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  • PipenSnus
    • Apr 2010
    • 1038

    I've thought a lot about getting a tattoo over the years. The biggest reason I've never gone through with it is that I never could decide on a design.

    Recently I've been thinking I might just get something small and simple, but that has deep significance to me. I'm considering finding a tattoo artist who is good at Greek lettering, and having the word παρρησία (parrhesia) tattooed either on a bicep or over my heart. Here's the Wikipedia definition of parrhesia, if you're interested:


    • dxh
      • Jun 2010
      • 340

      Originally posted by PipenSnus View Post
      I've thought a lot about getting a tattoo over the years. The biggest reason I've never gone through with it is that I never could decide on a design.

      Recently I've been thinking I might just get something small and simple, but that has deep significance to me. I'm considering finding a tattoo artist who is good at Greek lettering, and having the word παρρησία (parrhesia) tattooed either on a bicep or over my heart. Here's the Wikipedia definition of parrhesia, if you're interested:
      Nice. I did some Hebrew lettering that looked great. On the inside of both arms right below the armpit.


      • NonServiam
        • May 2010
        • 736

        Originally posted by dxh View Post
        I think it really depends on where you live.
        Yeah, you see them a lot more now, but in a global whole they are by far the minority.
        I can't help but wonder why it bothers some people when a soccer mom gets a tattoo? Does it matter?
        Do you judge people by the shoes they wear or the car they drive?
        Do you make assumptions about people because they are not like you?
        If you don't like them, just say so.
        The truth is most people get them for personal reasons. Tattoos help pay my bills, so when a mom wants a tattoo to remind her of her dog or lost kid I find it awesome.
        Not trying to flame, I love diverse opinions.
        Tribal bands/barbwire are however very...un-original. I can understand the anger when speaking of those
        After comparing our posts, I actually think we are on the same page, but we're just splitting hairs at this point. I'm not trying to be an ass and argue with you. If I come off as one it is purely unintentional. But I also do not want you to misunderstand me. Anyone who is familiar with my posts here will tell you I am an open-minded and non-judgmental person. My post was also cynical and tongue-in-cheek to some extent. I sometimes have a hard time keeping my misanthropic tendencies in check. I am also the last to judge someone. People judge me all the time because of my taste in music and personal beliefs. I made no assumptions either.

        I never said it bothers me that a "soccer mom" gets a tattoo. My statement of "Now every soccer mom on the block has a f'n tramp stamp or a rose on their ankle." was merely my point that tattoos are no longer limited to the outsiders of society. It was also my point that tattoos have lost a lot of their meaning, sincerity, and significance. I'm sure there's housewives out there that get tattoos that actually mean something, i.e. death of a loved one, birth of a child, etc... But I think the vast majority are just as you said "Tribal bands and barbwire". Guys getting tribal bands to look tough and chicks getting tramp stamps to look hot. It's almost as if tattoos have become as much as an accessory item as a wrist watch.

        Some of these people are mindless sheep and will buy whatever is cool at the time. They buy the songs that mainstream radio says is a "hit". They buy the clothes that their favorite artist wears. These people are obsessed with fitting in because they are uncomfortable and insecure with being themselves. And with that in today's modern era comes tattoos and piercings.

        I'm not making a large blanket assumption. But it's no secret that tattoos and piercings have become the new "in" thing. I also don't look down upon those with tats or piercings. I'd like to have a couple myself someday once I find a design that truly speaks from my heart. But you know what they say...opinions are like a**holes, everyone's got one. And some stink.


        • deadohsky
          • Nov 2009
          • 625

          Originally posted by NonServiam
          Deadohsky those portrait tats are really good. Someone is very talented. As for me, I've never had any piercings or tats. It used to be if you wanted to be different you got a tattoo or piercing. Now days, if you want to be different, don't have any tattoos or piercings. Tats used to only be for three kinds of people: Military, Rock n' Rollers, or Ex-Cons. Now every soccer mom on the block has a f'n tramp stamp or a rose on their ankle. Plus tats are just one more way for the gov't to track you.

          I may get some shoulder tats someday. I'd like to get a Mjolinir (Thor's Hammer) like Trolltind's and maybe a nice gothic scene on the other arm.

          Thanks for the kind words; i'm happy i was able to find a competent artist very close by. There are some good things about Nebraska haha. Definitely feel you on the over used generic tattoos.


