. bandersnatch
                • Mar 2010
                • 725

                Whining about people whining. Like a snake eating its own tail.

                You just need to tell people you don't give two tugs of a dead dog's dick and go get yourself some pussy.

                You are welcome.


                • texasmade
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 4159

                  Originally posted by f. bandersnatch
                  You just need to tell people you don't give two tugs of a dead dog's dick and go get yourself some pussy.

                  You are welcome.



                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Complainer is complaining about complaining. Rofl.

                    But your right, in general I think it's just how society is moving what with all the MTV and myspace generation types.

                    America's high standard of living has made the masses soft and missing a scheduled flight somewhere is an unthinkable woe, meanwhile the rest of the world starves in the forest or desert somewhere.

                    But hey, can't do shit about it. So quit complaining 8)


                    • Frosted
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 5798

                      I must admit though Sgreger that since I left the Army I've never met so many wet whinging babies and our governments pander to them????

                      I'm a great believer in "earn your respect".


                      • Ozark
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 36

                        Originally posted by Frosted

                        I'm a great believer in "earn your respect".
                        I’m a great believer in the Darwin Method. :wink:


                        • Owens187
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 1547

                          Originally posted by sgreger1
                          Complainer is complaining about complaining. Rofl.
                          :lol: :lol: :lol:

                          Though its about as true as it gets these days. When I was a kid it was all about "Grow up and be a MAN!" "Buck up". "What the hell you cryin' about?". "Toughen up". "Act like you got a pair".

                          Look at this upcoming generation - nothing but a bunch of metro-sexual pussies with their tight little girl jeans, eyeliner, man purses, emo or whatever the fu*k hairdos, and their whiny little whoe-is-me bitch ass attitudes. And their faggy ass music that does nothing but whine about Daddy not loving them enough. I cant stand that shit!

                          I have agreed with Bakers post for years now....


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            The days of your mother telling you "Quit tattle tailing. No one likes a tattle taler" when you try to tell on your brother or sister for doing something bad are over.

                            Now it's black painted nails, guys wearing makeup, and rules of engagement overseas where we have to be nice to the enemy you are supposed to be killing. Then add in the extreme environmentalist who live in the trees up where I live, and then double up on that with the people who want to ban or tax anything that's bad for you (for your own good), and the picture should become pretty clear that America is ****ed. We will never win a war again and the moral busybodies will destroy our economy and culture.

                            I noticed this when I was in the army, the kids they recruit are so weak. And why wouldn't they be? You will lose all of your rank that it took you years to obtain just because you give beer to a private who is a minor. They care more about being PC than accomplishing the objective. When i showed up there I was taking a fifth to the face and ready to go kill some shit and I quickly realized how alone I was in my enthusiasm. They have turned our soldiers into bureaucrats and our women into Paris Hilton wannabes. For those of you who can empathize with the OP's post, get used to it, because it's not changing.


                            • Frosted
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 5798

                              They even brought in a yellow/red card system in the British Army recently so that if you thought your instructor was out of order you'd show a card. WTF??
                              If we even blinked at our instructors we were soooo f**ked.

                              My instructors tried very hard to get me to leave during basic - I was Irish in an English regiment and they didn't like that very much so training was baaad. When I passed out they shook my hand and made me a cup of tea. I earned their respect for putting up with so much sh!t and it stayed throughout my career.

                              Now I'll say that it was better then - because in what is basically a rent-a-mob you need to exert discipline and it has to be heavy. It also teaches people to fight effectively without arguing. You shut up and get on with it.
                              Personally I think national service should be brought back in England - it is definately character building in so many ways and too many people these days don't have any character, never mind a spine.


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