Via Michael Moynihan at Reason. Remember Lars Vilks? A few years ago he decided to draw Mohammed as a pooch and has been dodging killers ever since, from garden variety Islamist nuts like “Jihad Jane” all the way up to the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq. Funny thing, though: Not only wasn’t he intimidated, he practically dared the mujahedeen to come and get him, letting CNN cameras film his home and even booby-trapping the place in case the soldiers of Allah paid him an unexpected visit. Quote:
Fast-forward to today’s lecture. The guy who ran up and head-butted him hasn’t been identified yet, but as Moynihan notes, you can clearly hear screams of “Allahu Akbar” in the classroom as security scrambles. Note to Trey Parker and Matt Stone: If you haven’t hired full-time bodyguards yet, this is your wake-up call.
Vilks has faced numerous death threats over the controversial cartoon, but said in March he has built his own defense system, including a “homemade” safe room and a barbed-wire sculpture that could electrocute potential intruders.
He said he also has an ax “to chop down” anyone trying to climb through the windows of his home in southern Sweden.
“If something happens, I know exactly what to do,” Vilks told The Associated Press in an interview in Stockholm.
He got himself a guard dog too. Its name? “Muhammed.”He said he also has an ax “to chop down” anyone trying to climb through the windows of his home in southern Sweden.
“If something happens, I know exactly what to do,” Vilks told The Associated Press in an interview in Stockholm.
Fast-forward to today’s lecture. The guy who ran up and head-butted him hasn’t been identified yet, but as Moynihan notes, you can clearly hear screams of “Allahu Akbar” in the classroom as security scrambles. Note to Trey Parker and Matt Stone: If you haven’t hired full-time bodyguards yet, this is your wake-up call.