          • f. bandersnatch
            • Mar 2010
            • 725

            My buddy got a tribal sun thing tattooed awhile back (hes puerto rican, don't ask me to explain it), and found out a couple of days later that it was almost identical to the Godsmack logo. That's a pretty awesome tattoo horror story, if I've ever heard one.

            And sgreger, what the hell are you waiting for? You have a legitimate reason to get a giant FISTER tattoo, and you haven't done it? You've gone completely mad.


            • truthwolf1
              • Oct 2008
              • 2696

              I think the tribal arm band tattoos, lower back one's on women or any tribal unless you are from a tribe are extremely trendy. Not sure about when this hit it's hay day but that was when tattoos started to spiral downhill in my opinion. It became more of a fashion statement like piercings and once everyone has one, sorry to say it is not cool anymore and you are not a badass.

              Wish I could remove the one tat I have or go over it but in all honesty I just have lost any urge because so many people have them now.


              • dxh
                • Jun 2010
                • 340

                Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                I think the tribal arm band tattoos, lower back one's on women or any tribal unless you are from a tribe are extremely trendy. Not sure about when this hit it's hay day but that was when tattoos started to spiral downhill in my opinion. It became more of a fashion statement like piercings and once everyone has one, sorry to say it is not cool anymore and you are not a badass.

                Wish I could remove the one tat I have or go over it but in all honesty I just have lost any urge because so many people have them now.
                If you get a tattoo to be a bad are not a bad ass


                • dxh
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 340

                  Originally posted by NonServiam View Post
                  After comparing our posts, I actually think we are on the same page, but we're just splitting hairs at this point. I'm not trying to be an ass and argue with you. If I come off as one it is purely unintentional. But I also do not want you to misunderstand me. Anyone who is familiar with my posts here will tell you I am an open-minded and non-judgmental person. My post was also cynical and tongue-in-cheek to some extent. I sometimes have a hard time keeping my misanthropic tendencies in check. I am also the last to judge someone. People judge me all the time because of my taste in music and personal beliefs. I made no assumptions either.

                  I never said it bothers me that a "soccer mom" gets a tattoo. My statement of "Now every soccer mom on the block has a f'n tramp stamp or a rose on their ankle." was merely my point that tattoos are no longer limited to the outsiders of society. It was also my point that tattoos have lost a lot of their meaning, sincerity, and significance. I'm sure there's housewives out there that get tattoos that actually mean something, i.e. death of a loved one, birth of a child, etc... But I think the vast majority are just as you said "Tribal bands and barbwire". Guys getting tribal bands to look tough and chicks getting tramp stamps to look hot. It's almost as if tattoos have become as much as an accessory item as a wrist watch.

                  Some of these people are mindless sheep and will buy whatever is cool at the time. They buy the songs that mainstream radio says is a "hit". They buy the clothes that their favorite artist wears. These people are obsessed with fitting in because they are uncomfortable and insecure with being themselves. And with that in today's modern era comes tattoos and piercings.

                  I'm not making a large blanket assumption. But it's no secret that tattoos and piercings have become the new "in" thing. I also don't look down upon those with tats or piercings. I'd like to have a couple myself someday once I find a design that truly speaks from my heart. But you know what they say...opinions are like a**holes, everyone's got one. And some stink.
                  I think someone shit in my cereal that day.


                  • NonServiam
                    • May 2010
                    • 736

                    Originally posted by dxh View Post
                    I think someone shit in my cereal that day.
                    Not a problem. If everybody agreed all the time here at Snuson, the threads wouldn't be near as entertaining! Someone's been shitin' in my cereal too lately. I knew I didn't buy any Cocoa Puffs.


                    • Condor
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 752

                      Just got it today


                      • jagmanss
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 12213

                        Originally posted by Condor View Post
                        Just got it today
                        Is that 2 guys humping on a horse? LOL... Not that there's anything wrong with that, looks pretty cool


                        • snusjus
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 2674

                          I have about 6 tattoos. All can be covered with pants and a short sleeve t-shirt.


                          • Condor
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 752

                            The Seal of The Army of Christ... The Poor Knights of Christ- 2 knights on one horse to portray their vow of poverty. Templars.


                            • EricHill78
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 4253

                              Originally posted by jagmanss View Post
                              Is that 2 guys humping on a horse? LOL... Not that there's anything wrong with that, looks pretty cool


                              • Condor
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 752


                                I honestly don't have a picture of most of them....


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