The Attempt to Silence Glenn Beck

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    The Attempt to Silence Glenn Beck

    In a blatant attack to silence Glenn Beck, New York Congressman, Weiner (D-NY) is attacking Goldline, a sponsor of the Glenn Beck Show on Fox and on the radio. Weiner claims that Beck and Goldline are profiting from people’s fears and driving up the price of gold. This is a ridiculous and stupid claim since Beck does not have the funds or clout or will to subvert the gold market. And Goldline does not physically affect the worldwide gold market with their buying and selling. They also fully disclose how much of a profit they make off of buying and selling gold which is entirely on the up and up. But if you are looking for someone who could and probably does have something to do with the gold and stock markets, look at George Soros. But of course, the politicians and the media won’t – they are only interested in hunting Beck in a modern-day McCarthy-like witch hunt through the use of Congress. And if they can’t get directly at Beck, they’ll take down his sponsors.

    From the Politico:
    "A Weiner aide forwards his advisory, headed, “‘Goldline’ Rips Off Consumers, Profits Off Public Fears, Likely Violates Federal Law.”
    “The company has formed an unholy alliance with conservative pundits to drive a false narrative and play off public fears in order to sell its products,” says the release. Coming soon to MSNBC…"
    If you are looking for those that actually profit from fear mongering, you better look to Congress and the White House and all their stimulus fraud. And take a hard look at those behind the Chicago Climate Exchange: Al Gore, George Soros, Maurice Strong and Joel Rogers. All have axes to grind and lots and lots of money, power and influence.
    These guys must truly fear Beck. They can’t refute him at all or fight the facts he presents because he tells the truth. The left is trying to silence those who speak against them – first they came for Beck…
    This isn’t the first attack on Beck. Oh no… Obama’s minister and adviser, Jim Wallis has also attacked Beck and sponsored a boycott to attack Beck’s sponsors. Ex-Green Czar Van Jones also launched a similar attack against Beck. So there has been attack after attack after attack coming from the White House and going after Glenn Beck because he is exposing their agenda and corruption. Now they are trying to use the legal system against him and his sponsors. And don’t forget that Media Matters is also going after Beck’s sponsors – their backer: George Soros.
    Will no one stand up out there in the press? What about you businesses out there that see what is going on here? Will you let the elites, the progressives continue to hound one of the few voices that is telling us the truth? Come on, make a stand – get a backbone… If you can, move your advertising to the Glenn Beck show and show Americans you won’t stand for this type of dictatorial persecution.
    Make no mistake, this won’t slow Beck, not one bit… He’ll become more and more popular every time these thugs attack him. I guarantee it. This will blow up in their faces. Beck won’t be shut up. If you shut him down on television, he’ll go to radio. If you shut him down on radio, he’ll go with the Internet. If you shut him down there, there will be such a groundswell that he could give speeches in town squares and hand out fliers and the word would still spread. You’ll have to take all of us down and we’d just love to see the government and Soros try.

    If you have any problems with my posts or signature

  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090


    With the exception of the most common 1 oz. bullion coins, Goldline charges clients its numismatic spread, which currently ranges from 30% to 35%, on coins and currency. To earn a profit upon resale to us, your coins, currency or bullion must appreciate sufficiently to overcome this price differential.

    To illustrate how this spread works, consider the following example. If the spread on a coin is 35% and Goldline's ask/sell price is $500 for the coin, then Goldline's bid/buy price is $325. Your coin must appreciate more than $175 to earn a profit. If you choose to sell your coin back to Goldline, you must also pay a 1% liquidation fee (the minimum liquidation fee is $15). Purchases of less than $1,500 are subject to a small lot fee of $15.


    • wa3zrm
      • May 2009
      • 4436

      How did I know this would drag you out
      If you have any problems with my posts or signature


      • RobsanX
        • Aug 2008
        • 2030

        If Beck's only sponsors are Viagra and cash for gold scams then he won't be around much longer anyway...


        • Bigblue1
          Banned Users
          • Dec 2008
          • 3923

          Glen becks a dousch, wait how do you spel;l that


          • justintempler
            • Nov 2008
            • 3090

            Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
            How did I know this would drag you out
            Here's more for you.

            II. Key Findings

            Goldline Grossly Overcharges For Their Coins

            The average Goldline mark-up was 90% above the melt value of the coin. The largest

            markup seen on a coin was 208% above the melt value. The average Goldline

            markup in comparison to the best price we could locate on competitors websites was
            47%, going as high as 102% on one of the coins they offered.

            Goldline Falsely Claims To Offer “Good” Investments

            By selling gold at twice the melt value, the price of gold would need to double for

            consumers to break even on their “investment.”

            Goldline Salespeople Misrepresent Their Ability To Give “Investment Advice”

            Sales people imply that they are “Investment Advisors” or “Financial Advisers” by

            offering investment advice, which insinuates that they have some sort of fiduciary

            responsibility to get you the most return on your investment.
            However, since they are not licensed “Investment Advisors” (the industry term), they
            have no such responsibility. In 2006, the Missouri Secretary of States' Office,
            Securities Division filed formal consent order against Goldline for exactly this reason
            and recovered over $200k for an elderly consumer that was ripped off.

            Goldline Formed An Unholy Alliance with Conservative Pundits to Drive a False


            On numerous occasions, Glenn Beck has dedicated entire segments of his program to

            explaining why the U.S. money supply is destined for hyperinflation with Barack
            Obama as president. He will often promote the purchase of gold as the only safe
            investment alternative for consumers who want to safeguard their livelihoods. When
            the show then cuts to commercial break, viewers are treated to an advertisement from

            There is absolutely no problem in buying gold. I actually think it's a good idea.
            The problem is listening to Glenn Beck, following his advice, while he is shilling for Goldline.

            A fool and his money are soon parted. If you want to follow the advice of a rodeo clown, be my guest.


            • shikitohno
              • Jul 2009
              • 1156

              Paranoia, my friend. Glenn Beck and Mike Savage are both always talking about how evil liberals are out to get them, or trying to slander them, or silence them. You might have a couple crazies out there campaigning against them, but I think for the most part people who disagree with them just quietly ignore them. It's what I do if I hear that tool talking.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                Beck is exposing their grand criminal scheme, they wanna shut him down, Chavez style.


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