Video games are something I do when I feel like not moving. Thats the whole point, in my mind. I have no interest in motion controlled anything, unless you are talking about my own body parts. Those are probably the most interesting motion controlled devices I own.
I am sure that whatever microsoft and sony comes up with with will sell fine, people love buying dumb stuff, the wii is excellent evidence of this fact.
I am not trying to stomp on anyone's views of this thing, I just think this whole "you can pretend like you are riding a skateboard, and the guy on the screen does what you do" video gaming culture is silly. Go ride a damn skateboard. I almost wish I had a kid just so I could refuse to buy him/her shit like this.
I am sure that whatever microsoft and sony comes up with with will sell fine, people love buying dumb stuff, the wii is excellent evidence of this fact.
I am not trying to stomp on anyone's views of this thing, I just think this whole "you can pretend like you are riding a skateboard, and the guy on the screen does what you do" video gaming culture is silly. Go ride a damn skateboard. I almost wish I had a kid just so I could refuse to buy him/her shit like this.