Saying HI.

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  • mickel1138
    New Member
    • Dec 2007
    • 2

    Saying HI.


    What, more?

    Ok, Hi, my name is Mickel, originally from the Netherlands, now living in Texas for a little over 10 years.

    A friend of mine brought me back from Marlboro Snus of DFW back to CC. And it was OK at first, but now it's not doing much for me anymore. It's like a piece of bad tasting gum.

    So trough forums and websites I found out a lot more about Snus, and ordered some stuff from

    I ordered some regular and white portions (also some mini). Mini so I can use them at work. As I understand the regular Snus is kinda moist, but the white portion's also almost dry?

    Anyway, hope to let you know in about a week if i'm a Snusionato. (Like that word? If you do, I just copyrighted it!)

  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Welcome my fellow Saab friend, glad you made it over here. As I posted over there, you made some great choices. Trust me, snus will soon be another passion


    • chainsnuser
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 1388

      Haartelijk welkom!

      I don't know Marlboro Snus, but I assume (regarding other members' posts), that it's totally different from Swedish Snus.

      Swedish Snus sometimes burns terribly on the gums, if you are new to it and most brands have a salty taste, that needs some getting used to it. The burning disappears after about a week and your tastebuds will soon adjust to snus, in case you don't like the taste straight away, like many of us, including me.

      What made me immediately fall in love with snus, was the long-lasting nicotine-kick, far better than what I ever experienced with my former heavy smoking habit.

      Hope you'll become a snus-aficionado (to avoid a copyright-infringement, I will not use your neologism :lol

      Best luck!


      • Craig de Tering
        • Nov 2006
        • 525

        Texas hè? *jaloers*
        Al zou ik liever voor Arizona gaan.
        Anyhow, weest welkom! ;-)


        • mickel1138
          New Member
          • Dec 2007
          • 2

          He Krijg de Tering! :wink: Ben maar niet jaloers, d'r is niet veel te doen hier, ik ga liever terug naar Tilburg.

          YAY, I got my snus today, and I started with General Portion. So far i'm no too impressed with the taste, even tho it's not bad. It may take some getting used to, and finding my favorite.

          One questions remains... What's with the lid on the top of the can? I opened it, but no snus there. Instead had to remove the wrapper to find snus.

          I also have some Goteborg Rape (both regular and mini) Ettan and Lucky Strike. I got the mini's for work, but the regular size seems not that noticable either.



          • darkwing
            • Oct 2007
            • 415

            Mickel, it takes a bit of time to get comfortable with snus, it took me a week but now 3 or 4 months later I cannot get enough of it. The lid on the snus can is a little storage place for used snus when you are out or if you want to store a half-used piece and pop it back in later. Happy snusing!


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