Is the Impeachment of Barack Obama Moving Forward?

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  • endity
    • Jan 2010
    • 35

    Agreed. Although I suppose the systematic murder of millions doesn't bother me as much as anything else. I guess I have grown to be custom to only love and care for the ones that are important to me some family members ect. There is not much we can do as a people anymore unless we can somehow start getting away from our jobs, which I know I could not go for a week to a rally of any type because I need to stay here and make money to barely scrape by. Its almost so ****ed how squelched I feel on being able to truly do something Maybe it will get better, maybe it will get worse all that is certain is I will die being free.


    • danielan
      • Apr 2010
      • 1514

      Originally posted by cthulu23 View Post
      Point taken. When it comes down to it, though, I'm less likely to frequent a site where Nazi references draw less reaction than a mention of Nancy Pelosi. I suppose that the zeitgeist of any particular place is too amorphous to lay at the feet of any individual or group but that does not change the nature of its character. I realize that I'm beginning to play the role of the naysayer, which is another internet persona that is tedious and far too common, so perhaps I should leave it at that.
      I don't disagree, but Nancy Pelosi probably deserves more of a reaction then a "closet Nazi" who likes the DPRK.

      I should explain that.

      What Nancy Pelosi does, says, etc has more of an impact then what a lone-_______ (insert your own noun) spouting off on the Internet has.

      There's a point to talking about current events.

      At least more of a point then debating failed ideologies with the delusional. Which, while fun when you are bored, isn't productive in any way.


      • bsd777
        • Nov 2009
        • 261

        Originally posted by cthulu23 View Post
        Speaking personally, I'm much more offended by the systematic murder of millions of people, not to mention the instigation of the worst tragedy in human history, than I am by the latest occupant of the White House (or the last). By the way, the Nazi's weren't actually socialists, the party just started out with that name before it was co-opted by Hitler and his ilk (Hitler believed that communism, like everything else he disagreed with, was a Jewish plot). I understand that all power is coercive and all that but let's not go too far with the equivocation.
        My thoughts, about what happened, change nothing. So I'm actually more offended by Obama and his ilk. Unlike Hitler, he will affect my daughter's future. With that in mind, arguing about semantics is probably pointless, but I think you are wrong. I think they called it national socialism, because it was. It was increased state control of almost all aspects of life and industry and crony capitalism (GE anyone?), just as we have now. He controls banks and auto companies and seeks to control information and will achieve this through regulation. His FCC wants to tax Internet news linking sites (like Drudge) and distribute the funds mainstream "news" organizations. As if mainstream news were not already biased enough.


        • cthulu23
          New Member
          • Jun 2010
          • 8

          Originally posted by danielan View Post
          What Nancy Pelosi does, says, etc has more of an impact then what a lone-_______ (insert your own adjective) spouting off on the Internet has.

          There's a point to talking about current events.

          At least more of a point then debating failed ideologies with the delusional. Which, while fun when you are bored, isn't productive in any way.
          As a proponent of free speech, i can't disagree with that. It does not, however, change the number of "WTFs" generated per minute by an "impeach Obama" thread. Truth be told, I'm sick of naive, macho, political posturing on the internet so maybe you guys just had the bad luck of being one of the only forums that I frequent with any regularity. I'm not very good at online arguments, which could be due to the limitations of the medium as well as my tendency to quickly get sick of listening to myself...if only everyone online suffered from the same affliction


          • cthulu23
            New Member
            • Jun 2010
            • 8

            Originally posted by bsd777 View Post
            My thoughts, about what happened, change nothing. So I'm actually more offended by Obama and his ilk. Unlike Hitler, he will affect my daughter's future. With that in mind, arguing about semantics is probably pointless, but I think you are wrong. I think they called it national socialism, because it was. It was increased state control of almost all aspects of life and industry and crony capitalism (GE anyone?), just as we have now. He controls banks and auto companies and seeks to control information and will achieve this through regulation. His FCC wants to tax Internet news linking sites (like Drudge) and distribute the funds mainstream "news" organizations. As if mainstream news were not already biased enough.
            One can choose their own nomenclature regardless of the historical record but that does not make it factual. The lack of regulation is just as dangerous as its overabundance. The mainstream news is biased towards the corporate oligarchy that controls all of it, not some mythical socialist vanguard that does not exist in this century.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by bsd777 View Post
              That's just wrong. But I'm strangely intrigued, trying to decipher the artists point.

