Radical Islamic Web site takes on 'South Park'

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Radical Islamic Web site takes on 'South Park'

    Everyone remember the last episode of South Park, "200", where they make fun of the Muslim Prophet Muhamad by dressing him in a bear suit (Since you can't show him, even in cartoon form, or muslims will riot and kill people)? Well the religion of peace strikes yet again and this time they are going after Matt Stone and trey Parker.

    The radical Muslim website, who supports Osama Bin Laden, Al Quaida and Jihad against the west, states in their post that:

    “We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them.”

    Theo van Gogh was a Dutch filmmaker who was murdered by an Islamic extremist in 2004 after making a short documentary on violence against women in some Islamic societies. The posting on Revolutionmuslim.com features a graphic photograph of Van Gogh with his throat cut and a dagger in his chest.

    The website then goes on to give out the addresses of Comedy Central’s New York address, and the Los Angeles, California, address of Parker and Sloane’s production company.

    BONUS: In the background of their post, they play a speach from Anwar al-Awlaki, (the one who is now hiding in Yemen and targeted for assasinnation by our gov) that talks about how Muslims must kill anyone who defames Mohamad.

    “Harming Allah and his messenger is a reason to encourage Muslims to kill whoever does that.”, he writes.

    For those who are intirested in doing a little protesting of their own, this websites contact info is below. We should spam them with obscene pictures of Mohamad photoshopped onto SFWPORN.COM pics. But in the end, the best way to defeat radical religions is to publicly mock them.

    Revolution Muslim

    Yousef al Khattab (aka Leonard Cohen)

  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Come and get me...


    • f. bandersnatch
      • Mar 2010
      • 725

      Oh, to live for the sole purpose of hating other people. What a waste of time. I guess that's where the bomb vests come in...


      • Ozark
        • Apr 2010
        • 36

        Hate is a very powerful emotion.... Why waste all that effort someone you don't like?


        • texasmade
          • Jan 2009
          • 4159


          that is all

          i have photo shop up and ready if someone wants to throw down


          • daruckis
            • Jul 2009
            • 2277

            dude im sure matt and trey are used to people wanting to kill them.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              It's just ironic that the show was about them going to crazy lengths to NOT show Mohammed because muslims would get all pissy about it, and back in the real world the muslims DID get pissy about it, even though Mohammed was never shown. Part two is coming up tomorrow. I hope it has Tom Cruise sucking the "can't make fun of you" goo from Mohammed's cock. That would be great. I hope they show him outside of the bear suit as well.


              • texasmade
                • Jan 2009
                • 4159

                then turns out that mohammed was actually the pope in hiding.


                • Mordred
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 342

                  Mohammed this, Mohammed that... makes you wonder who their god really is? Allah or some illiterate merchant?

                  He's not even "the son of God" like Jesus, he's just some dude, not unlike, say Joseph Smith. Both were nobodies who claimed to have been visited by an angel. And they both managed to become prophets and founders of religions.

                  Why then do the mormons not believe that Mohammed saw the archangel Gabriel and why do the muslims not believe that Joseph Smith met the angel Moroni? It's not like there's any evidence for either of those being true.

                  Hence: People are dumb and/or hypocrites and love to follow OTHER PEOPLE. Case in point: Adolf Hitler. Hitler was a grade-A asshole but at least he got people to follow him on his own merit, and not some preposterous lie about having talked to angels.

                  Kinda makes me wonder why I do honest work instead of finding enough idiots to swindle out of their money...


                  • danielan
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1514


                    Originally posted by Mordred
                    Kinda makes me wonder why I do honest work instead of finding enough idiots to swindle out of their money...
                    It worked for L. Ron Hubbard...


                    • Roo
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 3446

                      Originally posted by Mordred
                      He's not even "the son of God" like Jesus, he's just some dude, not unlike, say Joseph Smith. Both were nobodies who claimed to have been visited by an angel. And they both managed to become prophets and founders of religions.
                      So did Jesus.

                      Anyone who believes Jesus was anything more than some dude has fallen into the same trap. I think I know what you're saying, that Christians believe Jesus was superhuman and (most) Muslims believe Muhammed was not. But I wouldn't single out Muslims or Mormons for investing their entire faith in a mere mortal who claimed to have received the direct edict of God.


                      • texasmade
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4159

                        Originally posted by Roo
                        Originally posted by Mordred
                        He's not even "the son of God" like Jesus, he's just some dude, not unlike, say Joseph Smith. Both were nobodies who claimed to have been visited by an angel. And they both managed to become prophets and founders of religions.
                        So did Jesus.

                        Anyone who believes Jesus was anything more than some dude has fallen into the same trap. I think I know what you're saying, that Christians believe Jesus was superhuman and (most) Muslims believe Muhammed was not. But I wouldn't single out Muslims or Mormons for investing their entire faith in a mere mortal who claimed to have received the direct edict of God.
                        ZARATHUSTRA THAT IS ALL!

                        somebody that most monotheistic people don't even think of or credit.



                        • bsd777
                          • Nov 2009
                          • 261

                          I guess it's just a light discussion, but I don't understand how a conversation about Islamic fundamentalists turns into a comparison of various religions. I know of no other religion which threatens violence because the practitioners feel"offended". These types of threats should not be taken lightly. Their goal is to change behavior and move toward Sharia law. They have been fairly successful. England allows civil disputes to be settled in Sharia courts. Non-Muslim women are afraid to walk the streets of certain parts of France, without wearing a hijab. This is why the French recently passed, or attempted to pass, a law banning hijabs. It's no joke, radical Islam is a threat to all free people.


                          • texasmade
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 4159

                            Originally posted by bsd777
                            I know of no other religion which threatens violence because the practitioners feel"offended".
                            look up christian identity.

                            and see how similar they are to jihadist muslims


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