Israel stations nuclear missile subs off Iran

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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696



    • GoVegan
      • Oct 2009
      • 5603

      Way to dig up an old political thread! Bush's fault all the way!


      • Mordred
        • Dec 2009
        • 342

        Originally posted by ProudMarineDad View Post
        I believe the Holy Bible is the inerrant Word of God so that is the basis of my point of view.

        I think our country would be in better shape if we had more leaders that thought the same way.
        I would strongly disagree here.


        • shikitohno
          • Jul 2009
          • 1156

          I'd have to agree with you Modred. The Old Testament is basically one long story of the creation, numerous falls and recreations (seriously, the Isrealites should have learned by the fourth time they'd forsaken god and been enslaved) of a rather draconian, theocratic state. Then you get to the New Testament, and Jesus has a better track record of not acting like a complete despot. But then he bounces up to heaven and the apostles ruin the whole damn thing by resurrecting that despotic streak. Those who believe are of course free to do so, but as far as I'm concerned any religion so rigidly dogmatic and exceptionalist is inherently incompatible with democracy. Yes, there are plenty of Christians out there who manage to be good people and don't try to turn the US into a Christian version of Saudi Arabia, but they do so by jumping through ridiculous hoops. "Ah don't be silly! It's the literal, inerrant word of god, but not in that passage there. And no, not in that other one, either."

          As a pre-emptive note, for those who do believe, please don't do what others do and assume I've never read The Bible just because I don't believe in it. It's been a while since I've gone through the gospels. but on this reading of it, I'm stuck at Sirach and bored to tears. How this got called "The Greatest Story Ever Written" is a mystery to me. Perhaps it's much better for those who believe, but having no faith in it, it leaves me completely cold. For old religious literature, I'd much rather read through the Ramayana. The only books that win any points for me are Esther and Revelations, and even those two are surpassed by any number of other works, in my opinion.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by shikitohno
            "Ah don't be silly! It's the literal, inerrant word of god, but not in that passage there. And no, not in that other one, either."


            • CoderGuy
              • Jul 2009
              • 2679

              Originally posted by lxskllr
              LMAO!! Love it. Gotta share that with my facebook friends.


              • Kaplan
                • May 2011
                • 203

                Originally posted by bsd777 View Post
                How did I miss this thread all full of crap? Giving Proud Marine Dad crap because he believes the bible? Those giving, I'll go out on a limb here, and guess are probably religious fanatics themselves. Their religion? Liberalism and environmentalism. The former, clearly a mental illness, the later, a group-think cult.
                Stolen right out of Ann Coulter's book. Group-think, huh....


                • shikitohno
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 1156

                  Bsd777 was about as dogmatic a follower of that camp as they come. Basically the right-wing JudgeFaust as far as I'm concerned. I think it was him in the evolution thread trying to cite Ann Coulter as an expert on evolution, and then accusing those who rejected her qualifications to speak on the matter as part of some liberal, academic conspiracy to marginalize anyone who holds conservative views. Never mind that she doesn't hold a degree in anything remotely connected to evolution, we're all just a bunch of dirty liberals conveniently ignoring a "well thought out rebuttal of evolution," simply because it disagrees with our ideas. Could be wrong, though, it may have been someone else. That was a fun thread, until Snusdog came in and dropped the metaphysics bomb on us all.


                  • Kaplan
                    • May 2011
                    • 203

                    Originally posted by shikitohno
                    Bsd777 was about as dogmatic a follower of that camp as they come. Basically the right-wing JudgeFaust as far as I'm concerned. I think it was him in the evolution thread trying to cite Ann Coulter as an expert on evolution, and then accusing those who rejected her qualifications to speak on the matter as part of some liberal, academic conspiracy to marginalize anyone who holds conservative views. Never mind that she doesn't hold a degree in anything remotely connected to evolution, we're all just a bunch of dirty liberals conveniently ignoring a "well thought out rebuttal of evolution," simply because it disagrees with our ideas. Could be wrong, though, it may have been someone else. That was a fun thread, until Snusdog came in and dropped the metaphysics bomb on us all.
                    I'll have to look up that evolution thread. I've read Ann Coulter's attack on evolution (from the same book he stole the "liberalism is a form of mental illness" quote from) and she stole her entire argument, every little bit of it, from the IDers (Intelligent Design), which wouldn't be so bad, but she was clearly representing it as her argument based on her hard research. I suspect she couldn't care less about any of these issues she champions, she just likes this persona she's created. It's fun. She's one goofy broad. You gotta love her recent comment that the Right's blacks are better than the Left's...LOL.


