Is the Impeachment of Barack Obama Moving Forward?

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  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090

    Originally posted by Owens187 View Post
    There really is one hell of a big difference between Sgreger1 and Wa3zrm though, and its not really fair to "lump" them together.

    At least sgreger has INPUT on the things he posts. He states his view and is willing to participate in coherant conversation about a topic. Wa3zrm just mindlessly-mass-posts all kinds of sh*t and then dissapears from the thread, and never says a damn thing about it again, which kind of annoys me.

    Don't get me wrong, they're both good people, and I have nothing against either one, but the spamming/post whoring or whateveryouwanttocallit by wa3zrm seems to be pissing off a lot of folks lately, myself included. I mean, sgregers posts dont bother me at all, and I enjoy reading them, but anymore I dont even click on anything posted by wa3zrm.

    I also firmly agree that like most other forums, we need a seperate Politics and Religion section for the people that do want to "go there".


    You captured my thoughts exactly.

    Sgreger1 is atleast willing to invest some time and debate his viewpoints so even if you don't agree with him atleast you understand why he believes what he does.


    • deadohsky
      • Nov 2009
      • 625

      Originally posted by Owens187 View Post
      There really is one hell of a big difference between Sgreger1 and Wa3zrm though, and its not really fair to "lump" them together.

      At least sgreger has INPUT on the things he posts. He states his view and is willing to participate in coherant conversation about a topic. Wa3zrm just mindlessly-mass-posts all kinds of sh*t and then dissapears from the thread, and never says a damn thing about it again, which kind of annoys me.

      Don't get me wrong, they're both good people, and I have nothing against either one, but the spamming/post whoring or whateveryouwanttocallit by wa3zrm seems to be pissing off a lot of folks lately, myself included. I mean, sgregers posts dont bother me at all, and I enjoy reading them, but anymore I dont even click on anything posted by wa3zrm.

      I also firmly agree that like most other forums, we need a seperate Politics and Religion section for the people that do want to "go there".


      Well said Owens.

      There should be a separate section for the politics and religion. It would cut down on a lot of drama and anger some people seem to be feeling. I also just ignore wa3zrm posts so the problem i have with that is it pushes interesting threads back and off the front page so they have a harder time getting a good discussion going it seems.


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        One's news, and one's commentary.


        • Fightin Phils
          • May 2009
          • 74

          I can't believe anyone could be a left wing Nancy Pelosi democrat and a do realize that if Pelosi, Obama, et al, have their way, your snus will be gone, or at least taxed into oblivion? I'm not saying everyone should be right wing republicans either, but I just don't see how anyone who values personal freedom to consume tobacco products could support this administration and left-wing Big Brother-type government.


          • Premium Parrots
            Super Moderators
            • Feb 2008
            • 9758

            "Good night, Chet. Good night, David. And good night, for SnusOn News."
            "Stay tuned for Lawrence Welks Polka Party coming up next"

            And the Peabody Award for "Outstanding Achievement in News" goes to wa3zrm

            a one and a two and a...........
            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by Fightin Phils View Post
              I can't believe anyone could be a left wing Nancy Pelosi democrat and a do realize that if Pelosi, Obama, et al, have their way, your snus will be gone, or at least taxed into oblivion? I'm not saying everyone should be right wing republicans either, but I just don't see how anyone who values personal freedom to consume tobacco products could support this administration and left-wing Big Brother-type government.

              Both sides want to tax it, republicans are no longer the party of small government they once were. I'm not sure what's worse, Obama taxing Tobacco or Bush spying on me while I take a shit with no warrant, then dissapearing me into a secret prison. Oh wait, rendition and the patriot act is also approved by Obama. Can't win either way.

              My new moto: We can't win, the government has become corrupt and the democratic process has failed because people with more money than I can lobby the government. Their money speaks louder than my vote, therefore, since I can't do anything I am just removing myself from the broken system as much as possible so when they continue f*cking it up, it will effect me less. I'm paying down all my debt and then wiring my house to be more energy efficient, then starting a garden. It's all we can do now, because votes don't matter anymore and both parties are corrupt.


              • deadohsky
                • Nov 2009
                • 625

                sgreger1, I have recently been 'converted' to this general train of thought. One of the reasons i don't ever see myself voting, in my view, it just doesn't matter. Whoever 'they' want as their poster boy will get the office. I have no say in that.


                • Owens187
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 1547

                  Originally posted by deadohsky View Post
                  sgreger1, I have recently been 'converted' to this general train of thought. One of the reasons i don't ever see myself voting, in my view, it just doesn't matter. Whoever 'they' want as their poster boy will get the office. I have no say in that.
                  Sad, but very true.


