CHEMTRAILS: What In The World Are They Spraying. Trailer

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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696

    CHEMTRAILS: What In The World Are They Spraying. Trailer

    Has anybody seen this? It looks pretty good.
  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696



    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      My work comp is not showing this. But I did read the chemtrails are to create an occlusion of the Nibiru.


      • jamesstew
        • May 2008
        • 1440



        • truthwolf1
          • Oct 2008
          • 2696

          Originally posted by tom502 View Post
          My work comp is not showing this. But I did read the chemtrails are to create an occlusion of the Nibiru.
          That is one of the theorys.
          To hide something from our view. I read awhile back about hiding us from seeing Planet X.

          This video shows pretty much elevated levels of aluminum and barium and natures PH values being out of whack in certain areas. Really is kinda scary if the scientists are accurate.
          It looks like they investigated more on the geo-engineering aspect of what is going on. Scientific ideas to curb global warming wich might already be a reality. I would like to see this movie in it's entirety because it looks like the best one out there on the subject.


          • jamesstew
            • May 2008
            • 1440

            Maybe Chad's behind it all.


            • truthwolf1
              • Oct 2008
              • 2696

              Originally posted by jamesstew View Post
              Good info but that still does not take away many of my doubts about this topic. If you have scientists today talking about ways of spraying the earth to reduce global warming and then you have all these conspiracy people and scientists on the other side saying it is going on right now it makes me wonder.


              • danielan
                • Apr 2010
                • 1514

                Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                If you have scientists today talking about...
                One problem is that there are very few requirements to call yourself a "scientist" - It's not like a doctor, lawyer or a Professional Engineer.

                Basically - any crackpot can describe themselves as a "scientist".

                Now, I'm not saying this needs to change (i.e. some sort of licensing board for "scientists"), but people certainly need to gain a LOT more skepticism before they get let onto the Internet or allowed to listen to late night radio.


                • truthwolf1
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 2696

                  Originally posted by danielan View Post
                  One problem is that there are very few requirements to call yourself a "scientist" - It's not like a doctor, lawyer or a Professional Engineer.

                  Basically - any crackpot can describe themselves as a "scientist".

                  Now, I'm not saying this needs to change (i.e. some sort of licensing board for "scientists"), but people certainly need to gain a LOT more skepticism before they get let onto the Internet or allowed to listen to late night radio.
                  That sounds like a professional COINTELPRO AGENT statement. lol


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                    That is one of the theorys.
                    To hide something from our view. I read awhile back about hiding us from seeing Planet X.

                    This video shows pretty much elevated levels of aluminum and barium and natures PH values being out of whack in certain areas. Really is kinda scary if the scientists are accurate.
                    It looks like they investigated more on the geo-engineering aspect of what is going on. Scientific ideas to curb global warming wich might already be a reality. I would like to see this movie in it's entirety because it looks like the best one out there on the subject.

                    You guys. Come on. First of all, chemtrails do not completely cover the sky and no one would spend money like that to "stop us from seeing plant x" or whatever. It doens't exist, go buy a telescope.

                    Check out I think it is. The chemtrail thing can't be for geoengineering (I think), because the particulate matter would have to be sprayed in the upper atmosphere to have a cooling effect. Particulatethe matter at the low altitudes they are spraying at would provide a warming affect if anything.

                    There have been many non conspiracy website independent researchers who have collected air samples and water samples in heavy spray areas, and like in the video it says that there is a lot of barium and aluminum in it. This means it could be for a lot of things from communications to weather manipulation but either way, large amounts og aluminum particulate is very bad for you when it gets in teh water and yourlungs, that's what leads to alzheimers and other ailments.

                    I posted a thread about chemtrails one and linked to some of the various patents taken out by DOD contractors for aerosol dispersal systems and also one on a method of using particulate matter sprayed from jets to provide a cooling affect on the earth, that was filled in the late 90's I believe. If you dig up the thread you can get the patent numbers and check them out in the patent database.

                    One thing that is common is that in high spray areas (like this video points out), crops are affected, and the GMO crops just so happen to be custom made to resist the compounds found in these chemtrails. Not sure if theres a connection or just a coincidence.

                    Also, Dnaielan is right, any guys witha bachelors in chemistry can call himself a scientist. Sometimes scientists talk outside of their specialty, like jsut because i'm a chemist doesn't mean I know anything about physics or weather patterns, so just be skeptical. I have researched chemtrails since 2006 and I am fully convinced of what is going on, mainly because I have seen it with my eyes. I'm not an idiot and I know what a contrail looks like, the shit that was happening over LA was not ormal jets (you could see normal jets flying in the same area and could see the MASSIVE difference from the chemical spray and a contrail.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      This is just like that movie, They Live.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Cummon Tom. Look at what's happening here.

                        We know something is happening. We have to look at what we know to make an educated guess, and it has to at least be something plausible. Of all the possible reasons chemtrail spraying would happen, the absolute last thing would be to somehow block the sky out so we dont' see nibiru. Wtf would it matter? If a planet were coming to crash into us (which is impossible I might add) than theres nothing anyone could do about it, why hide it? It could enver reach us in time, a planet moving at light speed couldn't get here from that far by 2012. It is literally so absolutely impossible that it's should be the last on our list of "possibilities".

                        Really guys, the nibiru thing cannot be true, a planet cannot move at lightspeed, and if it did it wouldn't be a planet it would break down on a molecular level at those speeds. And EVEN at light speed, it couldn't span those distances in a year and a half. It's absolutely impossible. Changing the weather, military weapon, biological warfare testing, all of those could be plausible with what we know today, but a planet zooming here at tripple the speed of light is just not possible.


                        • Roo
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 3446

                          screaming at a wall


                          • Bigblue1
                            Banned Users
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 3923

                            @tom- I've come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                            • WickedKitchen
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 2528

                              I'm fascinated by this. I've bought into the conspiracy of this a while ago and I believe it to be true. I think it is about climate control and weather to some degree, maybe mostly, but there is probably something even more sinister going on. Would it be a good thing for the government of a country to have a greater number of people with maladies as they do today? Some would argue it would. What about having more people dependent on your food source...your fuel source...your medicine...the list goes on and on. I'd like to think that the minds involved have thought of these things. I don't think of myself as the sharpest knife in the drawer, but if I can raise the questions I'm sure someone with a doctorate would as well. Maybe it is risk assessment and if so there will always be people on both sides of the issue with good, strong arguments. Not to mention that if you're making an educated guess about unintended consequences it's still only a could be wrong.

                              The problem I have with the conspiracy part is that there has got to be thousands of pilots, and 'scientists' working on this. Human nature (or at least in our modern history) shows that there will be leaks. Something of this magnitude would be very difficult to cover up especially when it involves so many people and will have effects on the entire world.


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