OMG! You guys have some horrible roomates! My one and only roomate is my husband and your stories have made me realize that I need to quit bitching to him when he attempts to toss a pair of his grundy undies in the hamper only to miss leaving them on the floor for me to pick up.
i hate my roommate
They are awesome. Thank you.
As for real room mates, in the past I had about ten or so at different times and there are only two that I would ever live with again. The only reason I would is they are good communicators and don't pull that passive aggressive crap.
I have always been a borderline @$$hole to my roommates and I expect nothing less in return from them. Every one pays their share, does a share of the work around the house and I don't flip on them. If it wasn't working out, I found a new roommate and then kicked out the person who was trouble. I once broke a lease to be rid of two people I couldn't stand.
As it is you have other priorities, your girl and your kid. Their needs and their safety come first and you should lay that out for the room mate. Make sure he understands you are serious and, if he doesn't shape up, find a place you can afford without a room mate. Don't act rashly with this because throwing yourself into debt sucks if you can avoid it. I know.
If you have to double up on jobs, try not to do it for too long. I ALWAYS got the "You are never home" crap. When I found an single job that paid the bills and gave me the sweet hours, the wife was already gone. In the end it is about providing for your family, whatever it takes. Make sure your girl understands that you work to support the family and get her on your side with it. Put together a plan for the next five years setting a goal of less work for more money. I did that but my ex-wife is selfish, impatient, and couldn't see past herself for the greater good and moved in with her new boyfriend almost two years ago.
You can do it and succeed what ever you do. Good luck.
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