CONSPIRACY THEORY ALERT: Kinda makes you think about Princess Di.

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    The Jesse Ventura show on 911 was very good too, for the amount of time it had to include stuff.
    I have the Loose Change on dvd, I think it was the original one, some parts I didn't agree with, like Bin Laden wearing a watch on the wrong hand, maybe, I don't know.

    911 In Plane Site was pretty good.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      I'd like to point out that I never really bought into the 9/11 conspiracy untill recently. You have to realize that 9-11 was the whole basis for me joining the army, and yet the amount of evidence in favor of a conspiracy is just too much to overlook. I have read all of the debunkers articles (like pop mechanics) and while they do debunk a lot of things to my satisfaction, there are some things that just have no explanation, I mean really. For 9-11 to have played out the way it did, it would have to have been the perfect storm. I mean NORAD asleep at the wheel, amateur pilots flying like aces, every secuirty measure in the books failing, every red flag ignored, and the basic laws of physics on skyscrapers being thrown out the window.


      • Bigblue1
        Banned Users
        • Dec 2008
        • 3923

        Yeah the earlier cuts they were stretching at points, By the final cut they had enough real info to just, scene after scene make true statements without being to sensationalistic. You should find it on a torrent site and watch it tom, it's well produced and well researched. It will blow your mind.


        • Bigblue1
          Banned Users
          • Dec 2008
          • 3923

          Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
          I'd like to point out that I never really bought into the 9/11 conspiracy untill recently. You have to realize that 9-11 was the whole basis for me joining the army, and yet the amount of evidence in favor of a conspiracy is just too much to overlook. I have read all of the debunkers articles (like pop mechanics) and while they do debunk a lot of things to my satisfaction, there are some things that just have no explanation, I mean really. For 9-11 to have played out the way it did, it would have to have been the perfect storm. I mean NORAD asleep at the wheel, amateur pilots flying like aces, every secuirty measure in the books failing, every red flag ignored, and the basic laws of physics on skyscrapers being thrown out the window.
          ^^^^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^^^^^ I didn't want to believe it, but like sg said there is too many laws of science too many gaps of information to believe the official story. If you are a thinking person you can't believe what they've told us.


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            Where's the black boxes, and the birth certificate?


            • truthwolf1
              • Oct 2008
              • 2696

              I think WTC 7 was Flight 93's original target. It was intercepted and shot down. Even my ex LT.Colonel dad told me that before I even started on the conspiracy journey. The debris in the field possibly show a straight down crash that buried itself in the earth but that is a oddity also if you compare it to other crash sites. When they realized the plane was not coming they just "PULLED IT", Like Larry said.

              This is one of the most interesting sites I think currently to the investigation.

              I am not a expert, scientist or have some angry agenda with the government but with basic garage logic I could never understand how a building could drop so quickly without some resistance. This happened THREE TIMES!! that day.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                I think WTC 7 was Flight 93's original target. It was intercepted and shot down. Even my ex LT.Colonel dad told me that before I even started on the conspiracy journey. The debris in the field possibly show a straight down crash that buried itself in the earth but that is a oddity also if you compare it to other crash sites. When they realized the plane was not coming they just "PULLED IT", Like Larry said.

                This is one of the most interesting sites I think currently to the investigation.

                I am not a expert, scientist or have some angry agenda with the government but with basic garage logic I could never understand how a building could drop so quickly without some resistance. This happened THREE TIMES!! that day.

                I could even buy that the jet fuel caused the towers to break, but WTC 7 wasn't even hit by anything, there is just no way. Thenn add in the huge insurance policy that was taken out on these buildings and it all sounds fishy to me.

                I just cannot get over that someone could jack a plane and fly it into the pentagon with no interception. And this is after the whole nation KNEW a terrorist attack was happening. I would expect heads on a stick from every security personell all the way up the chain.

                As for the PA crash, I am going to give the government the benefit of the doubt on this one. If the story is true, that terrorists hijacked it and were flying it somewhere to crash it, I would expect the government to shoot it the f*ck down on site. This is not a popular option, as it looks bad in the news when our military kiled a plane worth of people, but it would be the right decision, considering the pentagon had already been bombed.

                I am certain it was shot down, but this poses a problem to the conspiracy. If the official story is believed, than they shot it down to make sure it didn't hit anything. That I can agree with.
                But, if the government wanted the attacks to happen, than why shoot down one of their planes mid-mission? If they shot down the PA plane, than it could not have been a conspiracy, because if they wanted it to crash into something they wouldn't have stopped it.

                Either that, or the passengers really did crash the plane on purpose to stop terrorists. But you can't say theres a conspiracy by the government, and believe the government shot down their conspiracy at the same time.

                Normally a conspiracy of this level would get chopped up by Ockhams razor, too many pieces in the puzzle for this to have worked, but there is just too much evidence on it's behalf. For someone to orchestrate this would require hundreds of people to be in on it and never talk, something that is hard to pull off. Yet there is evidence that something strange happened. So I don't know what to believe.


                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432

                  Originally posted by Bigblue1 View Post
                  ^^^^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^^^^^ I didn't want to believe it, but like sg said there is too many laws of science too many gaps of information to believe the official story. If you are a thinking person you can't believe what they've told us.
                  Doesn't it make you wonder how much Popular Mechanics and MythBusters and all them got paid to say they could explain it all?


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    The PA plane could have been messing up their plan, and just like the building they pulled so no one would find out, they may had just had to take that plane out. Also there is a paper report that that plan landed at an air port with a possible terror link, and then the papers were changed.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      FACT: Government has done things to american citizens in the past like spraying chemicals over cities to test the effects of radiation fallout or adding radiation to shots at hospitals to observe it's effects, to do this the government had Dr's and scientists paid off to help suppor the project.

                      They have done this before, no reason they aren't doing it again now.


                      • truthwolf1
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 2696

                        But, if the government wanted the attacks to happen, than why shoot down one of their planes mid-mission? If they shot down the PA plane, than it could not have been a conspiracy, because if they wanted it to crash into something they wouldn't have stopped it.

                        My gut or non-evidence wacko feeling is that it was a certain number of people in the Government not the Government itself that were in on it. A hundred people either paid off, blackmailed or "offed" could keep a secret for a longtime.

                        The whole having similar 911 exercises going at the same time is unsettling. That would of thrown everyone off.
                        Same thing thing was going on with training exercises similar to what actually happened in the 7/7 bombings in London.


                        • truthwolf1
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 2696

                          I always got a good laugh on this clip. Not hinting Bush was involved but just the oddity of a simple procedure for truth.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            If there was a conspiracy, there is no way Bush wasn't involved. Of all the people I would name in a "find a reason to invade Iraq" conspiracy, Bush would be at the top of the list.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              I think Bush may not have known, he's just a pupper for the people who really run the show, he does what he's told.


                              • sgreger1
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 9451

                                If there were some conspiracy, it would likely be that the cia types who are pulling the strings in some of these terrorist groups (via funding or otherwise) just told the group to find some poeple to do this. The guys who did it were radicals, but who knows where their directive came from. Bin Laden? The same Bin Laden that already had extensive ties to the CIA? I mean cummon. The best part is how they knew it was Bin Laden like the next day lol, yet couldn't find him after 8 years.

                                This would mean only one or two guys could be in on it, the moles who are working in foriegn terrorist groups, they could have orchestrated this. Couple that with a seemingly normal drill being scheduled the same day and it all comes together. Would only take a couple guys and a briefcase full of money.


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