CHEMTRAILS: What In The World Are They Spraying. Trailer

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
    The problem I have with the conspiracy part is that there has got to be thousands of pilots, and 'scientists' working on this. Human nature (or at least in our modern history) shows that there will be leaks. Something of this magnitude would be very difficult to cover up especially when it involves so many people and will have effects on the entire world.

    It's not that hard at all. First, remember that the US government has sprayed chemicals (toxic ones) in the air before over entire cities and states, usually to test the fallout of radiation or a biological attack. No one ever blew the whistle on any of these (many) programs, and it was only declassified decades later. But for this seemingly nation/worldwide compaign that is apparently going on, it would require more people to be "in on it", but thats an easy fix: Make them think they are "in on" something good. Tell the pilots theyve been selected to be part of an elite covert team that is battling global warming or in some way saving the planet/helping Americans. The pilots will gladly do their part and keep it a secret because it makes them feel like they are special.

    If you were in the army, and they invited you to be part of a special project that is going to make mankind better or fix some problem, but you could only participate if you keep it a secret, you would probably do it and not talk about it. Plus if you did talk about it, no one would believe you.


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9759

      I kinda like em. I think they are cute.
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • bakerbarber
        • Jun 2008
        • 1947

        I think it's part of the deliberate dumbing down project. Fluoridate the water supply and spray heavy metals into the air.

        Then inundate the masses with 'reality' television and inconsequential entertainment. Skew everyone's priorities and then scare them with a flashy terror threat every now and then.

        Eventually the masses will be so subdued and mushy in the cranium that they can be manipulated into doing anything. Like electing a community organizer to the highest level of authority in the nation for instance.

        Then when the free market has been totally wrecked and enough of the citizens are well clamped onto the teet of government entitlement programs you can legislate all remaining freedom away from the masses. Sure you have to smear some true blue blooded patriotic Americans in the process, but that's easy once the media is well under control and in on the act.

        So many people will be preoccupied discussing the possible meanings of the ending of Lost that few will even notice the last vestiges of independence wither away. After that all that's left is to regionalize government to a broader scope, say an American Union, for example. The last few steps should only take a generation or two before consolidating into the one world autocracy.

        Geez, it's so simple. Remove antitrust regulations and permit global corporations to aggregate into gigantic multinational corporations with subsidiaries being operated under different names and you got a straight line of vertical integration to pool new bureaucrats from. Then you manipulate the food supply to make people sick, so they buy your drugs you advertise on TV every day, and make them infertile, since they're just commoners anyway, and you can sit back and have a nice glass of Scotch.

        Only problem is you need to keep enough of the lower class alive to do the icky manual labor jobs that can't be automated. Then when they turn into Morlocks you only have to worry about keeping them out of Eloi City.


        • jamesstew
          • May 2008
          • 1440



          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
            If you were in the army, and they invited you to be part of a special project that is going to make mankind better or fix some problem, but you could only participate if you keep it a secret, you would probably do it and not talk about it. Plus if you did talk about it, no one would believe you.
            There is also the very real chance that you could be 'deleted' which is always a good incentive.


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              I find bakerbarber's post to be very plausible.


              • truthwolf1
                • Oct 2008
                • 2696

                There is also the very real chance that you could be 'deleted' which is always a good incentive.

                Thats how they roll!


                • truthwolf1
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 2696

                  Have you ever heard of Global Dimming? Scientist took readings after all the planes were grounded during 911.


                  • truthwolf1
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 2696

                    Originally posted by bakerbarber View Post
                    I think it's part of the deliberate dumbing down project. Fluoridate the water supply and spray heavy metals into the air.

                    Then inundate the masses with 'reality' television and inconsequential entertainment. Skew everyone's priorities and then scare them with a flashy terror threat every now and then.

                    Eventually the masses will be so subdued and mushy in the cranium that they can be manipulated into doing anything. Like electing a community organizer to the highest level of authority in the nation for instance.

                    Then when the free market has been totally wrecked and enough of the citizens are well clamped onto the teet of government entitlement programs you can legislate all remaining freedom away from the masses. Sure you have to smear some true blue blooded patriotic Americans in the process, but that's easy once the media is well under control and in on the act.

                    So many people will be preoccupied discussing the possible meanings of the ending of Lost that few will even notice the last vestiges of independence wither away. After that all that's left is to regionalize government to a broader scope, say an American Union, for example. The last few steps should only take a generation or two before consolidating into the one world autocracy.

                    Geez, it's so simple. Remove antitrust regulations and permit global corporations to aggregate into gigantic multinational corporations with subsidiaries being operated under different names and you got a straight line of vertical integration to pool new bureaucrats from. Then you manipulate the food supply to make people sick, so they buy your drugs you advertise on TV every day, and make them infertile, since they're just commoners anyway, and you can sit back and have a nice glass of Scotch.

                    Only problem is you need to keep enough of the lower class alive to do the icky manual labor jobs that can't be automated. Then when they turn into Morlocks you only have to worry about keeping them out of Eloi City.
                    This is a great rant!


                    • danielan
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 1514

                      I thought contrails were messages from God:




                      • truthwolf1
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 2696

                        Hey! They have to mean something for everyone. Even if they are just "trails"..
                        This is not the same guy who conviced everyone to kill themselves on those bunkbeds? I still cannot get that image out of my mind.
                        Cults and Satan are two things I just run from. Even being a crackpot on everything else.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451


                          Look, I wouldn't expect anyone who hasn't experienced it first hadn to take the chemtrail thing on blind faith. It makes no sense. But I know what i've seen and I know the diff between a contrail and what's coming out of the back of these planes. Regular planes fly by with regular contrails, meanwhile a jet comes by at the same altitude in the same weather conditions and produces a completely different exhaust trail, which lingers in the air for hours after all the contrails have dissepated, and over time obsorbs moisture and turns into clouds. The different between a contrail and a chemtrail is night and day.


                          • danielan
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 1514

                            Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                            This is not the same guy who conviced everyone to kill themselves on those bunkbeds? I still cannot get that image out of my mind.
                            No, different guy. Mostly harmless.


                            • justintempler
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 3090

                              Another pair of idiots trying to follow in the footsteps of Loose Change.


                              The chemicals we should be worrying about are from the Gulf.

                              Oil and dispersents, what a nice mix!


                              • Owens187
                                • Sep 2009
                                • 1547

                                Originally posted by jamesstew

                                So thats what sgreger1 and his kids look like . . .


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