Originally posted by lxskllr
This is kind of how I look at it too. I think capitalism has been more productive and brought greater wealth and prosperity to the most people in the shortest amount of time than any other system. Look at us in this country, we've come pretty far in less than 300 years. But at the same time while capitalism works good ins small markets, once you have 350 million people playing the game, it starts to break down. This HAS to break down because out of every 10 people, 2 are go-getters that are really good with money, 4 of those are okay with money, and 4 of them are lazy bastards. We seperate ourselves into classes because there are 3 kinds of people, the ambitious, the middle "just tryin to get by" types, and the flat out lazy. Therefore the 2 go-getters out of the 10 will end up controlling most of the wealth, the 4 in the middle will have enough wealth to get by, and the last 4 will live in consistent poverty for generations.
We get to a point where a few people own most of the money, and they then use that money to lobby government so that they can make more money, because why not? This becomes corporatism and brings rise to oligarchs. It is at this point that pure capitalism fails and controls must be put, not just to stop go-getters from making money (nothing can stop them) but to try and make it so that companies (like BP) don't cut every corner just to grow their bottom line. We have controls so that we don't have 80 hourwork weeks were we have 14 year old kids working factories for .15 cents an hour with no benefits or healthcare.
We gotta have a blend here in America for it to work, but finding the balance is difficult and something we struggle with daily. I also think it has gone too far left, to the point where it is overly burdensome for the little guy, meanwhile all the big tycoons are exempted or otherwise able to get around the law. Case in point, look at PACT. The cig companies are making out like bandits with this new tobaco regulation while the little snus manufacturers (Who have the superior product) are shut out. That is anti-capitalism because the better product that is offered at a low price now finds itself in a position where the free market does it no good since regulation makes it over-burdernsom to turna profit.
We just need to find our balance again.