Back in Black - Glenn Beck's Nazi Tourette's

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  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090

    Back in Black - Glenn Beck's Nazi Tourette's

    Yesterday's Daily Show
    Lewis Black puts Glenn Beck's logic on display.

    Back in Black - Glenn Beck's Nazi Tourette's Episode #15067 Glenn Beck plays "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon," except there's just one degree and Kevin Bacon is Hitler. (05:55)
  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    I want to walk onto the set of Glenn Beck while they are filming and drop-kick his stupid chalkboard.

    EDIT: I fully support Glenn Beck solely because it makes the Daily Show so consistently awesome.


    • texasmade
      • Jan 2009
      • 4159

      ahahahaha i saw that episode...still not better than jon stewarts parody. i dont think he could ever top that


      • LincolnSnuff
        • May 2010
        • 676

        I'm not a supporter of Glenn Beck. However I do appreciate his viewpoint from time to time. The sense I get from Beck is that he is excited to share historical information that he read in a book the day prior to taping the show and then trys, often unsuccessfully, to compare that information to events of today. I never noticed the inordinate number of references to Nazi Germany until seeing this piece.

        I guess I can understand why he appeals to so many people, but I would not be able to watch his show more than say once per month. If I do watch, I make sure to have a large pris of General ekstra sterk in to calm me down.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          I agree with the general sentiment of his message usually, but I odn't watch him because he is too histerical about it. He tries to draw false conclusions by selectively taking events from history, adding his slant to what they meant, and then tries to add that together with the word nazi and somehow aim it at Obama.

          I am glad he's making money (32 million this year) and the reason he is so sucessfull is because he addresses his audience like a pastor would his congregation. This sells well to many conservatives, as church is their prefered medium of recieving information they believe to be true.

          That being said I do agree with a lot of what he says but not in such an extreme manner. He is a showman, "the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment"

          This can be broken down to:

          Entertainment: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||
          Enlightenment: ||


          • Roo
            • Jun 2008
            • 3446

            As long as we're talking about Glenn Beck's audience, he makes stupid people feel smart with the chalkboard and classroom setting. All it takes is a few props to make dumb people feel like they're learning something. Is it too late for an apology to any Glenn Beck fans out there? Sorry!


            • cj
              • Jul 2009
              • 1563

              if he is sooo bad and what have ya then why is his show one of the most top rated and its not only the conservatives that what his show


              • LaZeR
                • Oct 2009
                • 3994

                Originally posted by Roo View Post
                As long as we're talking about Glenn Beck's audience, he makes stupid people feel smart with the chalkboard and classroom setting. All it takes is a few props to make dumb people feel like they're learning something. Is it too late for an apology to any Glenn Beck fans out there? Sorry!
                wtf? I like to watch his show from time to time. A bit over the top but entertaining nonetheless and I do agree with the principal of many of his comments.

                Edit: But then again I'm a crazy that's addicted to pOOntang, NiCoTeen, CaffEINe, & Depression drugs... in no particular order.


                • daruckis
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2277

                  dude. am i the only person who has no f*cking clue who this guy is?


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    He has a popular message, but he's just too hysterical about it. I don't like Obama but beck's views on it are going in the wrong direction. He is trying to call Obama Hitler or nazi, which he is not.

                    What he is is just another political puppet. But this should be news to no one.


                    • deebocools
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 661

                      Glenn Beck is a moron. If you don't know who he is, it's not worth learning.


                      • Jwalker
                        • May 2010
                        • 1067

                        Some of his points I agree with but he seems to lean toward a conspiracy that everything is done by the progressive movement starting with woodrow wilson, and all the republicans are in on it, and that it's been "planned" out and is playing out. It's interesting, but paranoid and unlikely. It's always funny when he talks about prepare for horrific yata yata arm up, buy gold and then does a commercial for valentines day or something. His main sponsors are gold and food insurance which is a company that sells MREs he seems really really paranoid almost borderline schizophrenic. He believes he's on a divine mission and that's why he overcame alcoholism and has a purpose.


                        • shikitohno
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 1156

                          Originally posted by cj View Post
                          if he is sooo bad and what have ya then why is his show one of the most top rated and its not only the conservatives that what his show
                          Because people are really stupid, cj, that's why. Personally, I'll throw his radio show on every so often because I find it funny how worked up he gets over little things. But cj, popularity is no measure of worth. Jerry Springer was fairly popular in his day. Do you think he's running a quality program because of that? Besides, I can't listen to him or another guy (I think it's Mike Savage) for too long without getting annoyed at them. Particularly Savage. People call him up, get half a sentence out, and he denounces them as liberal commy scum before they can finish a single thought. And he then proceeds to lecture them about how stupid and wrong they are based on that one half sentence without giving them a chance to reply and hangs up on them.

                          Savage had a show last week I believe, where he was talking about Arizona and immigration. A college professor called up and said he was being a dick (basically one Mexican woman said something about killing cops and he treated it as if everyone from Mexico said "Hell yeah! Let's kill us some cops!"), and the guy goes nuts.

                          Savage: "What do you know? You're just some unemployed schmuck listening to talk radio"
                          Professor: "Actually, I'm a tenured college professor. I agree with some of what you're saying but..."
                          S: "Don't you talk down to me you liberal ponce. I'm not one of your students, you can't speak to me like that. I'm a real man, and you know nothing about immigration. You've never run a business. You've never worked a day in your life or offered a product someone really needs"

                          I wanted to call up and say "So academics never gave people anything they really needed? I suppose medicine is just some liberal academic crap that you don't really need. Besides, you're a talk show radio host. What service or product do you offer that anyone really needs?"

                          But, I probably would have been cut off after academic. And quotes are just paraphrases, but they give you the gist of it.

                          Edit:Savage also likes to go on about how he's the only one telling the truth, and you won't see what he's talking about in the news because all news media are controlled by an evil liberal cabal. Despite the fact that I've seen all of what he's talking about in the same evil, liberal news. I wouldn't mind him and Beck so much, but they act as if angry liberals are storming Castle Cheney with torches and pitchforks, desperately trying to destroy freedom. Then again, most of the political threads on SnusOn act like that as well, which is why I avoid them most of the time. Too much conservative paranoia about non-existent threats.

                          Edit2: Before anyone pounces, to be fair, there are plenty of liberals that act just as paranoid. I just ignore them, which is what you should do too.


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            I think Beck is more right than wrong, but I don't like his personality, I'm more an O'Reilley fan. But all of them I have big areas of disagreement with, but generally, I agree with the "right" more than the Rachel Maddows, and the Ed Shows agendas.


                            • olderthandirt
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 248

                              Originally posted by cj View Post
                              if he is sooo bad and what have ya then why is his show one of the most top rated and its not only the conservatives that what his show
                              Consider it another example of the dumbing down of America cj..


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