Beliveve what you are told

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  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    Beliveve what you are told

    What the heck is going on here?

    Love the part about the postmen doing the work...I guess efficiency makes way too much sense.

    Two more Census workers blow the whistle Last Updated: 1:23 AM, May 25, 2010
    Posted: 12:42 AM, May 25, 2010
    John Crudele

    You know the old saying: "Everyone loves a charade." Well, it seems that the Census Bureau may be playing games.

    Last week, one of the millions of workers hired by Census 2010 to parade around the country counting Americans blew the whistle on some statistical tricks.
    The worker, Naomi Cohn, told The Post that she was hired and fired a number of times by Census. Each time she was hired back, it seems, Census was able to report the creation of a new job to the Labor Department.
    Below, I have a couple more readers who worked for Census 2010 and have tales to tell.
    But first, this much we know.
    Each month Census gives Labor a figure on the number of workers it has hired. That figure goes into the closely followed monthly employment report Labor provides. For the past two months the hiring by Census has made up a good portion of the new jobs.
    Labor doesn't check the Census hiring figure or whether the jobs are actually new or recycled. It considers a new job to have been created if someone is hired to work at least one hour a month.
    One hour! A month! So, if a worker is terminated after only one hour and another is hired in her place, then a second new job can apparently be reported to Labor . (I've been unable to get Census to explain this to me.)
    Here's a note from a Census worker -- this one from Manhattan:
    "John: I am on my fourth rehire with the 2010 Census.
    "I have been hired, trained for a week, given a few hours of work, then laid off. So my unemployed self now counts for four new jobs.
    "I have been paid more to train all four times than I have been paid to actually produce results. These are my tax dollars and your tax dollars at work.
    "A few months ago I was trained for three days and offered five hours of work counting the homeless. Now, I am knocking (on) doors trying to find the people that have not returned their Census forms. I worked the 2000 Census. It was a far more organized venture.
    "Have to run and meet my crew leader, even though with this rain I did not work today. So I can put in a pay sheet for the hour or hour and a half this meeting will take. Sincerely, C.M."
    And here's another:
    "John: I worked for (Census) and I was paid $18.75 (an hour) just like Ms. Naomi Cohn from your article.
    "I worked for about six weeks or so and I picked the hours I wanted to work. I was checking the work of others. While I was classifying addresses, another junior supervisor was checking my work.
    "In short, we had a "checkers checking checkers" quality control. I was eventually let go and was told all the work was finished when, in fact, other people were being trained for the same assignment(s).
    "I was re-hired about eight months later and was informed that I would have to go through one week of additional training.
    "On the third day of training, I got sick and visited my doctor. I called my supervisor and asked how I can make up the class. She informed me that I was 'terminated.' She elaborated that she had to terminate three other people for being five minutes late to class.
    "I did get two days' pay and I am sure the 'late people' got paid also. I think you would concur that this is an expensive way to attempt to control sickness plus lateness. I am totally convinced that the Census work could be very easily done by the US Postal Service.
    "When I was trying to look for an address or had a question about a building, I would ask the postman on the beat. They knew the history of the route and can expand in detail who moved in or out etc. I have found it interesting that if someone works one hour, they are included in the labor statistics as a new job being full.
    "I am not surprised that you can't get any answers from Census staff; I found there were very few people who knew the big picture. M.G."
    When I received my Census form in the mail, I filled it out. Nobody had to knock on my door.
    I answered truthfully about the number of people living in my household. But I could have just as easily dou bled the number. Why not? Didn't Census ad vertisements imply that my community would get more federal money if the popula tion were larger?
    I'm glad people are finding work with the Census. For some it's the only work they have had this year and the chump change they are making for a few hours' work is a godsend.
    But wasting taxpayers' money on busywork isn't going to do much for the economy.

  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    THis is the problem. They aren't creating real jobs in real industries. It's like if I spent 500 million to pay kids to hand out flyers. Half off them would dump the flyers in the trash, so I would have to hire supervisors, the regional supervisors, then trainers, etc etc etc. So once it's all said and done, $500 million has successfully employed like 10,000 people at best lol. And it's not even real jobs. It would be better for the economy to just cut everyone a check and split a trillion $ 300 million ways amongst taxpayers. The cost of giving out money or employing people for the feds is extremely high.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      Obama creates jobs.


      • Slydel
        • Mar 2008
        • 421

        Unless this is sarcasm, Obamah does not create jobs. He may be able to create the environment to create jobs, but I think that is out of his and anyone elses reach. We will become like Greece in a few years. Our debt will be downgraded and all of those people that are takers will not be able to survive. There is a lot out there to read. Don't take my word for it.


        • WickedKitchen
          • Nov 2009
          • 2528

          We've simply got to start having more of what the world wants. That is the only way to national prosperity, I think. We consume so much more than we put out there and thus greated generations of people that have come to believe that to be a normal way of life. We believe that doing something, anything deserves a wage that earns us the similar privileges to everyone else, namely consumption on this level. We need more of our citizens to be producing real value, durable goods, research and the like. Only when we start producing more than we consume will we have a national pride like we did decades ago. We have the manpower to do it. I'm certain we as a nation have the brain power to do it. I can understand why we don't have a drive to do it either in just plain old good work ethic or by government intervention. That's where propaganda would be productive. How about national pride propaganda? More PSA's with positive messages. It might be out of reach to create the right kind of jobs for everyone in the nation but it's still worth trying.