                    • truthwolf1
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 2696

                      bsd777 was a pretty vigilant anti-semite labeler and also one to guard against anyone looking into the box.
                      DONT LOOK IN THE BOX BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE!!! Hey, sorry.. I guess I like a little Icke because it is refreshing in my fixed reality. There was a great line in there that went something like, "we dont need to wipe out the Russian people for the idea of Communism, just the idea. This could be said about both Israel and Iran in my view.

                      THe buzz seems to be leaning towards a war with IRAN and I dont like it.



                      • sirloot
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 2607

                        War ...... War never changes

                        I like the Lasse fair policy of old

                        If we are not directly threatened why get involved in conflict. I think the majoraty of US citizens would rather not have several ongoing conflicts. Why force values on others when they may not want/or even need it. Like many have said why do we needlessly fund others when we have many Issues Domesticly that need fixed

                        Aka Keep your own house clean before you worry about your Neighbors

                        The lack of true liberty in this country astounds me daily.


                        • shikitohno
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 1156

                          A war with Iran would be pretty silly, really. Iran is a relatively small threat that's been hyped to death by the media. They have no allies in any position to help them in a prolonged war, not to mention an increasingly unpopular government. For them to launch a war would be suicide, and they know it. Even if the US didn't react, you can bet the first wrong step they make, Israel would be all over them. And while I don't particularly like their government, the Israelis know how to win a war. And because Iran knows how screwed they would be if it came to war, it doesn't really make sense to actually bother with doing it. The Iranians say/do a few things to deliberately provoke the West or Israel all the time. We take aggressive postures without following up on it, Ahmadinejad uses it as proof that the West is scared of him in order to demonstrate his power to the people, and everyone goes home happy. Then the media comes in and tells everyone an exagerrated story of how big a threat Iran is, while completely ignoring how screwed Iran would be if it tried to live up to the threats.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by shikitohno
                            A war with Iran would be pretty silly, really. Iran is a relatively small threat that's been hyped to death by the media. They have no allies in any position to help them in a prolonged war, not to mention an increasingly unpopular government. For them to launch a war would be suicide, and they know it. Even if the US didn't react, you can bet the first wrong step they make, Israel would be all over them. And while I don't particularly like their government, the Israelis know how to win a war. And because Iran knows how screwed they would be if it came to war, it doesn't really make sense to actually bother with doing it. The Iranians say/do a few things to deliberately provoke the West or Israel all the time. We take aggressive postures without following up on it, Ahmadinejad uses it as proof that the West is scared of him in order to demonstrate his power to the people, and everyone goes home happy. Then the media comes in and tells everyone an exagerrated story of how big a threat Iran is, while completely ignoring how screwed Iran would be if it tried to live up to the threats.

                            Yah I have to echo Shikitohno's sentiments here. I think this is all hype. Iran is in no position to get into a war, and I think for the most part the Israeli's are trying to use this hype in their favor to allow them to finally get away with taking a swipe at Iran. For Iran's sake I hope they decide not to, because Israel would slap Iran like a bitch, but sadly we would end up getting dragged into it too which I think is a terrible idea.

                            As for the religion thing, Christians remind me of Muslims who are like "lolwut, Muzlims are totally peacefull yo, only those whacko extremists interpret the Koran that way man! Muhammod preaches peace". It's just so disconnected from the reality of what is written in plain black and white. They pick and choose which parts to follow, some follow the good parts like loving thy neighbor, and some follow the bad parts like kill all infidels. Christians are the same, the bible mandates that one live a life completely contradicting the western way of living, yet Christians are under the impression that the West was somehow built on Christianity. Most of the country has always been christian due to where we came from, but absolutely nothing in Christianity is actually compatible with Western democracy, and for the most part christians have picked and choose which parts of the bible to prop up as the word of god, and which parts to push aside as "well you can't read that literally".

                            A new movement a lot of people on reddit are doing that I fully support is buying a rubber stamp to stamp on every treasury note that circulates through your wallet, which covers up the "In God we Trust" nonsense they decided to start printing on there in the 50's. For those who have not read a history book, America's motto is E Pluribus Unim, or "From many, one". An example of such a stamp is as follows:


                            Here's a 1950's bill prior to them putting "In God We Trust" on it to scare the communists:



                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by sgreger1
                              A new movement a lot of people on reddit are doing that I fully support is buying a rubber stamp to stamp on every treasury note that circulates through your wallet, which covers up the "In God we Trust" nonsense they decided to start printing on there in the 50's. For those who have not read a history book, America's motto is E Pluribus Unim, or "From many, one". An example of such a stamp is as follows:
                              Ya know, I really like that. It doesn't make a damned bit of difference in the end, but I'd feel better with every bill I stamped. It's like a spirit supplement that slowly improves your soul over time :^)


                              • shikitohno
                                • Jul 2009
                                • 1156

                                Interesting idea there with the currency. Wonder how long it will take some news organizations to pick up on it and start running a story about reddit's war on Jesus.


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