i hate my roommate

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  • daruckis
    • Jul 2009
    • 2277

    i hate my roommate

    today while i took my girlfriend and kid to the zoo, my dopey bud that lives in the basement was locked out cause his own dumbass didnt remember his key, so hey cuts a hole in the screen, takes it out, LEAVES it out, and then left cause whatever he needed to get in here so bad for, mustve been quick cause he was gone when i got back. so im like where the hell is the screen, andi find it out in the shed, and im like jesus christ so i duct tape up the hole, put the screen in and realizre my screens slide up with no locking mechanism whatsoever. the slightest nudge is all it takes to figure it out. so im bitching him out and hes like i didnt know ive never seen those screens. im like dude ive never seen any like that either but it took me all of 5 seconds to figure that out. and he does shit like take the grilling spatula and tongs, brings them inside after theyve been outside like 2 weeks, puts em in the sink. so im like trying to wash dishes and theyre all in my way, so i wash em, but im like wtf, why even bring em in just to not wash them. that tells me that you just think someone else should wash them. what a piece of shit. i hate him. ive got it all figured out. all i have to do to afford to live here without him is kick his dope ass out and move my new roommate in the basement. 5 pot plants. and i wouldnt have to hear the plants f**k their skeezy loudmouth girlfriend. hell, theyd probably even pay their way with utilities.

    just venting.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    LoL! Sorry 'bout The bad luck man. I couldn't live with anyone else. I've never lived with anyone other than a girlfriend. I wouldn't want to live with someone who was just an acquaintance, and I'm sure the feeling's mutual. I'm not the easiest person to get along with myself :^D


    • daruckis
      • Jul 2009
      • 2277

      yeah i just feel like hes trying to piss us off all the time passive aggressively lately since the tensions started to rise. i mean he calls me to ask me where im at while hes locked out, but cant shoot me a text saying hey i had to cut the screen ill replace it tomorrow. i mean if he wouldve just put the screen back in id have probably not even noticed. but why leave it out and then take off for any reason other than to piss me off? its like having a teenage son in addition to my toddler. my girlfriend has a loan she got to cover half the rent while shes going to school, specifically to protect us in the event that he ever decided to move out, as we already decided finding a new roommates not an option. even though hes got the entire basement its just hard to have me, my girlfriend, son, and a friend all under one roof. but i dont really want to use loan money for living expenses. i guess im probably going to try to get my medical marijuana card. they allow you up to 12 plants here in michigan. im sure i can make enough with that to cover 200 bucks a month. haha. i could just get another job but i already get enough of "your never hooome"


      • f. bandersnatch
        • Mar 2010
        • 725

        I am the best roommate ever. I am quiet, considerate and can fix damn near anything.

        That being said, I am a mean mother ****er to all of my roommates. I mean, if you really have to be told to clean your goddamn dingle berries off the toilet seat, or you have to be reminded to not shove food down the side of the sink that doesn't have a garbage disposal, you deserve to be verbally bitch slapped, constantly.

        I guess what I am getting at is that i feel you. Every damn roommate I have ever had, and every person I have ever rented to takes complete and total advantage of every situation they can and interacts with me in an entirely ridiculous passive-aggressive way.


        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

          Using your favorite desktop publishing software, create a letter from your county health department informing him that he has come in contact with a known HIV carrier. You can pick the date, time and location of the health facility that he needs to go to for his test. Make sure you send the letter via certified mail.
          If you have any problems with my posts or signature


          • f. bandersnatch
            • Mar 2010
            • 725

            That is pretty evil, my man. I don't really begrudge the roommates their constant foolishness, I just get tired of feeling like I have fully grown goddamn children running around my property.


            • WickedKitchen
              • Nov 2009
              • 2528

              Sucks, dude.

              The only roommate I ever had (4 years) was cool except for the bathroom. He would smoke in the shower and leave his butts in there. I wouldn't touch them for a while but he wouldn't clean them. It got to the point where I just put them all on his bed. He had to sleep on the couch that night but it was a good fix for about six months. Another thing he had a problem with was coffee cups. He'd put them in a shelf in the linen closet whilst staking a dump but then he'd leave them there. Again, I didn't clean up after him. Mold grew. Then there were no cups left for coffee. I'd clean one and drink my morning coffee. He'd ask where all the cups where. I always seemed perplexed.

              Now I have a wife and two girls and I have to step over pools of estrogen on a daily basis.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I've had my share of roommates, and it did not always go well. I too often ended up paying all the bills. I finally got them out, and just had the place myself, then I never got another roommate. Now I live with my wife and it's better than roommates, but I sometimes miss living alone, but then living alone was leaving me missing living with someone, but it's better than a no good roommate.


                • Ninakae
                  • May 2010
                  • 126

                  I ain't good with roommates cause i like things done in my house. I don't enjoy babysitting and asking for help with chores. I like my me time to much to I do have a hubby and he works out just fine


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    My roomate's like that too. She never does dishes. We only have 1 set of dishes so the dishes have to be cleaned after every use, but she enver does, so my wife ends up cleaning them for her. After my wife b!tches at her to clean her dishes, the chick decides to leave her dirty dishes in her room instead... so we go to have dinner and theres like 1 plate and 1 bowl, all the rest are missing. Roomates suck dude, After june i'm never having another one again.


                    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 2781

                      Oh don't get me started LOL. I've had more than my fair share of lame room mates. Thank God I don't have any right now


                      • MojoQuestor
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 2344

                        I've been solitary for fourteen years now. I have a dinky little house where half the stuff is broken or barely working, but the rent's really low and the landlord leaves me alone. The neighbors are cool. It is paradise. Eden before Eve. Yeah, there is that one problem... but no snakes! Or fruit trees, so I'm good.


                        • GENERAL BILLY
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 528

                          Passive Aggressive is the correct phrase. People have some greivence and rather than manning up and either discussing it out putting it out of their mind they just use it as justification for every nonsense bs impulse they have.


                          • Monkey
                            Senior Member
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 3290

                            My roommates are slobs. I'm always cleaning up after them, cooking for them and taking them everywhere. I'm so glad their mother moved out or I'd still be doing triple work.


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Great picture Mike. Looks like you have awesome roommates :^) Mine are 2 cats, and for half a week a 12 year old girl. I'm pleased :^)


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