          I often think that there's a bigger force at work here.


          • danielan
            • Apr 2010
            • 1514

            Originally posted by Slydel
            He may be able to create the environment to create jobs, but I think that is out of his and anyone elses reach..
            No, it's definitely do-able. It takes awhile and it's painful, but you can turn this ship around. In the Carter years everyone figured we were declining too.

            I'd start with means testing all entitlement programs. It's painful. It's political suicide. It goes against my personal beliefs, but it would go a long way toward solvency.

            Then remove the cap on social security. I believe the cap is appropriate and fair. But appropriate and fair will not pay the bills right now. I've crossed it a couple times. It's a nice little windfall. But I would care less if it didn't happen.

            I could go on and on. Basically, if we start our austerity measures now we won't have to cut so deep later.

            Will this happen? Nope. Politicians are more interested in getting rich and keeping their power then making tough decisions. And the sheeple won't take the reins.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              You hit it on the head danielan, the real fixes are all political suicide, and right now left/right are both trying to be the popular kid on the block and no one is going to commit political suicide to actually fix the problem. People don't become politicians to save the world, they do it to be a somebody in a world of nobodies.


              • rickcharles606
                • Mar 2009
                • 2307

                Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                Obama creates jobs.
                My head just exploded, lol.

                Obama hates capitalism, hence his redistribution of wealth philosophy. Capitalism built this country and socialism is ruining it, but capitalism will bring it back, We've got to take the reigns and vote these quasi socialists out of office. It took a Jimmy Carter to bring about a Reagan....and Obama will usher in another real American to bring us back from the brink. Screw Obama and his cronies, those of you that bought the "hope and change" shit, weren't prepared for the unveiling of his real plan..."bait and switch".


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                  My head just exploded, lol.

                  Obama hates capitalism, hence his redistribution of wealth philosophy. Capitalism built this country and socialism is ruining it, but capitalism will bring it back, We've got to take the reigns and vote these quasi socialists out of office. It took a Jimmy Carter to bring about a Reagan....and Obama will usher in another real American to bring us back from the brink. Screw Obama and his cronies, those of you that bought the "hope and change" shit, weren't prepared for the unveiling of his real plan..."bait and switch".
                  Thank you & well put. I'm glad I'm not the only one who can tell it like it is.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Meh... Capitalism's just as bad as communism. Capitalism's like driving with a nail in your tire, and communism's like having a piece of rebar in your tire. Communism will let you down quicker, but you're still screwed in the capitalist car. They both rely on people acting in good faith, but people are douchebags.


                    • Darwin
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1372

                      Capitalism relies not on an individual's good faith but rather on his self-interest. The aggregate decisions of millions of self-interested people are what makes a market. It's awful, terrible, the worst possible system of economics---except for all the others.


                      • rickcharles606
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 2307

                        I never said capitalism was perfect, because people aren't perfect, but it is the best economic system. It rewards the acheivers in a society, as it should...because the acheivers build society. Take a look around you, every technological advance was brought forth by the hands of a capitalist. Thank God that they had the vision and drive to work hard. The sad part is that when a successful capitalist creates, innovates and then eventually becomes wealthy by the fruits of HIS labor....some socialist/communist wants to take more of his money and give it to someone who doesn't want to make society better, because they just sit around with their hand out...waiting for their entitlement. Being an American isn't about "equality" in my eyes, it's about those that died before us, to ensure that my children will have the right to be better than just "equal". That they'd have the opportunity to excell if they wanted it badly enough and were willing to work hard enough.

                        I'm venting I guess...but I'm tired of giving more and more of MY families money to people that I don't know and don't care about. How much is enough?


                        • Darwin
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 1372

                          Progressives constantly maintain that the "rich" should pay their "fair share". They apparently think fair share means as close to 100 percent as possible.


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by rickcharles606
                            I never said capitalism was perfect, because people aren't perfect, but it is the best economic system.
                            Maybe... The problem I have with it, is unbridled capitalism rapes the people, rapes the planet, and really doesn't do much for society as a whole. The best of the industrial age gave us brown fields, excessive work hours, and poor working conditions. It relies on people to do the right thing, but when does a company do that? We have an issue in the Gulf due to people only considering the bottom line. Imagine what the world would look like if we had today's technology, but 1920s business sensibility/lack of controls. So... We need socialism, ie government control, but how much? I dunno... I think we've gone too far left, but how far is too far? What really needs to happen, is people need to evolve faster and improve the human. That way any system would work. You could then have a seamless blend of capitalism and communism, because the obvious answer is what's good for everyone is good for the individual. More, more, more for me is shortsighted, and doesn't take the big picture into account.

                            Did you ever read Atlas Shrugged? I haven't, but I've been meaning to. I read the game Bioshock, borrows very heavily from it for it's story line. In the game, Rapture is an underwater utopia for people to pursue development of the self without any economic, or moral controls from governmental or religious organizations. It works well for awhile, but starts to break apart; really because of the nature of people. It's like communism/capitalism. It looks great, and can work great with a cherry picked selection of people, but with the general population, it all just devolves.

                            I'm just running my mouth. I don't have any answers, only questions. I guess the real point of all this, is capitalism isn't the holy grail. It gets romanticized by people, but pure capitalism is just as bad as any Soviet style communism for society.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              I like a more State Socialism, National Socialism, original Fascism type socio-economic system.


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