              Hint: The things people believe and invest themselves in are no more than fairy tales.


              • bsd777
                • Nov 2009
                • 261

                Originally posted by cthulu23
                One can choose their own nomenclature regardless of the historical record but that does not make it factual. The lack of regulation is just as dangerous as its overabundance. The mainstream news is biased towards the corporate oligarchy that controls all of it, not some mythical socialist vanguard that does not exist in this century.
                I just pulled this from Wikipedia "Nazis declared support for a form of socialism that is to provide for the nation: economic security, social welfare programs for workers, a just wage, honour for workers' importance to the nation, and protection from capitalist exploitation

                I don't believe anyone "controls" the the media. I know it's a popular belief, but I don't subscribe to it. Obviously, corporate sponsors will influence coverage, but that's not the same as control. The mythic socialist exists within the social activist, masquerading as an objective reporter e.g. Helen Thomas, Dan Rather, Keith Olbermann etc. (generally most MSM)


                • bsd777
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 261


                  • cthulu23
                    New Member
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 8

                    And that, folks, is a rap. Thanks for being a good audience and maybe I'll see ya around some time. Probably not.


                    • danielan
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 1514

                      Originally posted by cthulu23 View Post
                      if only everyone online suffered from the same affliction


                      • cthulu23
                        New Member
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 8

                        Originally posted by bsd777 View Post
                        Wow, the smoking gun. I'm sure they were going from her B-day celebration to a local socialist workers meeting. Keep fighting the good fight against the fairy commies and thanks for reminding me of why I don't have enough time for this bullshit.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Cthulu, please take another look through the posts here on snuson, we have had the "why nazi's are bad" discussion many times. I am a fierce proponent against national socialism and have called several people out on it.

                          That being said, I knew who you were talking about was Tom, don't take his words at face value because what he sees as national socialism is completely different than what Hitler wanted. He has a very unique view on things but even he says that those systems never worked, but that he likes the ideas behind them. Trust me, he is no nazi sympathizer and is actually a great guy.

                          And anytime you see something outrageous, go ahead and post your rebuttal, that's the fun of it, no one person has any more clout than another because this is the internet. A lot of people label Obama a socialist but fail to see that we have adopted several aspects of socialism in this country for a long time. What he is doing is nothing new and ironically he has reneged on most of his campaign promises and actually ended up doing a lot of what Mccain ran on. This last election (like most elections lately) has been a choice between two guys that suck. This is the american way.


                          • Roo
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 3446

                            cthulu23, it is no longer worth my wind to raise issue with at least one member here. I've been through it too many times. Maybe when no one spoke up we were just sick of it, or have come to expect some shit that is really far out there and didn't respond out of boredom with the issue. I've learned to not let 1 or 2 people get in the way of the reasons I like this forum. Stick around, you seem like a smart guy.


                            • bsd777
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 261

                              Originally posted by cthulu23 View Post
                              Wow, the smoking gun. I'm sure they were going from her B-day celebration to a local socialist workers meeting. Keep fighting the good fight against the fairy commies and thanks for reminding me of why I don't have enough time for this bullshit.
                              Some people are visual learners.

                              "We deeply regret Helen Thomas' remarks, which in no way reflect the views of Hearst Newspapers" Unbelievable, THEIR report's views do not reflect the views of the paper.


                              • sgreger1
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 9451

                                Originally posted by Roo View Post
                                cthulu23, it is no longer worth my wind to raise issue with at least one member here. I've been through it too many times. Maybe when no one spoke up we were just sick of it, or have come to expect some shit that is really far out there and didn't respond out of boredom with the issue. I've learned to not let 1 or 2 people get in the way of the reasons I like this forum. Stick around, you seem like a smart guy.

                                If I went through life trying to cordon myself off from everyone who disagreed with me, I would be forced to live in the jungle. When I go on the internet, I know that there are 1,802,330,457 other people who also have the internet, therefore I do not log on expecting everything to be custom tailored to me, nor do I expect it to sound like an echo chamber of my beliefs. This is the same when I go out into public, I doubt everyone shares my political views, doesn't make me stop buying starbucks just because they'r a bunch of hippies, I like their coffee so I keep coming back. These are basic life skills people.

