I think it's more than just not watching from their point of view. (I told myself I wouldn't get involved in this discussion...huh) They could decide to just leave but then what would they think about the people that stayed. Surely some would have stayed. To me, if I were to walk out (which would be my decision) I think that it would reinforce the thought that there is a growing intolerance to Islam. I think there is this sentiment [in general] because of peoples' lack of understanding and ability to differentiate between radicalism and peaceful devotion. It's not right, but it's reality. For that reason I think that I can't slam these people for standing up for what they believe in. I'm not one for violence really, but I can understand that diplomacy isn't always the most effective way of getting something done.
It was probably a bad decision to show the film in the first place but then again I don't know the background behind it, or the intent of the piece to begin with.
Westerners are seeing more and more Middle Eastern peoples in their societies. I think it's part of some grand plan, but that's another issue all together. When any group grows within another there is friction. Friction caused by deeply rooted beliefs is a recipe for disaster. I think there there is more of this to come just 'cos humans are...well...animals. One guy said "This is our country too." and I's be willing to bet there's many others who might act and think "No it's not." and therein lies the problem.
It was probably a bad decision to show the film in the first place but then again I don't know the background behind it, or the intent of the piece to begin with.
Westerners are seeing more and more Middle Eastern peoples in their societies. I think it's part of some grand plan, but that's another issue all together. When any group grows within another there is friction. Friction caused by deeply rooted beliefs is a recipe for disaster. I think there there is more of this to come just 'cos humans are...well...animals. One guy said "This is our country too." and I's be willing to bet there's many others who might act and think "No it's not." and therein lies the problem.