                  • bsd777
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 261

                    Originally posted by shikitohno View Post
                    As others have said, there's maybe have a dozen liberal people who post in these threads, and they're hardly radical, with the exclusion of Faust. Search some of his posts, and you'll see what I mean, and probably like the rest of us a little bit more. As for news, you know they cover American politics in the news in other countries too, right? I'm not seeing any mention of it on English, Japanese, or Canadian papers that are published in English, and they keep tabs on important events in US politics since they have important business interests in the country. It could simply be another case of only Fox covering a story not because others are too liberal to cover it, but because other papers and sites practice something called journalistic integrity. You're not going to get the whole story from one source my friend. You should try and have at least two, because it's rare that the truth is reported entirely in just one. More often the truth lies in the omissions and statements common to multiple sources of differing opinion and slant. And I'd vouch for the NY Times over Fox any day. At the very least, aside from more diverse content and coverage, they beat Fox handily in a google fight for the search "(insert source) wins awards."
                    I'm a little late, just caught some of this. There doesn't seem to be a shortage of liberal extremists on this board. Che, Castro etc. were/are murderous thieves, punks., with no redeeming value. I don't watch much tv, but when I do, I watch Fox News. Much better coverage than ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC or CNN. These are all very biased as are most newspapers, including the New York Times, which is an absolute piece of crap. Pravda is better. The Wallstreet Journal is the only worthwhile paper. They employ these guys, I think they call them "reporters". They'll speak to various people to find out what happened and report those facts. It's crazy, I know. You'd be hard pressed to spot the writer's bias. On the other hand, every article in USA Today and the New York Times has a clear bias, usually to the left.


                    • LaZeR
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 3994

                      Originally posted by bsd777 View Post
                      I'm a little late, just caught some of this. There doesn't seem to be a shortage of liberal extremists on this board. Che, Castro etc. were/are murderous thieves, punks., with no redeeming value. I don't watch much tv, but when I do, I watch Fox News. Much better coverage than ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC or CNN. These are all very biased as are most newspapers, including the New York Times, which is an absolute piece of crap. Pravda is better. The Wallstreet Journal is the only worthwhile paper. They employ these guys, I think they call them "reporters". They'll speak to various people to find out what happened and report those facts. It's crazy, I know. You'd be hard pressed to spot the writer's bias. On the other hand, every article in USA Today and the New York Times has a clear bias, usually to the left.
                      +1 I couldn't have put it better myself.


                      • daruckis
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 2277

                        Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
                        +1 I couldn't have put it better myself.
                        thats because that paragraph cant be summed up with a monkey or titty picture.


                        • danielan
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 1514

                          Originally posted by daruckis View Post
                          thats because that paragraph cant be summed up with a monkey or titty picture.


                          • Roo
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 3446

                            bsd777, your comments about the forum having no shortage of liberal extremists and the like has been met with the bewilderment of many regular posters here. With all due respect I think your stance on the matter just indicates how far "right" you are if you perceive this forum to be so far to the "left". Start another poll, maybe. It has been done before but with a lot of new members it might yield some different results.


                            • bsd777
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 261

                              Originally posted by Roo View Post
                              bsd777, your comments about the forum having no shortage of liberal extremists and the like has been met with the bewilderment of many regular posters here. With all due respect I think your stance on the matter just indicates how far "right" you are if you perceive this forum to be so far to the "left". Start another poll, maybe. It has been done before but with a lot of new members it might yield some different results.
                              A new poll? Not really my bag, but perhaps someone will? My comment is a response to Che avatars, posters complimenting Pelosi, complementing Che and criticizing Fox News. Che was a murderous thug and thief. I find it absolutely amazing that any sane individual would feel the need to quote him. I find no more redemptive qualities in his utterances than I would in Hitlers, tho I'm certain he too was capable of an epiphany, now and then. Pelosi has no redeeming value either, tho she is slightly better, in that she hasn't resorted to murder to implement her theft. I've never been a fan of using popularity to prove merit, but since we are arguing extremism, it should be noted that 10% of America approves of Ms Pelosi. I'd suggest that puts her fans in the extreme liberal category. Fox news is the most popular news outlet in America, by a wide margin (imagine how many would watch if they could, if they received the channel?). IF an individual really thinks ONE channel, which finally provides Americans with the news, without a liberal elitist slant, IS the problem and feel compelled to criticize this ONE channel, YOU might be a far left wing extremist. Just maybe. Doesn't it bother anyone else, that Pravda leans more to the right than our main stream media? I understand the way many of these poor souls feel, I used to be one of them. I'm here to help. It's time to wake up!


                              • tom502
                                • Feb 2009
                                • 8985

                                I get my news from the KCNA.

