Massive US Naval Build-Up Off the Shores of Iran
The Silent Majority ^ | 05-22-10 |
Posted on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 6:08:56 PM
In an article entitled: “Obama starts massive US Air-Sea-Marine build-up opposite Iran” Debkafile reports on a massive US Naval build -up currently underway in the Persian Gulf waters off Iran’s shore. You can read the article in its entirety at:
We urge you to read the article and form your own opinion as to what is going on off the shores of Iran.
So – what IS going on? Is the stage being set for the long expected attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities? Well, nobody is going to admit that, even if it were true. Is the US stationing itself, strategically, between Iran and Israel – as a clear warning to Israel NOT TO ATTACK IRAN? With the Obama Regime clearly showing no favor for Israel, one must consider that possibility.
As one looks at the Iranian defense, especially the new Russian “Surface to Air Missiles,” one must consider the option of boots on the ground, inside Iran, to take out those mobile missiles by either hands-on destruction or painting the targets with lasers for aircraft using stand-off munitions to take out. Of course, we are describing a task, which would be undertaken by Special Forces troops. Both Israel and the US have outstanding Special Forces who certainly have the capability to complete such a mission.
The Silent Majority ^ | 05-22-10 |
Posted on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 6:08:56 PM
In an article entitled: “Obama starts massive US Air-Sea-Marine build-up opposite Iran” Debkafile reports on a massive US Naval build -up currently underway in the Persian Gulf waters off Iran’s shore. You can read the article in its entirety at:
We urge you to read the article and form your own opinion as to what is going on off the shores of Iran.
So – what IS going on? Is the stage being set for the long expected attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities? Well, nobody is going to admit that, even if it were true. Is the US stationing itself, strategically, between Iran and Israel – as a clear warning to Israel NOT TO ATTACK IRAN? With the Obama Regime clearly showing no favor for Israel, one must consider that possibility.
As one looks at the Iranian defense, especially the new Russian “Surface to Air Missiles,” one must consider the option of boots on the ground, inside Iran, to take out those mobile missiles by either hands-on destruction or painting the targets with lasers for aircraft using stand-off munitions to take out. Of course, we are describing a task, which would be undertaken by Special Forces troops. Both Israel and the US have outstanding Special Forces who certainly have the capability to complete such a mission.