I am just about to finish Caesar by Colleen McCullough. It is so good I have decided to tackle her entire Masters of Rome series. I ordered The First Man in Rome to my library branch, yesterday.
Just finished the Best Science Fiction of Arthur Conan Doyle. This is the first I have readof him and am ready to hit the library and get some more of his books. I like his writing style. I am only sad I didn't read him sooner.
As for ereaders, I hope to get a kindle after the winter holidays. Mostly for the free classics. I haven't read like I used to since the kids are born. Hop on pop doesn't stimulate my brain the way a good novel does but they are both at a good age to go to the library and we went for the first time all together last Friday. We go back in the morning. I am way more excited than them.
I've had an unhealthy obsession with redheads since I read that book- definitely an all time favorite. Right now I'm going back and forth between Christianity by Diarmaid MacCulloch and Besserwisser by Steve Anderson.
Highly recommend random book: Assholes Finish First by Tucker Max.
Isn't that the book that the movie "I hope they serve serve beer in hell" is based on?
No, the book was actually called "I hope they serve beer in hell". It is one fo the funniest books of all time, and the movie was an absolute turd. The book was a compilation of Tucker Max's drunken antics, and the movie tried to tie it together into a single event. It was terrible and ommitted like 90% of the book. The book on the otherhand is a must read for everyone on earth who is not female.