Nuke the whales bumper stickers finally pay off

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by texasmade View Post
    the cap didnt work..they didnt even get it to the they are using a smaller cap...and if that doesnt work they are going to use an even smaller cap...we are dealing with a bunch of f*cking tards

    ever heard of cement?? how about under water welding.

    dump f*cking hundreds of pounds of sand over the hole.

    all of these are reasonable they wont use them though

    Tex, the problem here is that it is 5,000 feet below water, which makes any attempt at fixing this both timely and difficult as everything freezes down there. That's the problem with the dome, the water freezes various elements at that depth.

    I am telling you, nuke it. Just for the show.


    • texasmade
      • Jan 2009
      • 4159

      Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
      Tex, the problem here is that it is 5,000 feet below water, which makes any attempt at fixing this both timely and difficult as everything freezes down there. That's the problem with the dome, the water freezes various elements at that depth.

      I am telling you, nuke it. Just for the show.
      multiple hydrogen bombs


      • deadohsky
        • Nov 2009
        • 625

        What the hell, nuke it.

        I'd be curious to see what kind of effects that all of those nukes the Russians have used underwater had. I can't imagine it's harmless; it has to be destructive. That kind of blew my mind when i read that, sgreger1, i wasn't aware there had been that many nukes detonated, especially for things like that. Like you said though, who knows which one is worse, they are both horrible.

        It personally bugs me how us humans just tend to destroy our environment, our home. We have trash orbiting the planet, we have trash on the moon and trash on mars, where ever we go we just make a mess and start screwing up the places we visit. Granted, it's not feasible at this time to clean up the moon or mars, but if we put more into the space program we certainly could. We make a mess and how do we clean it up? Lets blow some sh*t up! We are no where near being able to move off this planet and on to a new world, i don't think we will be ready by the time the planet is destroyed or we are.

        Apologies for getting off topic, but i don't see the human race lasting that long if we can't start colonizing places beyond earth.


        • danielan
          • Apr 2010
          • 1514

          Originally posted by texasmade View Post
          all of these are reasonable ideas..
          Not really.

          This is not a simple problem. It is 5000 feet deep. There are insane pressures at that depth. Like 2000 psi if I remember my diving calculations (+15 psi per 30 feet more or less).

          So, this well is blowing oil and methane with > 2000 psi and you want to fix it by dumping sand through 5000 feet of ocean on top of it? Even if you got up close and dumped sand on it, the pressure would blow the sand away as fast as you pour it. Not to mention that sand does not pour real well in water - i.e., it spreads.

          Cement is a great idea, and that is basically how they cap these normally. But you have to get the cement injected at pressure. This is do-able when you have a rigid pipe to the surface where you can have pumps. This is surprisingly difficult to do with a spade and wheelbarrow at 5000 feet.

          Under water welding? Weld what to what? Try connecting 2 firehoses with 30 foot long chopsticks.

          Remember, this is 5000 feet down, you can't just send a guy down in a suit to fix this up.

          I hope the new smaller cap works - they should be able to keep it from freezing over.

          If not, and if they can't inject their junk, then they will likely end up having to drill a relief well which will take time - which is precious.

          But then they would be able to replug the current leaking well and then close off the relief well.

          Anyway, my point is not to be a jerk, but this is a very complex problem that might appear simple - it's not.


          • texasmade
            • Jan 2009
            • 4159

            Originally posted by danielan View Post
            Not really.

            This is not a simple problem. It is 5000 feet deep. There are insane pressures at that depth. Like 2000 psi if I remember my diving calculations (+15 psi per 30 feet more or less).

            So, this well is blowing oil and methane with > 2000 psi and you want to fix it by dumping sand through 5000 feet of ocean on top of it? Even if you got up close and dumped sand on it, the pressure would blow the sand away as fast as you pour it. Not to mention that sand does not pour real well in water - i.e., it spreads.

            Cement is a great idea, and that is basically how they cap these normally. But you have to get the cement injected at pressure. This is do-able when you have a rigid pipe to the surface where you can have pumps. This is surprisingly difficult to do with a spade and wheelbarrow at 5000 feet.

