The new leftist hype is going strong currently regarding an interview Rand Paul had on the Rachel Maddow show. I do think Paul was dumb to go on her show, as she in an extremist left wing Marxist.
But for some reason the Civil Rights Act was brought up. Again, a subject no politician should address. But Paul did, and while he did explain himself well to me, the large socialist movement in the US is gonna go to town with it.
Dr. Paul explicitly said he did not agree with racism or discrimination, and had no desire to repeal the Act, though he did enter into the grey territory when it comes to Government involvement in private rights in a Libertarian light.
But for some reason the Civil Rights Act was brought up. Again, a subject no politician should address. But Paul did, and while he did explain himself well to me, the large socialist movement in the US is gonna go to town with it.
Dr. Paul explicitly said he did not agree with racism or discrimination, and had no desire to repeal the Act, though he did enter into the grey territory when it comes to Government involvement in private rights in a Libertarian light.