No Jail Time For Man Arrested In Captain America Costume ^ |
Posted on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 6:18:08 AM
BERVARD COUNTY, Fla. -- The Brevard County doctor who was arrested for groping a woman while dressed as Captain America with a burrito in his pants will not go to jail.
nstead, Doctor Raymond Adamcik will take part in a diversion program for first time offenders, which includes community service, fines and random alcohol and drug testing.
The charges will not show up on his criminal record.
Adamcik was arrested in April during a bar crawl for medical professionals. ^ |
Posted on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 6:18:08 AM
BERVARD COUNTY, Fla. -- The Brevard County doctor who was arrested for groping a woman while dressed as Captain America with a burrito in his pants will not go to jail.
nstead, Doctor Raymond Adamcik will take part in a diversion program for first time offenders, which includes community service, fines and random alcohol and drug testing.
The charges will not show up on his criminal record.
Adamcik was arrested in April during a bar crawl for medical professionals.