Massive US Naval Build-Up Off the Shores of Iran

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Massive US Naval Build-Up Off the Shores of Iran

    Massive US Naval Build-Up Off the Shores of Iran
    The Silent Majority ^ | 05-22-10 |
    Posted on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 6:08:56 PM
    In an article entitled: “Obama starts massive US Air-Sea-Marine build-up opposite Iran” Debkafile reports on a massive US Naval build -up currently underway in the Persian Gulf waters off Iran’s shore. You can read the article in its entirety at:
    We urge you to read the article and form your own opinion as to what is going on off the shores of Iran.
    So – what IS going on? Is the stage being set for the long expected attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities? Well, nobody is going to admit that, even if it were true. Is the US stationing itself, strategically, between Iran and Israel – as a clear warning to Israel NOT TO ATTACK IRAN? With the Obama Regime clearly showing no favor for Israel, one must consider that possibility.
    As one looks at the Iranian defense, especially the new Russian “Surface to Air Missiles,” one must consider the option of boots on the ground, inside Iran, to take out those mobile missiles by either hands-on destruction or painting the targets with lasers for aircraft using stand-off munitions to take out. Of course, we are describing a task, which would be undertaken by Special Forces troops. Both Israel and the US have outstanding Special Forces who certainly have the capability to complete such a mission.
    If you have any problems with my posts or signature

  • Jwalker
    • May 2010
    • 1067

    That's old news we've had two aircraft carriers there for like a year.


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
      Massive US Naval Build-Up Off the Shores of Iran
      The Silent Majority ^ | 05-22-10 |
      Posted on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 6:08:56 PM
      In an article entitled: “Obama starts massive US Air-Sea-Marine build-up opposite Iran” Debkafile reports on a massive US Naval build -up currently underway in the Persian Gulf waters off Iran’s shore. You can read the article in its entirety at:
      We urge you to read the article and form your own opinion as to what is going on off the shores of Iran.
      So – what IS going on? Is the stage being set for the long expected attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities? Well, nobody is going to admit that, even if it were true. Is the US stationing itself, strategically, between Iran and Israel – as a clear warning to Israel NOT TO ATTACK IRAN? With the Obama Regime clearly showing no favor for Israel, one must consider that possibility.
      As one looks at the Iranian defense, especially the new Russian “Surface to Air Missiles,” one must consider the option of boots on the ground, inside Iran, to take out those mobile missiles by either hands-on destruction or painting the targets with lasers for aircraft using stand-off munitions to take out. Of course, we are describing a task, which would be undertaken by Special Forces troops. Both Israel and the US have outstanding Special Forces who certainly have the capability to complete such a mission.

      Ooooh, they have shiny new "surface to air missiles"? Ruh Roh! Lol, sams are old news. And this article doens't make sense, it says special forces would have to go in and paint the targets for aircraft to drop bombs on them? Yah, except they are sam sites, if air-based weaponry is not an option when Sams are around. But we have all sorts of ways of getting around that.

      Iraq had surface to air missles (SAM sites) and we took care of those first thing before we went in. Our strategy is always to gain air superiority before any large scale invasion, the US owns the sky in any theatre of war it finds itself in, without question, every time.
      Iran's only cool toy is their high-speed torpedos that will devestate naval ships, but other than that they aren't much a force ot worry about (that's assuming we actually tried to win, which i'm not sure we would).

      But this is all old news, we have been keeping a fleet over there for years, and it grows and shrinks. I doubt anything will come of this. Iran has been feeling froggy lately so we're there "just in case", Obama would never pre-emptively strike them, that would mean ruin for his name.


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        The Iranian authorities are only too aware that if it came to a military campaign they would be fighting a war on two fronts. Iran would see a massive internal subversion leading the country to a very quick demise. On the other hand this could be extremely dangerous for enemies of Iran if they do indeed have a nuclear capability.

        Personally I think it's all a huge game of political guff and bluff.

        The threat from North Korea I feel is where the imminent danger lies. That lot are even more fruitier than the Iranians.


        • Darwin
          • Mar 2010
          • 1372

          The buildup in the Gulf may be in anticipation of an Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear facilities. If that were to happen the Iranians might well go apeshit and strike out in every direction, including Israel of course. The Israelis can take care of themselves but The Big Stick will need to be close by to help insure the flow of oil from the Saudis and the Emirates. We can rail indignantly against the perfidious Saudis and the other oil sheikdoms but the Straits of Hormuz are the energy jugular of the western world and endless malarkey about energy independence is just frustrated hot air that defies reality. Here's my small bloggy contribution to debunking the myth of energy independence from a couple of years ago:


          • bipolarbear1968
            • Mar 2010
            • 1074

            The buildup in the Gulf may be in anticipation of an Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear facilities. If that were to happen the Iranians might well go apeshit and strike out in every direction, including Israel of course.
            If that ever happens, you can count on wa3zrm to be here covering it.


            • danielan
              • Apr 2010
              • 1514

              Originally posted by bipolarbear1968 View Post
              If that ever happens, you can count on wa3zrm to be here covering it.
              LOL, it's nice to have our very own investigative reporter on staff.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I don't see anyone attacking Iran. It would be a mistake for Israel, Iran would strike back, as would the other nations that border Israel.


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  Can't we all just make love not war?

                  /Al Gore

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