Christian Identity is a wacky white racial belief, with hardly any followers, in comparison to worldwide radical Islam. I don't see any comparison really. They are like the white version of the black Nation of Islam, but on a much much smaller scale.
Radical Islamic Web site takes on 'South Park'
Roo is right in saying that jesus is just as big a trap as any of the other's on the laundry list of mortal gods and prophets that people have worshipped throughout the centuries.
But let's not be illogical here, Islam is in fact the only religion today that has any real influence that calls for the mass murder of entire races of people. Even Hitler could be tolerant to SOME people, but the muslims are worse than hitler could ever have accomplished. If we allowed the muslims to have their way, as described in their holy book, Auschwitz would look like a summer camp.
Muslims call for the murder of innocent people for drawing cartoons, that is shit straight out of the dark ages.
Muslims murder their OWN countrymen just to get back at the united states for killing one of their countrymen. If a soldier shoots a civilian in the crossfire, muslims will blow up a whole ****ing marketplace IN THEIR OWN CITY just in hopes of killing a single US soldier.
They treat their women in a fashion that is slavery at best and most of their women suffer from a version of Stockholm's syndrome where they feel they deserve to be beaten and stoned for even the most minor of offenses.
All religions are manmade garbage but Islam is the most violent and tyrannical of all modern day religions, and they will stop at nothing to bring back the caliphate and dominate the world. I believe in sovereignty so they can practice cannibalism for all I care as long as it's in their own country. But that's not enough for them, they want israel, they want the west, they want the world. There is no single group that poses a larger threat to the planet and to freedom in general than the radical muslims of today.
Disclaimer: This doesn't mean all muslims, most are like christians in that they don't actually practice everything the book tells them to because they know that would make them evil bad people if they murdered innocents and killed their women etc. But the group of orthodox muslims who follow the rules in the Koran to the T are growing in numbers each day. I need to bring back my old avatar.
God D***it. Did anyone else just see the second part of the 200th episode right now?
Those tools Matt and Trey totally caved in to the muslims and censored the entire thing. Not only did they censor muhammad, but they even censored the use of his name. THEY CENSORED EVEN SAYING HIS NAME!
Surely the muslims will still have a problem with this. I guarantee somehow, some way, they will protest and threaten to murder people over this, even though the whole thing was censored.
South Park lost it's balls, they wouldn't cave in to the scientologists, the christians, or anyone else, but they gave the muslims a pass and that pisses me off. In the old days they would have shows Mohammad as some rediculous fish creature or an FSM or something.
Sgreger- I can guarantee you, with utmost confidence, that any censoring was done either by or under compliance to the higher ups at Comedy Central. Trey and Matt would show all kinds of blaspheming, horrible, hilarious shit if it weren't for those epic fun-haters known as lawyers.
Trey and Matt did an interview on fresh air's weekend edition where they spoke pretty openly about the constraints that are placed on them (public radio, FTW). I included a link, if you are interested. It's lengthy, but a good listen, especially to a fan.
Originally posted by texasmadeOriginally posted by bsd777I know of no other religion which threatens violence because the practitioners feel"offended".
and see how similar they are to jihadist muslims
Originally posted by f. bandersnatchSgreger- I can guarantee you, with utmost confidence, that any censoring was done either by or under compliance to the higher ups at Comedy Central. Trey and Matt would show all kinds of blaspheming, horrible, hilarious shit if it weren't for those epic fun-haters known as lawyers.
Trey and Matt did an interview on fresh air's weekend edition where they spoke pretty openly about the constraints that are placed on them (public radio, FTW). I included a link, if you are interested. It's lengthy, but a good listen, especially to a fan.
Matt Stone:
"I think Comedy Central totally ****ing pussed out. Now, they weren't any different than anyone else, so it's not like you can single them out. But I think it would've been an important statement for one media outlet in America to stand up. That was one of my most disappointing moments as an American--the American press's reaction to the Muhammad cartoons. It was completely wimpy. Cartoonists, people who do satire--we're not in the army, we're never going to be ****ing drafted and this is our time to stand up and do the right thing. And to watch the New York Times, Comedy Central, everybody just go 'No, we're not going to do it because basically we're afraid of getting bombed' sucked. I was so disappointed."
Originally posted by justintemplerOriginally posted by texasmadeOriginally posted by bsd777I know of no other religion which threatens violence because the practitioners feel"offended".
and see how similar they are to jihadist muslims
The fringe Christian Identity group is too wacky to even take serious. Even the muslims sound like rational thinking scientists compared to the CID crowd.
You can't make shit like this up:
They believe that only white people have souls and that white europeans are the TRUE decendants of israel, and that all the jews are just faking it. They maintain that the jews are not israelites because waaay back in the day, their great great great great grandfather sold his birthright for a BOWL OF LENTIL SOUP. And therefore white people are the real jews and the present day jews are all imposters who must be slaughtered.
