The only thing that gets my jollies up more than when people see the Virgin Mary on toast, is when people claim to have uncovered Noah's Ark. And why should 2010 be any different? So here we go, this years official "We found the Ark!" comes from a group of Chinese and Turkish evangelical explorers who claim to have found it on Mt Ararat. Bonus: Carbon dating puts it at 4,800 years old, THE EXACT TIME THE BIBLE SAID GOD FLOODED THE EARTH!!!!
Lol, sorry if this offends anyone but I just cannot wrap my head around this belief that the earth is only 6k years old, and that god destroyed it once (via flood) about 5,000 years ago. I mean this must mean the egyptians and no one else survived, right? All races died out and started anew from one couple 4k years ago? lololol, we have artwork that's older than that! Did they adorn the walls of the boat with it or something?
So, add another to the list of people who found the ark:
257 BC - Berosus, Chaldean historian
1st Century - Jewish historian Flavius Josephus
180 AD - Theophilus of Antioch
4th Century - Bishop Epiphanius of Salamis
4th Century - John Chrysostom
610 BC - Isidore of Seville
1245 AD - Jehan Haithon, an Armenian monk
1633 AD - Adam Olearius
1856 AD - Haji Yearam
1883 AD - Turkish scientist
1908 - Georgie Hagopian, Armenian immigrant
1916-17 - Russian and Turkish soldiers entered the Ark.
1943 - American Airmen photographed the Ark.
1948 - Kurdish Farmer named Resit
1953 - George Green
1987- The Durupınar Site - Turkish government declares "Ark" sight as a national park
Hell, even Iran claims they found the ark.
Lol, sorry if this offends anyone but I just cannot wrap my head around this belief that the earth is only 6k years old, and that god destroyed it once (via flood) about 5,000 years ago. I mean this must mean the egyptians and no one else survived, right? All races died out and started anew from one couple 4k years ago? lololol, we have artwork that's older than that! Did they adorn the walls of the boat with it or something?
So, add another to the list of people who found the ark:
257 BC - Berosus, Chaldean historian
1st Century - Jewish historian Flavius Josephus
180 AD - Theophilus of Antioch
4th Century - Bishop Epiphanius of Salamis
4th Century - John Chrysostom
610 BC - Isidore of Seville
1245 AD - Jehan Haithon, an Armenian monk
1633 AD - Adam Olearius
1856 AD - Haji Yearam
1883 AD - Turkish scientist
1908 - Georgie Hagopian, Armenian immigrant
1916-17 - Russian and Turkish soldiers entered the Ark.
1943 - American Airmen photographed the Ark.
1948 - Kurdish Farmer named Resit
1953 - George Green
1987- The Durupınar Site - Turkish government declares "Ark" sight as a national park
Hell, even Iran claims they found the ark.