            Under water welding? Weld what to what? Try connecting 2 firehoses with 30 foot long chopsticks.

            Remember, this is 5000 feet down, you can't just send a guy down in a suit to fix this up.

            I hope the new smaller cap works - they should be able to keep it from freezing over.

            If not, and if they can't inject their junk, then they will likely end up having to drill a relief well which will take time - which is precious.

            But then they would be able to replug the current leaking well and then close off the relief well.

            Anyway, my point is not to be a jerk, but this is a very complex problem that might appear simple - it's not.
            f*ck it......ready the nukes


            • Jwalker
              • May 2010
              • 1067

              Wasn't the old Soviet Union the genius people who somehow made a nuclear power plant blow up, and blow up an island and made it look like Mordor with a 50 kiloton bomb?

              The article said they used nukes to create canals and create gas storage space, I guess radiation isn't really a big deal to them.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by deadohsky View Post
                What the hell, nuke it.

                I'd be curious to see what kind of effects that all of those nukes the Russians have used underwater had. I can't imagine it's harmless; it has to be destructive. That kind of blew my mind when i read that, sgreger1, i wasn't aware there had been that many nukes detonated, especially for things like that. Like you said though, who knows which one is worse, they are both horrible.

                It personally bugs me how us humans just tend to destroy our environment, our home. We have trash orbiting the planet, we have trash on the moon and trash on mars, where ever we go we just make a mess and start screwing up the places we visit. Granted, it's not feasible at this time to clean up the moon or mars, but if we put more into the space program we certainly could. We make a mess and how do we clean it up? Lets blow some sh*t up! We are no where near being able to move off this planet and on to a new world, i don't think we will be ready by the time the planet is destroyed or we are.

                Apologies for getting off topic, but i don't see the human race lasting that long if we can't start colonizing places beyond earth.

                I wish everyone could have seen my face when I read that Russia had been NUKING THE OCEAN for decades. Literally I couldn't believe it, and after a wee bit of google research I was amazed. There is NO WAY that didn't completely f*ck the ocean. I mean, aside from blasting the wildlife a thousand feet into the air in an atomic blast, think of all the radiation? It didn't spread in the atmosphere, it all stayed local. I will never eat a fish I hear was caught anywhere around Russia ever again.

                Truly though, with the size of this spill, I think a nuke may actually be less detrimental at this point lol.

                As for you anti-humanist propaganda, your absolutely correct. We really need to fix our trash problem. I am not on this global warming tip even in the slightest, because the real danger we face is the fact that everything we consume comes wrapped in plastic, and we then pump it out into the oceans. Our litter is so outrageous that it even clogs up space, the trash in orbit is like a planet-wide landfill. We need to figure out recycling first before anything. Then how to use desolinazation to make drinkable water from the ocean (right now it's too expensive), then worry about how to make Al Gore money.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451


                  Every minute of every day.

                  @JWalker: "Wasn't the old Soviet Union the genius people who somehow made a nuclear power plant blow up, and blow up an island and made it look like Mordor with a 50 kiloton bomb?

                  The article said they used nukes to create canals and create gas storage space, I guess radiation isn't really a big deal to them."

                  Hmm, I dunno, let's ask Judge Faust? He thinks the soviet union was the epitome of human perfection. Surely he would find a way to defend it, no?


                  • danielan
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 1514

                    The nuke idea is interesting and the radiation concerns underwater are not really as great as you would think (we've blown up nukes underwater before, we know the effects), but it too would be a bit more difficult then "borrowing" a device from the DOD and blowing it up.

                    I mean, you could do that (and it might be fun), but the chances of the results being as bad or worse then the current situation are probably about even.

                    Also, long-term, using a nuke will probably fan anti-nuclear groups into a frenzy and set back efforts to increase nuclear power generation in the US.

