I think it's common over there for young kids to smoke, but not toddlers that's riddiculous. In america too some kids smoke I knew a girl who started at 11. Anyways though the award for worst parent of the year goes to...
Smoking Toddler throws fit when can't smoke...
Originally posted by midnightXanax, adderall, ritalin, and SSRI's are the new cigarettes to America's youth. They should go to a shrink weekly & down whatever pills are prescribed to them just because they're from a doctor, regardless of the potentially negative consequences long term ingestion of these meds could have, but god forbid they smoke a cigarette!
A. Daruckis wins this thread by admitting to having a Winston Churchill baby. I just hope he is getting his fair share of scotch.
B. At the risk of making one of those obnoxious broad-sweeping comments about American culture, I must say that we seem to feel awfully qualified when it comes to judging the parenting skills of ignorant poverty-stricken families halfway across the world. Possibly someone on youtube could post a video of a native American child in a busted up rez school reading a fictional version of Custer's last stand from a twenty-year old text book and we could all get outraged about that. Maybe then our outrage could actually make some progress, as opposed to just being vaguely xenophobic internet comments about castrating people that are unlike you.
I remember watching this TV show a few years back, it might have been Maury, or Springer, and it was about super fat toddlers, and their mothers. And these little kids were as fat as you can imagine, and their lowlife mothers were going like, "I give him what he wants". I think they had one giant baby/kid in a diaper just waddling all over the stage with a chicken wing. This is not much, if at all, different than this kid.
Originally posted by tom502 View PostI remember watching this TV show a few years back, it might have been Maury, or Springer, and it was about super fat toddlers, and their mothers. And these little kids were as fat as you can imagine, and their lowlife mothers were going like, "I give him what he wants". I think they had one giant baby/kid in a diaper just waddling all over the stage with a chicken wing. This is not much, if at all, different than this kid.
My wife frequents parenting forums online and reads all kind of wierd crap. Parents that run to McD in the middle of the night to buy happy meals for hungry toddlers. She told me of one parent she read about, child < 2 yrs old eating entire packages of hot dogs in one sitting! Hell, I can't eat half a pack of hot dogs without wanting to puke.
So many kids right here in USofA that look like miniature sumo wreslers and can barely walk, why point fingers halfway around the world and complain about how bad the parents are?
Children with tobacco? With alcohol? OMG the worlds going to end! Seems like half the kids here are doped up on mid-altering prescription medicines; I don't see the outcry against that.
Children.......I love em all.
on the grill with bar-b-que sauce. That one will be smoked flavored. emmmGrant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
It's easy to point a finger at most of the world's population, not just foreigners. I'm enraged by it all. Parents preferring to medicate their 5 year olds vs. old fashioned discipline. "He has a hyperactivity disorder" HE'S FIVE, YOU HEFFER! What do you expect him to do...sit in the corner quietly for hours on end and read. Parents not putting their children in carseats "We can't afford one" Then drop the high speed internet, satellite tv, and weekly trips to the Indian casino! How about this, you can't afford to take care of a child...keep your knees together or keep it in your pants!
I think it's time that mother earth rid her skin of all her parasites....US! We are the greatest poison this planet has ever had flourish upon it. It's time that nature flush it all away and begin again. We brag about how well evolved and advanced we are, yet we still fail to take care of ourselves and each other. Just the other day in my state, some young mother forgot and left her friend's two year old daughter in her car for 7 hours in 90 degree plus weather (interior temperature 130 degree plus). The poor child died. I wouldn't be surprised if she was distracted by the new App on her trendy I-phone. I've seen species of the animal kingdom take better care of their young than some humans. But hey, I am a Misanthropist \m/
Originally posted by f. bandersnatch View PostA. Daruckis wins this thread by admitting to having a Winston Churchill baby. I just hope he is getting his fair share of scotch.
B. At the risk of making one of those obnoxious broad-sweeping comments about American culture, I must say that we seem to feel awfully qualified when it comes to judging the parenting skills of ignorant poverty-stricken families halfway across the world. Possibly someone on youtube could post a video of a native American child in a busted up rez school reading a fictional version of Custer's last stand from a twenty-year old text book and we could all get outraged about that. Maybe then our outrage could actually make some progress, as opposed to just being vaguely xenophobic internet comments about castrating people that are unlike you.
Indonesian Smoking Baby Sparks Outrage (2 year old smokes 40 sticks a day !)
Tech Jackal ^ | 05/27/2010
Posted on Friday, May 28, 2010 3:04:44 PM
A two year old child in Indonesia has incited worldwide outrage. A video showing the toddler smoking a cigarette popped up on the internet site YouTube. Little Sumatran Ardi Rizal is addicted to the cancer causing sticks claims his father. His father Mohammed Rizal claims the baby throws a fit if he does not get a cigarette.
The elder Rizal says he gave his son his first cigarette when he was just 18 months old, and he has been smoking ever since. The little guy is up to 40 cigarettes a day, more than an average adult would normally smoke. Rizal goes on to say his son looks healthy, so he does not see the harm in allowing him to smoke. However, the so-called healthy child is unable to run with other children. Officials in the small fishing village where the Rizals live has offered to buy the family a car if they will make the baby stop smoking.
According to the boy's parents, he goes through two packs a day and throws temper tantrums if he's not allowed to smoke.
His father apparently got him down the road to becoming a severe smoker after letting him take his first puff at 18 months.
Smoking is very popular in Indonesia and children are not exempt from the habit. Nearly 3 percent of 5 to 9 year old children are smokers in the small country. 25 percent have smoked at some time between 3 and 15 years of age. The head of the Indonesian child protection commission blames tobacco companies for the excessive advertising. Benny Wahyudi, an official at the Industry Ministry says the government has taken steps to reduce the number of smokers in the country. One step was to reduce the number of cigarettes produced from 245 billion per year to 240 billion per year.If you have any problems with my posts or signature
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