Now, what's even more wacky, and more of a concern is the racist Farrakhan Nation of Islam, which has a lot of members, centers, books and papers, and glorified through other racist groups like "rev" Wright's "church", and pandered to by the liberal media.
They believe way way back, a black scientist with an abnormally big head, "created" the white race by grafting a light skinned black.
They also want all blacks freed from prisons, inter-racial marriages illegal, black children to only be schooled by black teachers, and a separate black nation.
They are black version of the white KKK/neo-nazis.
And Farrakhan was awarded by Obama's old "church".
Good point Tom. But surely you are racist for pointing out that some groups of black people have prejudices too, as we ALL know that only white people are inherintly prejudice in nature against people who are different from them.
The Nation of Islam teaches that Black people were the original humans. Louis Farrakhan has stated that "White people are potential humans…they haven’t evolved yet." [15]
"The Blackman is the original man. From him came all brown, yellow, red, and white people. By using a special method of birth control law, the Blackman was able to produce the white race. This method of birth control was developed by a Black scientist known as Yakub, who envisioned making and teaching a nation of people who would be diametrically opposed to the Original People. A Race of people who would one day rule the original people and the earth for a period of 6,000 years. Yakub promised his followers that he would graft a nation from his own people, and he would teach them how to rule his people, through a system of tricks and lies whereby they use deceit to divide and conquer, and break the unity of the darker people, put one brother against another, and then act as mediators and rule both sides."
I'm cracking up at my desk right now so bad, I mean humans in their ability to create stupid is so powerfull that there has to be a way to run the power grid off it.
See this is why we need shows like southpark, to mock these people. There are so many unique brands of crazy out there it will ensure another 20 years of hilarious episodes of SP, but the muslims have won yet again in controlling us through fear.
While Malcolm X was a member of the Nation of Islam, he preached that black people were genetically superior to white people but were dominated by a system of white supremacy.
Thoughtful white people know they are inferior to Black people. Even [Senator James] Eastland knows it. Anyone who has studied the genetic phase of biology knows that white is considered recessive and black is considered dominant. ..The entire American economy is based on white supremacy. Even the religious philosophies, in essence, white supremacy. A white Jesus. A white Virgin. White angels. White everything. But a black Devil, of course. The "Uncle Sam" political foundation is based on white supremacy, relegating nonwhites to second−class citizenship. It goes without saying that the social philosophy is strictly white supremacist. And the educational system perpetuates white supremacy.[18]
^---- These are the civil rights leaders black people look to? Thank God we had MLK who was an upstanding person just wanting freedom and justice, because almost all the other "black spokesman" all the way up to AL Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (and Obama's preacher) are all aboard the crazy train as far as i'm concerned.
I tried to write this comment on the RevolutionMuslim blog site, but one has to make an account, so I didn't:
I think fundy Muslims do not understand the concept of freedom, in the USA. If you don't like South Park, which is well known to honor no sacred cows, then Muslims should not even watch it. I think it's extremist to reach this far over a comedy show. America is based on freedoms. If you don't agree with freedom, then there are established Islamic nations one may move to. I am Buddhist, and I revere the Buddha, and South Park even depicts the Buddha in a comically negative way, but it does not make me fume with extremism. Other than saying Muhammed's name, and offering a semi-image, they really never said, or depicted him in a negative way. I think the closed mindedness and bigotedness mentality of Muslim fundamentalism, makes it near impossible for Muslims of this type to live in a free society. In other words, you should lighten up, and be thankful to Allah you can live in a nation that allows you to practice your faith, but you must allow others their expression as well.
All the news articles say that they just shut the site down now, not sure if it's true though.
They won't listen to you Tom because they don't use logic. One of the prerequisites for being a religious extremist is that you have to shut the logic and reasoning centers of your brain down, and operate on faith alone. Once in that mindset, you can justify anything from murder to rape as long as you have faith that you are doing it for a good reason.
So this is weird. I was talking to my buddy the other day, he said he had missed episode 200 . this might have been wednesday. He just got high speed, ( I know) So anyway i have to turn him onto the finer things in-life. like watching full episodes of TV with minimal commercials. So anyway, I guess he watched it, then missed the new episode on wednesday. Well he went to watch it COM-CEN website. And they are not playing it. So naturally I have to check it out. They have a weird message about the beeps and what not when you try to play it. If some of you wouldn't mind please check this out and give me your take on it. Thanks BB1
According to Matt and Trey, Comedy central "pusses out yet again" and censored it after it was given to them, not just censoring the image but even any instance of his name being spoken.
They also said they would not put it up for free on the website where they put all the other free episodes.