                    To do this "safely" you'd have to determine all of the variables involved, the load required, what the geology is, etc. This would probably take >3 months too by which time the relief well will be in place.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Like with wind, solar etc, the environmentalists will stop anything that is good for us or that will work

                      That being said, a nuke underwater is not as bad, but theres no denying the effects it would have. Not even so much on the environment as it would the environmentalists, because like you said, they would use it as fodder to stem progress in clean energy (such as nuclear).

                      The relief well will take a few months. Realistically they would never nuke it, and I don't even know that it's a good idea. I just thought it was cool. But in america an option like that is off the table, only the russians do cool shit like that. Plus, really, how would BOP get a nuke? If Obama nuked it, the backlash from the right and the left would be a deal-breaker. Could you imagine the headlines on the drudge report? OBAMA NUKES THE WHALES. It would never happen, no one would free up a nuke to use on the ocean, politics being as they are in this country.

                      I still support it


                      • danielan
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 1514

                        Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                        only the russians do cool shit like that.
                        Well, in their defense, or ours, things look different when you are hungry. Hopefully, we never see that side of the coin.


                        • deadohsky
                          • Nov 2009
                          • 625

                          Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                          I wish everyone could have seen my face when I read that Russia had been NUKING THE OCEAN for decades. Literally I couldn't believe it, and after a wee bit of google research I was amazed. There is NO WAY that didn't completely f*ck the ocean. I mean, aside from blasting the wildlife a thousand feet into the air in an atomic blast, think of all the radiation? It didn't spread in the atmosphere, it all stayed local. I will never eat a fish I hear was caught anywhere around Russia ever again.

                          Truly though, with the size of this spill, I think a nuke may actually be less detrimental at this point lol.

                          As for you anti-humanist propaganda, your absolutely correct. We really need to fix our trash problem. I am not on this global warming tip even in the slightest, because the real danger we face is the fact that everything we consume comes wrapped in plastic, and we then pump it out into the oceans. Our litter is so outrageous that it even clogs up space, the trash in orbit is like a planet-wide landfill. We need to figure out recycling first before anything. Then how to use desolinazation to make drinkable water from the ocean (right now it's too expensive), then worry about how to make Al Gore money.
                          I seem to like you more each post i read of yours although i tend to stay out of the political threads.

                          Thats what i was thinking, it has to really mess the ocean up. Granted, i can see it not contaminating land, but its got to be screwing up the ocean(s). We know more about outer space than we do our own oceans. I can't remember the exact number, but if i remember correctly, we have explored less than five percent of the oceans. Did it really stay local with the currents of the oceans? Something i'm curious about as well.

                          I've seen the video you posted and it is a ridiculous spill, no matter how it gets cleaned up in the end, it still has to be doing a ton of damage.

                          I don't buy into the global warming either. Let's say it's true; so what? We noticed and started thinking about it way too late. Nothing we could do about it now anyway. I believe its all just part of the planet, the climate changes over time; the planet heats up and it cools down, thats what it does. I never really thought of myself as anti humanist, but i guess you are right lol. I just believe we are capable of so much more as a species but we aren't given the chance to see and go that far. In reality, we should have been responsible from the get-go and kept space, at least around our planet, clean. We have systems designed for the sole purpose of monitoring space junk. That shouldn't be the case.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451


                            Lol, what good is space if you can't flick your cigarette butt into it? But really, global warming, real or not, is frankly the least of my concerns. The entire world economy is burning to the ground and we are, each and every minute of every day, trying to fight off a full blown multinational depression, something which has never happened.

                            This oil spill is just insult to injury. I mean not but like 4 years after Katrina? God's a cruel bastard sometimes for sure....

                            You are so right though, we could be doing so much more. We have so many roadblocks to success here: Politics, profit and everything else, we could be doing so much more if we just all worked together to solve our problems. We sent a man to the moon in less than a decade, cummon, what can we really NOT solve? It just takes the will to do it.

                            The first guy to figure out how to turn trash into something productive will be a trillionare. It's all free and waiting in piles to be profited from. Come free market! Fix this problem damnit! I've lobbied for you for years, make it f*cking happen!


                            • f. bandersnatch
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 725



                              • sgreger1
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 9451

                                Perfectly timed clip is perfectly timed.


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