Horrible: Full video of the attack on Sweden’s Mohammed cartoonist

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  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    I think it's more than just not watching from their point of view. (I told myself I wouldn't get involved in this discussion...huh) They could decide to just leave but then what would they think about the people that stayed. Surely some would have stayed. To me, if I were to walk out (which would be my decision) I think that it would reinforce the thought that there is a growing intolerance to Islam. I think there is this sentiment [in general] because of peoples' lack of understanding and ability to differentiate between radicalism and peaceful devotion. It's not right, but it's reality. For that reason I think that I can't slam these people for standing up for what they believe in. I'm not one for violence really, but I can understand that diplomacy isn't always the most effective way of getting something done.

    It was probably a bad decision to show the film in the first place but then again I don't know the background behind it, or the intent of the piece to begin with.

    Westerners are seeing more and more Middle Eastern peoples in their societies. I think it's part of some grand plan, but that's another issue all together. When any group grows within another there is friction. Friction caused by deeply rooted beliefs is a recipe for disaster. I think there there is more of this to come just 'cos humans are...well...animals. One guy said "This is our country too." and I's be willing to bet there's many others who might act and think "No it's not." and therein lies the problem.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Can anyone tell us what the setting here was? Like why this guy was showing this to a muslim audience etc?

      No one has the right to not be offended, yes, but we have to be responsible for our actions. I mean I can say I love hitler and I don't like black people, but if I say that in a room full of black people i'm probably gonna get knocked out. I mean, laws or not, there are certain societal things in place here, if you really piss people off, they will retaliate.

      The problem is that the muslims get pissed off too easily, but hey it's their culture and to each his own. They were standing up for what they believe in, right or wrong, and I would do the same. People must understand that middle easterners treat Mohammed like we do the constitution. It's one of those things where everyone has to agree with it and saying anything bad about it is just not socially acceptable.

      If these people just showed up to cause trouble and threaten/assault him, than f*ck em, they should have kicked everyone out and continued the show.


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        We don't cut people heads off that defame or desecrate or make fun of the constitution.


        • Frosted
          • Mar 2010
          • 5798

          Violence is the problem here and seems to be a common factor with a muslims opinion. It's quite simply unacceptable. These people must learn HOW to live in a democracy - I honestly think that they don't know how.


          • daruckis
            • Jul 2009
            • 2277

            honestly roo, i dont see anything wrong with saying i dont like muslims. well, i take that back. id myself prefer to say i dont like islam. the same as id say i dont like christianity, i dont like judaism. blah blah blah. but realistically, as a liberal myself, i feel like we should have a right a to dislike whatever we want, for whatever reason we want. i wont lie, if i meet someone and i think theyre cool, and later find out theyre religious, i feel differently about them. dare i say i wouldnt really like them as much anymore. ive decided years ago that i wanted nothing to do with religion. and i still stand by that. i not only think that its stupid, i straight up hate it. so i guess id even say i dont like christians, i dont like muslims, blah blah. they arent my idea of good company typically but id probably budge if they proved to be cool, not ever talk to me about their stupid beliefs, and if they could take a joke.


            • texasmade
              • Jan 2009
              • 4159

              Originally posted by tom502 View Post
              We don't cut people heads off that defame or desecrate or make fun of the constitution.
              no we just send in the troops


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Muslims like to bully people and force them into doing things there way because that is the culture over there. Again, it's all about how you are brought up. No, true muslims could never exist in a democracy because they are the exact opposite of a democracy. No true radical could fit in a democracy because it involves forcing everyone to believe what you believe, which is incompatible with democracy.

                Again, not all muslims are radical, and in america I have never met one that was radical, but they do exist. in the middle east it is almost everyone. They just like to side with whos winning. If our troops are controlling a city, they smile for our troops, if the taliban gets the upper hand, they extend smiles to the taliban. They are a simple people and easy to corral because of their religion. This is why the religious leaders, the sheiks have more power than any government could.


                • jamesstew
                  • May 2008
                  • 1440

                  Originally posted by deebocools View Post
                  So, to state my basic position:

                  Assault based on ideology? NEVER excusable. I don't care how many muslims versus one troll was in the room. He still has every right to do what he did and still have his rights protected.

                  So the film is extremely offensive to muslims? pornographic? Well being offensive and pornography are not illegal or surpressed either, nor should they be.

                  I agree the scale of the incident doesn't look too great. But considering that dutch filmmaker was killed, and anyone who simply "insults" islam publicly almost always suffers some type of violence, You have to consider it could have been worse, or will be worse.

                  No one has protection from being insulted. The muslims in western countries that think they do are misunderstanding what a free society is. There's no freedom with force-fields

                  . There is no other religious group in modern times that does as much bitching and moaning, eggs on as many conflicts and actually has procedures for using violence in it's original holy text. People like this are dangerous. But all you can do is lock him up for assault, as it should be.
                  A wise one this deebocools is. Since when did being offended become such a big deal? One should examine all criticism, no matter how insulted it is intelligently and with some semblance of grace.


                  • jamesstew
                    • May 2008
                    • 1440

                    LOL Gaybar!!


                    • danielan
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 1514


                      Juvenile, but IMO kind of funny "protest" - "Everyone Draw Muhammed" Day is 20 May. Pakistan will NOT be participating.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        I want to get a mohammad tatoo. You have to learn to just laugh at these people, these radicals, laugh at them and they will go away, their power will be no more.


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