Nothing to read right now, buy the next book I plan to pick up is Pride and Prejudice with Zombies.
What are you reading right now?
Originally posted by AtreyuKun View PostNothing to read right now, buy the next book I plan to pick up is Pride and Prejudice with Zombies.
Right now I am reading a book my mother-in-law gave me to read because I was complaining I didn't have anything. Oh, I'm not gong to tell you what it is..... not that it isn't a good book... I just don't feel like anyone here would be interested in what its about.
Edit: I read my post and thought it sounded a bit like I was trying to be pretentious... so screw it I will tell ya... its called The Help and is about Black maids in Mississippi during the early 1960's. See... I told you you wouldn't be interested. LOL
Edit 2: I am making my way through The Walking Dead comic (soon to be TV show on AMC) so I am not a complete wuss ya know. LMAO It is a super badass story/comic even if you dont think comics are your thing.
Originally posted by sgreger1 View PostAfter I got home yesterday I finished that short story "The Machine Stops"
Reading through it was horrible, the spelling was blatantly off on certain words and letters missing made it hard to digest, I had to read almost every line either slowly or twice.
But the story was amazing.
But I did manage to snag the real thing:
Mala Fide dotcom » Ebooks "These ebooks are available in Palm eReader, Mobipocket, and Adobe Reader formats. The basic versions are freeware."
btw, malafide has quite the selection you might want to investigate...
Originally posted by sgreger1 View PostOn to my next book which ive owned for quite some time but have been meaning to read:
"The true believer"
And excelent book on why we follow mass movements like religion or political parties
"Unless a man has the talents to make something of himself, freedom is an irksome burden...We join
a mass movement to escape from individual responsibility, or, in the words of an ardent young
Nazi, 'to be free from freedom.' It was not sheer hypocrisy when the rank-and-file Nazis declared
themselves not guilty of all the enormities they had committed. They considered themselves
cheated and maligned when made to shoulder responsibility for obeying orders. Had they not
joined the Nazi movement in order to be free from responsibility? "
It's like religion. I can be a wife beating alcoholic with 7 wifes and still obstain myself from any guilt because I pray to jesus. Or I can fight for the army and justify killing others because "it's for my country", whereas normally I would never kill a man etc. Great book for anyone who enjoys many of the topics I post about on snuson.
Better safe than sorry...
Originally posted by desirexe View PostYou guys are so distinguished with your books! I just finished reading a mailing - "2010 Hurricane Tracking & Survival Guide." According to the guide, my survival kit is missing about 95% of the recommendations.
Thanks for mentioning it.
btw, 5% = run like hell?!?
Originally posted by The Great Dane View Posti finally found out how many books iv got...when i moved, i hat to carry them all from 3 floor - iv got...well i stopped counting when i got to 600! anybody who ever counted their books and found the number to be...well a bit much?!
I've had this interest in the old Sci-Fi Pulps of the 30's to 60's, so I was at the bookstore yesterday, and picked up a couple of books of short story compilations that were originally published in those. One was all Arthur C. Clark, and another, various authors. I do love sci-fi, and don't read much, so the short stories should be easily digestable.