Most people are just a couple of paychecks away from being homeless, If that makes any sense...
Which exemplifies my point. If we are going to judge our prosperity by austerity, then IMO we are already in a bad situation. They've been selling this austerity to us for quite awhile. There was a day when we strived to be more prosperous not accept less as more. Just saying. Please don't get me wrong I enjoy life. It's this incrementalism towards the bottom ie work harder for less that gets my goat.
Which exemplifies my point. If we are going to judge our prosperity by austerity, then IMO we are already in a bad situation. They've been selling this austerity to us for quite awhile. There was a day when we strived to be more prosperous not accept less as more. Just saying. Please don't get me wrong I enjoy life. It's this incrementalism towards the bottom ie work harder for less that gets my goat.
You should be happy to have a goat to get. Look at these guys...
see even the goats in this country are programmed to be happy with less. I would imagine most goats would run or fight when scared. Our American goats are essentially p#ssies.
see even the goats in this country are programmed to be happy with less. I would imagine most goats would run or fight when scared. Our american goats are essentially p#ssies.
Good post, but I'm not sure about the last statement. Are they referring to people who can't read English, or can't read at all. A major illiteracy org puts total illieracy at 1 billion.
I'm sorry, to say you have it better than people who are homeless isn't exactly a ringing endorsement of how good you have it.
Lol, that's a good point. I have it well off reletave to someone who's homeless and starving, but that don't mean things are all that great. Better than most, not as good as some, the life of the middle class.
All I know is that my granparents had it tough being poor immigrants after ww2 and with nothing managed to buy a a house, cabin and put three kids through school. My parents did about the same thing but with vacations, pensions, great healthcare and unaffordable schooling called a second mortgage.
We are now going backwards not forwards in almost every aspect. Job openings, wages, vacation time, taxes, healthcare, retirement, housing, food, education, laws, etc....
Sure I am happy I will not be whipped in the companies parking lot in front of all the employees for coming in late but I dwell in where we are heading. So, the sign made me feel good for about 5 minutes.
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