Originally posted by WickedKitchen
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It's not that hard at all. First, remember that the US government has sprayed chemicals (toxic ones) in the air before over entire cities and states, usually to test the fallout of radiation or a biological attack. No one ever blew the whistle on any of these (many) programs, and it was only declassified decades later. But for this seemingly nation/worldwide compaign that is apparently going on, it would require more people to be "in on it", but thats an easy fix: Make them think they are "in on" something good. Tell the pilots theyve been selected to be part of an elite covert team that is battling global warming or in some way saving the planet/helping Americans. The pilots will gladly do their part and keep it a secret because it makes them feel like they are special.
If you were in the army, and they invited you to be part of a special project that is going to make mankind better or fix some problem, but you could only participate if you keep it a secret, you would probably do it and not talk about it. Plus if you did talk about it, no one would believe you.