Elena Kagan’s Lesbian Aura

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Elena Kagan’s Lesbian Aura

    Elena Kagan’s lesbian aura: the 800 lbs gorilla Democrats and their media will try to ignore

    May 11, 2010, 7:04 am
    By Kevin “Coach” Collins
    John Paul Stevens did Barack Obama and Harry Reid no favor by announcing his intention to retire now. There are a number of maneuvers he could have employed to coast out. He could’ve achieved his aim of reducing his workload and still given Senate Democrats a chance to slither away from Elena Kagan’s confirmation hearings. Now those hearings will be damaging reminders of Democrat plans to socialize America.
    Kagan is as doctrinaire anti military pro abortion liberal as Stevens, but she is 40 years younger. So these factors make her an awful choice, but a closer look shows her selection has a bright side. Kagan will be a problem for the already sagging Democrats and her liberalism will be little consolation for them in November.
    Kagan whose countenance screams “lesbian” in a manly voice is a Manhattan liberal that will repel Middle Americans who will see her nomination as another finger in the eye from a Marxist president who cares little about real America.
    How about “Chauncey Brownwell Smithers III?”
    If Obama had selected a bow tie wearing fifty year old George Will look a like WASP from Ohio named Chauncey Brownwell Smithers III he’d be just as sure of getting a 100% reliably liberal voter on the Court. Since each Justice only gets one vote he would be all Obama needs to keep destroying the country.
    A “Chauncey Smithers” wouldn’t raise ANY red flags. He would help lull conservatives to sleep and maybe save a Democrat Senate seat or two.
    Nevertheless, if Dino Rossi runs against Patty Murray her support for Kagan will be the final nail in her coffin. If New York Republicans run the right candidate against, Kirsten Gillibrand, who voted against defunding ACORN, she could easily seal her fate by voting to confirm Kagan.
    Lesbian question:
    Kagan has a long history of involvement with the Gay and Lesbian community. She is a staunch opponent of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and as its Law School Dean has urged Harvard students to demonstrate against the policy. She has maintained close ties with Lambda a gay organization and has addressed its members as the main speaker.
    A recent New York Times forum had a comment alleging Kagan’s lesbianism was “no secret on the Harvard campus and she has a female “[life] partner.”” The anonymous writer saw these things as a plus. Frankly it is hard to argue with that assessment.
    Kagan’s confirmation hearings could turn into a firestorm that eats what is left of the Democrats chances to hold on in November. Kagan’s nomination is the best we could make of the certainty of another liberal being placed on the Court. This is a poke in the eye to middle America Obama et al may very well come to regret making.
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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696

    I think this was Michelles decision.


    • Jwalker
      • May 2010
      • 1067

      Imo I hope Patty Murray loses, I have a strong disdain for her. It obvious that Kagan was chosen largely because she's a woman If she is confirmed which she probably will be then every republican who votes for her needs to be challenged in the primaries, and any moderate democrat who votes for her can't call themselves that.
      Doesn't change much you can't get much more liberal than John Paul Steven though. I think he would support freedom of speech more than her specifically on "hate speech".


      • GoVegan
        • Oct 2009
        • 5603

        If I was a woman I would be a lesbian as well.


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